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Posts posted by Skidgeroonie

  1. Assuming you've had a bit of practice with the GECK and know how to make your way around, first find the dialogue that is unvoiced. When you double-click the dialogue, you'll get a more detailed box come up where you can pick audio, animations, mood etc. See below.


    As long as all the conditions are correctly set so the correct voice type will say the dialogue, you'll have the voice types with which should be N N N N across the board. If there is no folder, what I do first is hit record for a second and then hit save. This will create the folder where the voice files need to be for the GECK to read them. Copy the name from Voice Filename and rename the related .wav file and make sure it's in the correct folder. The path is listed in the same box if you get lost.

    For lip files, all you have to do is click the file so it's blue (just like I have done above) and click "From WAV" and then Generate Lip File. Just make sure you download FonixData and put it in the processing file. Also make sure your .wav files are 44100Hz and are mono, otherwise Fallout will struggle to use them. Any more questions, just let me know.

    • Like 1
  2. 18 minutes ago, Radioactivelad said:

    This is unfortunately a limitation of how the dialogue system works. Every Response text must have a unique sound file.

    The "fix" is to rethink how you are writing and presenting the dialogue itself.




    This is all I needed to hear. I know the CK for 4 has a Share function but I wasn't sure if there was just something more hidden here. Thanks for confirming.

  3. Hey guys. Just a quick one. I've been doing some googling and re-reading the old Dialogue tutorials and videos to see if I've missed something but I'm struggling to find an answer.

    I have an NPC who will repeat the same phrase, but I was hoping there was a way to do this without having the same 20 wav files repeating over and over. Please see the crude diagram below of what I'm talking about.


    The NPC response in the middle is what I'm hoping to reuse instead of just copying a wav file. I know it seems like the middle part could just be completely removed, but for the dialogue to make sense, this is how it would have to be. I feel like I'm missing something obvious.



  4. I've just had a scour through animations, and have found;

    • LooseSneezing" (ID 000C850B) and also LoosePickingNose02 (000C850A) which has the user wipe their face with their sleeve.
    • LooseSleepyRubEyes (0008747D) - Could be maybe used? Though it's definitely more of hand-to-eyes.
    • LooseMQ05DrLieWatchesDadA (0007D47D) - A leftover from Fallout 3 has Dr Li's standing animation where she covers her mouth - . Only problem is she shakes her head and covers her eyes after.
    • LooseCryingStandingDialogue (0008C83B) - Face in hands and wiping face with sleeve. Could be a pick?
    • MS09WarmingUp01 (0006EE11) - Is a person crossing their arms to warm themselves up. It could be paired with a cough maybe.
    • LooseGenuineLaughter (00087479) or LooseJollyLaughter (0008747A) - Person laughing, but the animation could be used as a cough.

    I believe all of these are available for use in dialogue for the speaker. I hope something here looks good to you!

  5. Also make sure you have FonixData.cdf in New Vegas/Sound/Voice/Processing. Without that, it won't correctly create lip files.

    As JimboUK said above, they need to be the correct .wav format too, or the GECK can't read it properly. I recommend putting your files into audacity and exporting them again. Here's how the export should look.


  6. I've been working on this same project for a while and I think one of the bigger reasons this wasn't working very well is my script was a MESS. I had hardly anything in the quest script itself and a lot of it was in dialogu begin/ends. Which is fine when you're only running a few things but eventually I was adding more and more and it just seems to be too much. Now I've cleaned up a bit and actually removed the trigger in the building completely, like you suggested.. For anyone who might have stumbled across this thread and wanted to know how to disable weapons in specific areas, I've upgraded to this very simple script.

    if player.getincell CellID ==1
        DisablePlayerControls 0 0 1 0 0 0
        ShowMessage NoWeaponsMessage

    Then I just have a trigger on the door outside to make sure controls are able to be used once you leave. I opted for that over a script so it won't override any other script that tries to disable controls when roaming around the wasteland. I will definitely look into other places that disable weapons. Thanks again!

  7. 1 hour ago, sullyvanj93 said:

    Just as a debugging test, try putting your activator outside the building for now. See if walking into it to disable, then walking into your other script to reenable, then returning to the disable trigger works when removing the interior loading up from the equation.

    Fantastic idea. I've just done that, as seen below.



    The smaller trigger on the train line is to activate weapons, the big one near the building is to disable... and it works! But what I've noticed is there is a slight delay. If I run into both of them in quick succession, it doesn't seem to work. I know there is sometimes a timer on even if you don't set one, so that might be the issue?


    Edit: Okay I think it might be fixed! Not quite the fix I was looking for but it works and that's all that matters.

    I think the issue was the game was trying to run both scripts so quickly, it was cancelling it out. You have to walk through the weapons enable trigger to get inside, and since you immediately spawn inside the trigger, I assume it was just ignoring it, since it was already running one.


    What I've done is move the trigger in and place a wall, so the player won't be able to see around it until the script kicks in. I've only tried it 3-4 times but it's worked every time since. @sullyvanj93 and @Pixelhate I really want to thank you both for helping.

  8. Hey @Pixelhate, thanks for the reply.

    Unfortunately, no. I should have mentioned they were ticked as persisent reference before, I turned them off to see if it might help somehow. Just to confirm, I've turned Persistent Reference on both triggers, but unfortunately it still doesn't work after one time.

  9. Hey guys. I've been trying to work this out but I'm struggling. It feels like a really rookie issue but for some reason, I just can't quite get it to work.


    I have a script attached to a trigger which disables the player from using weapons. The trigger in inside an interior and runs like a dream the first time. There's another trigger outside the door to re-enable the use of weapons which, again, works perfectly. Only problem is, the script will only run once. When you go back into the interior, it doesn't run and the player is free draw weapons and shoot up the place. How can I make this run indefinitely until the trigger/script is disabled? Script below for disabling and the trigger info.

    scn NoDrawInterior
    begin ontriggerenter player
    DisablePlayerControls 0 0 1 0 0 0
    ShowMessage NoWeaponsMessage



    ...and re-enabling.

    scn ReenableWeapons
    begin ontriggerenter player
    EnablePlayerControls 1 1 1 1 1 1



    If anyone can shed any light on this, it'd be much appreciated.


  10. I'm also having the same problem. The only other thing I've tried that you haven't is loading the plug in a completely clean save.


    I have a material swap on a jumpsuit and a robot decal which have survived unscathed. What hasn't survived is a flag, a change on the red shack door and the change to the Wilson sign.


    Edit: I've noticed BAE also isn't working now. Unsure if that's related.

  11. So I checked the workshop scripts but nothing seems much different from base companions. Sending them to settlements is fine, they'll go, sandbox, do work etc no issues. It's mainly sending them back to their original pick-up location when they just don't move. Even setting it to a pre-existing one doesn't help.

    I've tried delecting the Location data and remaking it, also changing their sandbox to make sure it's something they can actually get back to, but every time I dismiss them and cancel out instead of sending them to a settlement, they just stand still, even though the message says they're going back to the original cell.

  12. Hey everyone - I originally posted this in the Mod Troubleshoot but it might be a bit specific so unfortunately couldn't find any answers.


    I'm having an issue with my custom companion. Everything seems to work in the basic sense, hiring, firing etc. Only problem is, when I dismiss him, he just stands in place. The messages comes up saying that he's heading back to the specific cell, but he doesn't move.

    To test, I tried changing his location to a few base-game cells like Nick's Office or Strong's waiting position at Trinity Tower and he still refuses to move. I've also made sure to try it from random locations to ensure it's not some kind of navmesh problem. He will travel to settlements listed like Sancatury or Red Rocket. I've been trying to compare scripts etc to pre-existing companions but I'm not seeing any glaring differences.

    If anyone has any idea or tips, I'd appreciate it.

  13. Does the companion defintely have the new weapon still in their inventory? Companion weapons are usually set to "Can't Drop" so it can't be taken and they'll always have a weapon to use.

    But what DieFeM said is super important and could be a large part of this. I recommend disabling all mods, start a new game and call your character something like "CLEAN SAVE" so you can refer back to it when needed. Leave the vault, make a hard save and you can use that whenever you make changes to base actors.


  14. No, he's fully following me and responds to commands/gun drawing before I eventually tell him to leave. I have tried dismissing him while I have him wait and it's the same result, unfortunately. I'm going to have a bit more of a play today and see if I can work this out... I'll update you if I fix it but any more ideas from anyone, I'd be very appreciative!

  15. Hey, thanks for the reply. The navmesh was certainly a bit busted at his home location (does anyone else hate doing navmesh?) but I have since fixed it with no change. I've changed his home location to several different areas in the base game and none of them seem to make any difference. I've tried firing him from different areas too and it's always the same. Just stands in place until I talk to him again.

  16. If you can navigate to the Dashboard on Vortex, you should see a tile for Fallout 3 under "Recently Managed" - on the top right of that tile will be 3 dots. If you click that you'll get a bunch more options, but what you'll want is "Manually Set Location" - if you have FO3 GOTY installed, all you have to do is click through the folders until you're in a folder called "Fallout 3 goty" - the directory should look a little something like:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 3 goty


    That should hopefully fix your Masters issue (and just to confirm for you so it helps you understand a bit more - if Vortex says there are missing masters, it means there are plugins/mods that rely on another mod that doesn't seem to be installed. So this tutorial is assuming the missing masters are the DLC because Vortex can't find them.)

    Hopefully this helps a bit.

    • Thanks 2
  17. Hey everyone,


    I'm having an issue with my custom companion. Everything seems to work in the basic sense, hiring, firing etc. Only problem is, when I dismiss him, he just stands in place. The messages comes up saying that he's heading back to the specific cell, but he doesn't move.

    To test, I tried changing his location to a few base-game cells like Nick's Office or Strong's waiting position at Trinity Tower and he still refuses to move. I've also made sure to try it from random locations to ensure it's not some kind of navmesh problem. He will travel to settlements listed like Sancatury or Red Rocket. I've been trying to compare scripts etc to pre-existing companions but I'm not seeing any glaring differences. There's a sandbox package in place for the cell he's meant to travel to.


    If anyone has any idea or tips, I'd appreciate it.

  18. Thanks for your reply - I just did a test at the Citadel just in case it was the same result, but followers will go in and out of the main gate, no issues. It's only going in and out of Megaton.


    The plugin I disabled was mine, that has the companion.


    I believe all the original markers are present. Door refs inside and out and both fine (I suppose they must be, or the player wouldn't be able to go in and out either!) I've been checking FO3Edit to do some cleanup but I can't see any changes to Megaton regarding entrance and exits.


    Yes, rearding your last statement, it's the same but only when I leave Meagton. Walking in, entering/exiting anywhere else or fast travel will always have my follower coming with me. Just leaving Megaton.


    ** EDIT **


    I'm happy to say I've managed to fix it. I was looking through the scripts effected on FO3Edit and managed to find there was a lot of random scripts attached, but with no actual changes. I found one relating to Megaton Front Gate and removed it. Now my follower follows me through with ease. I hope this may help someone in the future. I'm just figuring it out as I go, so finding these kind of threads in Google searches can be life saving.

  19. I'm fiddling with a companion mod. I've come to realise now that all vanilla companions, as well as my new one, will diseapper when I leave Megaton.


    Using moveto on my current follower, it puts me back directly outside the gates, but the followers will be no where to be seen. They don't appear above or below the gates, under the geometry or anything. Once I fast travel somewhere or enter an interior they come back no problem. I can also re-enter Megaton and they'll always be with me, but I can't leave Megaton with them. Turning off the plugin stops the issue, so I know it's isolated to this one.


    My modded follower is initially disabled and stands just outside of the Lucas Simms greeting trigger. He's enabled once the player speaks to an NPC in Megaton, then becomes avaialble for hire. There was a trigger to start an animation but I've since deleted it, and it's changed nothing.


    I've tried googling but I can't find anything that replicates this issue. Does anyone know of anything that might effect followers coming through this specific door? I can find the door reference, but the gate doesn't seem to have any actual door data, so I can't even check that. I've tried going back and forth on the GECK to modded/unmodded to see if there's any differences but I can't see any changes, though there's a lot going on in the entrance/exit area of Megaton so it's extremely possible I've overlooked sometihng. If anyone has any ideas, I'd be very appreciative.

  20. I'm still struggling with this from step 6. I'm not sure how to get the quest to start on the pick up of the companion. I tried adding a dummy stage 10 and doing NoobAffinityQuest.setstage(10) but it still doesn't activate (I think it doesn't activate anyway, I attempt some dialogue I know I've liked/disliked and nothing happens so I assume it's that the quest doesn't start.)


    Any advice?

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