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  1. ...but not the individual's right to create. Somehow all mindsets are welcome and equal, but some midsets are more equal than others, eh? And I don't advocate removing all rights. I'm just suggesting that public domain should be the default state of any work published on the Nexus — but, of course, we don't want the authors' rights to be violated, so, of course, there should be a checkbox or button for them to say MINE DON'T TOUCH. I'm just saying that right should not be verbatim and must come with responsibilities to your creation.
  2. The rules are made and enforced by people of one particular mindset, though. Which means, for example, you being expressly forbidden to continue an abandoned work if its creator didn't leave any contact details. Rights should only come with responsibilities. Otherwise, it's too easy to abuse them, sometimes to no gain for anybody.
  3. Don't get me wrong, I'm all pro-choice in pretty much everything. Still, I think the creation is more important than the creator (not ultimately so, of course; no need to invent extreme cases to prove otherwise), and steps must be taken to ensure that creation's availability and continuation, so that making something private would be a matter of choice, as opposed to making something public like it is now. Ideally, the author should have a choice to make the creation private, but the default state of it should be "free-for-all" except for fringe cases.
  4. Oh, Nexus is perfectly able to enforce stuff, and does it from time to time, too. But, perhaps, it was a bad choice of words nevertheless. Still, I wouldn't call public domain premise a draconian enforcement (in practice, it's just the contrary). I understand private property is something like a sacred cow to most, but people have, at the very least, recognize it as such and draw distinct borders.
  5. It would indeed, so I'm saying it just should be stated in the ToS that posting your work here means agreeing to release it into the public domain. No claims, no convenient ambiguity: you post it here, you release it, plain and simple.
  6. Reminds me of drama often sparking up in the furry community: "oh noes, %username% used my character's likeness, SUE THE HERETIC!". In my opinion, Nexus should add a few lines to its ToS, declaring all mods published here released into the public domain de jure and internally enforcing only two sensible rights of a mod author: a) To be credited for their work and b) To have the deciding vote in whether their creation can be used as a part of a commercial product — so that outside those two issues, public domain rule would apply in any disputed case.
  7. Team Fortress 2. Playing it ever since Orange Box. Unreal Tournament Classic, which I was playing before Team Fortress 2. And Quake 2, which I was playing before Unreal Tournament Classic. Homeworld 2. Remastered version is also quite good; I was afraid they'd butcher it after seeing (or, rather, hearing) that abysmal trailer. Heroes of Might&Magic 3. Sure, 4 has better music, and 5 has more of everything, but better music doesn't equal better game, as well as more stuff. Fallout 2 (then Vegas, then 4, but 4 is there only because of settlement building; honestly, it's what has saved the game from failing miserably). FTL: AE with Captain's Edition bulk mod. Europa Universalis 3 and 4, and also Crusader Kings 2 Mass Effect 1 and 2 (3 wasn't bad just because of the ending, it was all bad. Andromeda? It's trying to be the new ME1, but is too obviously a bad console port to pull that off) As for TES series, I still like Daggerfall the most, even though I saw Arena first. Skyrim is passable. Oblivion is horrible, and Morrowind is just a revolting pit of low-poly mushrooms, insects and squalor. X-Com: UFO Defense. Yes, just the first game. Everything that followed was a varying degree of crap, except probably Xenonauts. Oh, and Stronghold, of course. Didn't like the Crusader addon much, but everything that followed was just awful, except for passable Stronghold Crusader 2 — but it doesn't have a full campaign, and has very limited strategic options, so, not as good as the first game. Honourable mention: Freelancer.
  8. A system offering tangible rewards for best mod authors would be nice on the first approach. However. Current sorting system is ill-suited to find the best quality in mods. Just look at what gathers most endorsements: skimpy, sexual, otherwise adult content — and huge-ass "supermarket mods" like OCDecorator and Skibadaa's Weapons Collection that come with all sorts of compatibility issues attached, up to being borderline unusable (yes, I'm looking at you, Weaponsmith Extended). Small mods that do small, but necessary things lie in ignorance, just because they don't attract a swarm of horny teenagers. Or — which is the other problem — because they are not the first of their kind. They might do their job better, but they weren't there first, so they will almost never reach the number of endosements the headliners did, often even after those very headliners are no longer updated. Solution for this (weekly/monthly selection of handpicked mods) brings upon another problem: to make yourself visible, you need to cater to specific tastes of whoever doing the handpicking. Which, again, doesn't necessarily spell quality. So, all in all, while monetary rewards can be done despite all that bethesda's bullshit about paid mods (as I mentioned earlier, it can be a recurring event with awards for winners), those rewards will very rarely come to the right people. Thus, I personally advise against instituting such a system.
  9. colonel4, that one would do well, although I'm against real-world month names ^_^ Good lead, anyway, I'll try to port that one to skyrim. Maybe I'll even succeed.
  10. I wonder, why snow leopards aren't included with other felines in the poll? ^_^
  11. Requesting an ingame clock mod, that will turn skyrim's american 12-hr clock into european 24-hr. From what I've seen, making a script to echo current game time in 24-hr format is pretty easy, so it must be possible. The key is replacing the existing clock with it, which might be problematic, as I haven't found anything on the matter. Still, maybe some of the modders would like a challenge? Or just explain to me why it's impossible? Please? ^_^ P.S: Sorry for the previous topic.
  12. As far as I can see, there is no mod which makes the ingame clock display time in 24-hour format, and those am/pm things are quite confusing. Hence, $10 (possibly more, depending on whether it will work everywhere in the game, no just on inventory/map screens) will go to a modder who'll be able to replace the original ingame clock with 24-hr one.
  13. You are an lv1. You hit a hurlock for 15hp out of his total 100hp. Well, you've just begun, so it's okay you don't do or tank much damage. You're an lv8. You hit a hurlock for 60hp... out of his total 400! hp. Now what the heck is this?.. What's the point of high damage if enemies instantly get buffed with a proportional hunk of hp? Vice versa applicable, too. Now, seriously, it's just ridiculous how a mere genlock archer survives a full Fireball (explosion + afterburn) cast by a level 9 mage with 40 magic. So, I'd absolutely LOVE if someone would tell me how to cut out that annoying enemy catch-up from game. Or at least make it work both ways, so I can kill a revenant on lv1 just as good as on lv10.
  14. That means roughly a bit less than one entry per each armor per each energy weapon. A shitload of work to say the least; also, incompatible with any possible energy weapons that may appear in the future. There must be a way to remove the stats, not circumvent them.
  15. Psycho adds flat +25% damage via a pre-scripted effect. Shotgun Surgeon uses Entry Point - Modify Damage Threshold (attacker). I need to decrease enemy Damage Resistance, not Damage Threshold. And there is no pre-scripted effect for lowering the DR, as there are no Entry Points for it, too. Like, enemy is using Tesla armor that adds DR against energy weapons. I need PC's weapons - all of them, but only as long as they are used by PC - to ignore this resistance.
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