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Everything posted by None223

  1. If they don't work with each other, then why did the first couple hours run fine? I even met an abominable mutant (one of the new creatures), in addition to noticing new looks to the old ones. Also, I forgot to mention, these mods aren't on the mod list: Fallout 3 Re-Animated and NMC's texture pack. They don't show up, because they completely override the old textures and animations in the folder. However, I don't think those would be the cause of the problem. Thanks for the help....I hadn't read that there were problems between the two, and I got the ideas from PC Gamer's Top 10 Fallout 3 Mod List, where they listed as using FWE, FOOK, EWE, and MMM together. Well....that patch didn't work. I also tried to get FOSE, but apparently if you run FOSE, you don't get Windows LIVE, which is where my saves are (and I also like talking to friends on Xbox).
  2. My problem is actually quite simple, the only thing I don't understand is what is going wrong? Today, I decided to download a handful of great mods, and try them out on a new save. I made a new character, went through the vault just fine, messed around, did the quest to open the Underground Hideout (a mod), jumped in the Potomac to check out a few boats, found a few, and the game crashed (this means it was running smooth for a couple hours). Now whenever I open any of the saves for that new character, the game crashes during the loading screens. Here's my load order, and what FOMM has to say about it: Mod load order report ! Warning: current load order template contains 290 duplicate entries Fallout3.esm Masterlist Information: $Revision$, $Date$, $LastChangedBy$ Anchorage.esm ThePitt.esm BrokenSteel.esm PointLookout.esm Zeta.esm CALIBR.esm EVE.esm FOOK2 - Main.esm FOOK2 - [*censored*] World And Neighbourhood Kit.esm FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esm Mart's Mutant Mod.esm EWE Energy Weapons Enhanced.esm * The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another. UPP - Pack 1.esp UPP - Pack 2.esp UPP - Original Perks.esp UPP - Experience Perks.esp UPP - Quest Perks.esp Dree Perks.esp Dree Perks Anchorage.esp Dree Perks Broken Steel.esp Dree Perks Mothership Zeta.esp Dree Perks Requested by Fans .esp MoreMapMarkers.esp UndergroundHideout.esp FOOK2 - Main.esp FOOK2 - [EVE] Energy Visuals Enhanced.esp FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esp (Inactive) FOOK2 - Mothership Zeta.esp ! This plugin requires 'fook2 - main.esm and zeta.esm', which was not found MyFOOK2 - No Rape Victims.esp MyFOOK2 - Black & White Tranquility Lane.esp Mart's Mutant Mod.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp EWE Load Order Fix.esp * The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another. EWE Supermutant Energy Weapons.esp * The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another. EWE Stormfront Studios Load Order Fix.esp (Inactive) * The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another. EWE DLC Addon.esp * The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another. Now, when I load any of my previous characters that haven't been launched since the mods were installed, it runs fine. Any suggestions? BTW, Nexus censored an abbreviated word....lulz....
  3. Thanks for the help. I thought Explorer Perk added all map markers as if you've already visited them, and I thought amnesia perk (I -do- have UPP and More Perks Pack) deleted all map markers. Are you sure tmm 1 0 0 shows all map markers, but as if you've never found them?
  4. Ok, I know that I can use the consol command "tmm 1" to show all Map Markers on my Pip-Boy World Map. However, when I use it, it shows all Pip-Boy markers on my map -As if I have already been to them-. Is there a command/mod that I can use that instantly shows all map markers to me, but shows them as if an NPC told you where it was (so its a box with a / in the middle). This way, I can get my bearings, and if I want to go somewhere, I can discover it, but not leave that place just lying on the map for me to never know about. Does that make any sense?
  5. If you need help, I recently went to the DC area (and visited most of these museums) so if someone really gets interested in making one/some of these, I will be glad to help them in any way I can.
  6. I am requesting a modification (that I am currently incapable of) that could add new locations around the Capital Wasteland of historical value. I have quite a list of interesting spots: 1) Museum of the American Indian 2) National Genocide Museum 3) International Spy Musuem 4) Museum of Science (or Natural History) 5) Library of Congress 6) African American Museum 7) Manassas (Bull Run) Battlefield The following could contain items that certain NPCs (and the player) would be interested in. Of course, like other museums in Fallout 3, only certain sections of the museums would not be caved in, but for example, civil war clothing/weaponry (much like that in Point Lookout) could be found in a small museum at Manassas; Espionage equipment (such as stealth boys, stealth armor, special silenced guns) could be found in the Spy Museum, American Indian weaponry (such as spear, axes, tomahawks) could be found in that museum, African war clubs/other weaponry/clothing found there, important documents/books (that Abraham Washington might like) in the Library, ect. I understand this would be a large undertaking, with which I could help in the design (but not he creation) of such a mod. I -have- looked around the nexus for mods like these, but have not found any. I am guessing most of the museums will be found directly off the National Mall, the Spy Museum requiring a subway "ride", the Library requiring some walking, and the Manassas battlefield requiring walking and then an underground walk (like in Broken Steel) to a new outdoor location. Any help, suggestions, or comments would be appreciated! I can bet other people would like a mod like this!
  7. I think we're both confused. I said I wanted a list of all of the perks from UPP with their IDs so that I could manually go in and add them like any other perk using the consol. I never thought about the thing with Jericho, that should probably work. Right now I am going through starting with all mods and going down till there are no mods left on the list to see which one is the problem. I really do not want to lose Anchorage, UPP, and Underground Hideout (I have things there that went away when I deleted it). Problem: Underground Hideout v3.3 Solution: Take everything I left in there and put it in Tenpenny tower (since I can just teleport there, and then go to "movetoqt" and walk back to the cutscene area). This way, I won't lose anything!
  8. It's pretty straightforward. When I am ambushed by the Enclave, and watch the following cutscene, when I am supposed to spawn into Raven Rock, I crash. Mods: Anchorage Point Lookout Broken Steel Mothership Zeta (that crashes when I am teleported up, another issue, just not as major). UPP (all addon perks) Underground Hideout Other mods not active Any suggestions? EDIT: I fixed the problem by removing all mods. However, that means the all the perks I gained using UPP are gone! It also means that my experience in Anchorage is lost, but I don't mind going back in there...xD Does anyone know how I can give myself certain perks that I know I had (or at least want) from the UPP using Consol commands? I don't know where to get the perk IDs.... EDIT 2: Furthermore, ANOTHER bug, is that now that Jericho is back at Megaton, I can't get to him without crashing because the dead "Deputy" that used to stand outside still says his speech, which I believe is the problem. Whenever I try to get close to Jericho, the dumb robot starts talking.
  9. Everyone (hopefully) knows that whenever most non-human creatures are killed, their character is able to search the remains to obtain "Mole Rat" or "Mirelurk" meat (among others). In addition, we know people sell things like "Salsbury Steak" and "InstaMash". Now, most of these give something like +2-6 Rads and +6-12 Health. Now we know that since these were simply found, they must not be cooked! What if the player had the option of cooking food found in the wastes. There are ovens and pressure cookers found around the wastes, so put them to use besides scavenging for parts for those custom weapons. My idea is that when a player walks up to an oven (that is unowned, of course) and crouches next to it, they have the ability to cook food or search for parts. Cooking would most likely not take very long, but it would provide more health that normally, and (possibly) decrease Rads on the food. In addition, since cooking food would become more important, what if people not only sold regular food (which is raw) but also -cooked- food (which would be more expensive, due to the health benefits). Also, wouldn't it be nice to add an oven to your house to know that theres a place in the Wasteland where they can -always- cook food? Just throwing an idea out there, knowing how a lot of people are into -more realistic- and -immersion- mods. I can see this as part of FOOK3......
  10. ISSUE SOLVED! What I did was a system restore back to Thursday Night, which changed anything I had done to my game. My saves were saved (lol) and all I had to do was re-download G.E.C.K. and transfer all of my mods from my Documents to my Fallout 3 folder!
  11. Yeah, would my saves go away if I did that? EDIT: I don't know if this should belong in this thread, so please move it to an appropriate thread if it doesn't belong here. Anyway, I re-downloaded the game (through Steam), but still, when I start the launcher (to apply the mods/addons I want) none of them, even the Fallout.esm doesn't show up. Thus, I cannot load any of my saves (because they are all at least 50% modded, except for my first one which is at the end of the game). Furthermore, FOMM keeps telling me to download .NET framework 2.0 (or 3.0?) and when I download it, it won't work. SO WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?!?!?1 (excuse the CAPS, I'm frustrated.)
  12. Yeah....um......I don't think I'm ever going to get it to work. I downloaded G.E.C.K., and you said to get FOMM I downloaded FOMM, it said to get .NET I downloaded .NET, and it said Error, and exited out. Can someone just open Fallout3.esm, save it as None223'sMod.esp, and upload it/send it to me? EDIT: Oh...and ANOTHER thing..... I had to change the directory of Fallout3.exe when I downloaded GECK, and now.....well... When I open the lancher, I can't see any of my mods/my 4 DLCs...and.... When I click play, it says "cannot find file" When I load Fallout3.exe, I can load my previous saves, but everything related to anything other than the basic Fallout3.esm is gone/missing/Red-Diamonded and White-!-ed. I think my computer is mighty eff'ed up after this morning..... EDIT 1) I opened one of the mods I have downloaded, and saved another version of it under another name. It works now. 2) The version I have was downloaded (through Steam), not bought hardcopy. EDIT 3: Ok, after downloading GECK (again) it works. Now my only problem is getting the FalloutLauncher.exe to recognize that Fallout3.exe is right next to it, or getting Fallout Mod Manager to work (so I can continue my saves with my current/future mods/addons).
  13. Where is a link for the Fallout Mod Manager? I searched for it on this site, and cannot find it. EDIT: Reinstalling did not help, except it crashed around 14%
  14. I don't use FOMM, would disabling them through the main menu have the same effect? Also, are there any other good G.E.C.K. Tutorials around?
  15. First of all, if there is a thread already for this, please show me it. Secondly, umm.....My G.E.C.K. is buggier than a beehive. Following the directions to make a Vault as shown on the Bethesda Tutorial website, I downloaded and installed it. Then I opened it and tried to open Fallout3.esm (like you are supposed to). However, around 19%-24%, it crashes. This happened about 10 times. WHAT DO I DO??!?!?!?! EDIT: Alternately, could someone just make a basic general plug-in for me, to be able to avoid having to load the Fallout3.esm myself?
  16. I found a solution around the Mr. Burke. Start the quest through Lucas Simms, then cheat to get the detonator and put it on there. When you go to Tenpenny, there Burke is, right outside where he should be. Any help with the Oasis quest?
  17. I currently have Patch 1.7, but no mods or addons. During 2 particular quests (so far) when I get to a certain point in the dialouge, my game crashes. 1) Talking to Mr. Burke for the first time to begin the Power of the Atom quest, and take the evil route. 2) Talking to the Talking Tree in the Oasis quest. With Mr. Burke, it crashes when the dialouge begins. With the Talking Tree, it crashes after about the 3rd response. I would like to do these quests..soo.....HELP! (please XD)
  18. On the Filefront, a couple of different housing mods can be found. Bonds Luxury Wasteland Tent: http://fallout3.filefront.com/file/Bonds_Luxury_Wasteland_Tent;105617 (not very realistic) Underground Hideout (a Personal Vault-Tec Vault all for yourself): http://fallout3.filefront.com/file/Underground_Hideout;106827 There are a few more, such as a Portable Matress (if you wish to count that as housing, since it is sleeping) and more portable housing. I haven't seen any more mods other than the vault that add a permanent house for the player.
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