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Everything posted by ogauge5

  1. That appears to be exacly what I need, with exactly how to do it! You guys laid out the methods in perfect clear detail. Wonderful! I figured someone might have tried to do that before. Thanks much!!!
  2. Hey I am trying to make a weapon with object modfication attachments that are unique ammunitions with special properties for multiple calibers (50 bmg explosive, 50 bmg incendiary, 45 acp armor piercing, 45 acp hollow point, etc.) to require certain receivers corresponding to different ammo calibers (50 bmg versus 45 acp) before the specific special ammunition object modifications can be attached to a weapon. For example, I don't want a gun with a 50 bmg reciever to be able to use the 45 hollow point ammunition attachment. In other words I have receivers that switch weapon calibers and damage based on these calibers. I also have ammunition types with special properties corresponding to specific calibers. I want to restrict the ammunition types to the correct caliber receivers. Anyone know of a way to do this? Specifc keyword combinations? I can't figure out how to make one weapon object modification require another object modification be attached. Also I would like to try to make certain weapons eg the minigun require the player to be in power armor in order to wield. I imagine this might require scripting. If so that is beyond my expertise. Thanks for any input.
  3. Huh, well that is interesting. Makes sense. I was told they have to have the same numbers of properties by shadowslasher but I took that to mean I actually had to add blank properties within the list for them to be copied over. Adding blank properties didn't seem to work as the same thing happened. Never realized or considered just changing the count would work without actually adding blank properties themselves. Thankfully many of them have the same numbers. The that do not, I can do manually. As far as the script, if someone were to make something like that I am sure many modders would have a use for it. This is some serious help here. Thanks for the post and for correcting my misassumption!
  4. Another update for anyone that might be curious or in the future has a similar problem. I believe I have figured out what is going on with the problem described above. I am trying to copy multiple elements of the same type of weapon properties, enchantments. Each enchantment has a different effect. However, I don't think you can copy weapon properties to another record if the other record already has the same type of property without overwriting the original property. So by copying an enchantment to a bunch of weapon object mods that previously had NO weapon properties that were of the enchantment type, you can add a single element of that type. However, every subsequent copying does not add a new element but rather overwrites since there is already an element that has that property type in it. Makes sense to prevent duplicates I suppose.
  5. DOH! @Shadowlasher410 Wow, that is a crazy coincidence. I literally just finished that post and then I see yours. I will pm a question I have about the copy function. Essentially it is kind of what I described above.
  6. Ok, So update on this problem. The method zilav describes does kind of work. If I do that method, it will indeed copy one element (e.g. DATA-data/Properties/Property element index 0) within the properties element list index to all of the other object modification files. However, upon trying to copy a different element from the property element list index (e.g. DATA-data/Properties/Property element index 9) the newly copied property element (9) simply overwrites the previously copied property element (0) from the property element list index. So instead of adding another element from the property list index, it just overwrites the one I originally copied. Copying the entire properties element list index, (e.g. DATA-data/Properties) overwrites the Entire properties element list index of the object modification. I need to keep the original property elements of each object modification while adding 6 additional new property elements without overwriting anything. Using the Automation Tools Quick Change copy script for TES5edit (which also works for FO4edit) results in the same conundrum described in the first paragraph of this post.
  7. i may have tried that, but I will try that and see what happens. That may just apply to copying everything from an entire record, eg object modification as opposed to specific properties/fields from that record. Regardless, I am pretty basic as regards to fo4edit, so it may be I overlooked something. I am trying to copy multiple right pane properties to different left pane records. Again this may not be posssible, I don't know. if I were to compare multiple records/object mods, I want to be able to select multiple properties within the first record and copy them to the other compared records at once.
  8. Hello all, I am trying to use fo4edit to copy around 6 object modfication properties from one object modfication to about 250+ other object modifications. i have been trying to find away to mass copy all of the properties to the other object modfications at once to save time. Does anyone know of a way to copy multiple properties at once from one record to multiple other records? A script, some way to select more than one property at once in fo4edit, anything? I have looked and looked for ways to do this but am beginning to believe there isn't a way. That would suck as copying that amount of properties to every object mod would be dragging and dropping over 1500 times.
  9. Does anyone know the exact formula for how fire rate is calculated? I am trying to make real world fire rates for real world guns. An automatic weapon that fires 550 rounds per minute fires around 9 shots per second and empties a 30 round clip in approximately 3.3 seconds. For example if a real world automatic weapon has a fire rate of 550 rounds per minute (excluding reloading) I am unclear how "attack delay" and "fire speed" under DNAM values in weapon properties in FO4edit actually relate to fire rate. Why are there two variables and how do they relate to one another?
  10. Hello all, I seem to be having the texture loading issue where high res textures will not load. I just got the game, installed a bunch of texture mods. Installed enb .291 with enb boost memory tweak enabled under enb local ini. Also have fallout 4 configurator. I also have shadow boost and f4se installed. I use f4se loader to launch the game and was wondering if it conflicted with the enb, though the enb loads. I have tried various tweaks to get it to work such as the enb boost force memory, the mip map tweak, and the configurator degrade/upgrade texture distance tweak. None of it seems to work. System specs Windows 7 Nvidia 780 gtx sli Intel 4770k 16 gigs 1600 mhz ram ssd on which fallout 4 is installed Nvidia drivers 361.75- I believe sli is running as both cards usage changes during the game. This is very frustrating and I am assuming it is due to 3 gigs vram? The game shows it just over 3 gigs vram right before the loading screen ends. Then when the game actually loads the vram usage decreases to between 2 and 2.5. Hasn't gotten near three in game yet but certain vanilla res textures do not load no matter what, such as the vault 111 platform, and house architecture that I have not replaced. The higher res texture mod packs DO appear to be loading, though unsure if all of them are loading in full detail. None have seemed blurry though, only the vanilla textures I haven't replaced.. All settings are ultra except god rays and ssao instead of hbao. The game seems to usually run 60 fps with dips into 40s and then goes back up to 60s. Also accidentally set the fallout cpu high priority tweak in configurator. Hoping that is not the reason, as I do not know how to undo the registry edit. Is their no solution for me? I mean is it not possible to run higher res texture packs and have the vanilla higher res textures load with 3 gb vram? Has anyone encountered the same issue and have any suggestions. I just cannot stand the blurry textures. Killing it for me. I have seen that others have gotten it to work with the enb boost memory patch or mipmap or texture degrade/upgrade distance tweaks, but not of these work for me. I have never seen this in a bethesda game before and almost wonder if it is a purposeful feature to keep fps up. Please if anyone went through this and found solutions, please let me know.
  11. A mod allowing blocks or preferably parries for dueling one handed weapons or one handed weapon/spell. I would prefer parrying as this seems more realistic than being able to strait block a blow for those styles of combat. Or even a mod that would make it so you could unequip a spell in one hand through a hotkey so that you could switch more easily from casting spells to parrying. Getting struck by multiple axe chops to the head seems really unrealistic to me and it kind of kills the immersion of combat if I have to spend 5 minutes in an invertory menu to get back to a sword in the right hand and nothing in the left from wielding a spell in my left. Or does anyone know how to do this?
  12. Damn that's too bad. Oh well. I came late to Oblivion so, I guess I was lucky in that game because there were already a ton of big mods out there for it. Kind of spoiled me for this game. Hopefully at some point somebody will figure out a way to add block/parry or to at least fix the hotkey system. Oh I just realized that I should have started this thread in the mod discussion section. Whoops.
  13. Anyone know if there are any combat overhaul mods out there that allow parries or blocks with a sword in one hand and spell in the other or for duel wields. I don't necessarily need full blocking, but being able to parry blows would be nice/realistic. If not are there any mods out there that you can completely unequip a spell from your hand using hotkeys rather than the inventory menu. Or are there any mods that allow one hand to hotkey unarmed. Getting struck by multiple axe chops to the head seems really unrealistic to me and it kind of kills the immersion of combat if I have to spend 5 minutes in an invertory menu to get back to a sword in the right hand and nothing in the left from wielding a spell in my left. Or does anyone know how to do this?
  14. Ok, First things first. I have Oblivion and it was one of my favorite games of all time. I actually thought combat was ok in vanilla Oblivion, at least the core mechanics were ok. And the mods like Oscuro Oblivion overhaul and Deadly reflex made the combat in Oblivion the best of any game I have ever played. However, Skyrim has completely changed combat, and not for the better in my opinion. I just got this game and I'm already disappointed. From the little I have seen, the content, quest system, world, etc are fine, but combat and favorite/hotkey system are game-breakers for me. It seems as though they tried to take some of the ideas from the aforementioned mods and incorporate them into the new game which is great but they failed in the execution in my opinion. Duel wielding is cool, and I am even ok with having to have a spell in one hand, though that is not preferable to me. But the fact that there is no parry or block for either of those two options is absurd. It completely kills the combat for me. It kills the immersion for me. Standing there and taking constant axe blows to the head while wielding magic and a one handed weapon or duel weapons while spamming attack or power attack is not my idea of melee combat. It would be one thing if they implemented a dodge system that worked frequently but it doesn't even with the light armor perk. Sorry but medieval armor, even plate armor, was no substitute for a shield. If you got a direct blow from a polearm, claymore, or mace to your body, armor or not, you were in serious trouble. So basically, this limits me to a direct melee character who almost never uses magic, a stealth character, or a ranged mage. Three classes. Unlike Oblivion where you could combine disciplines, eg spellsword, there seems to be very limited realistic magic/melee options. And yes I am fully aware that you can easily beat the game while wielding a spell and one handed weapon or duel wielding two one handed weapons. That's not the point. The point is that they have eliminated the flexibility of the combat classes of Oblivion. And yes I am aware that you can switch from spells to shield during combat. However, even in the first combat encounter I realized how much of a pain it is to unequip a spell using the favorite system. Having to pause combat to either go into the inventory or into the favorite menu every time I want to unequip a spell kills the combat for me. The hotkey system is broken, due the fact you cannot unequip a spell. Maybe I was spoiled by Oblivion but to me, Skyrim's combat system is a game breaker. All I can hope is that someone will come out with an overhaul mod like deadly reflex for oblivion. Until then I think Skyrim is shelved for me.
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