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    TES2-Daggerfall (where it all began for me)

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  1. Hey there everybody! :smile: While browsing the internet I noticed that in Early Access there was apparently a staff called "Spiderstep Staff" with "Immune to being Enwebbed" that appeared to be a pretty cool staff with a spider ornament on top. It seems that this staff is no longer available in the released version for some reason though. I assume that Larian removed it because the Spiderstep Boots (found under the Blighted Village) already provided the same benefits. Still, if this staff does have a unique design with a spider ornament I would love to have a mod so that I'd be able to find it or purchase it at a store. Not sure if this staff is still in the gamefiles though but if so, could someone create a mod so that my Drow spellcasters could walk around with this type of staff? The original version was listed as Uncommon and gave you "Immune to being Enwebbed". That would already be a great staff to find in Act1 but I was wondering if it would also be possible to create a Rare version and possibly a Very Rare variant as well where each would have effects depending on their rarity that stay in the theme while still allowing for a character to keep using the same style staff throughout the game. Maybe by adding extra effects depending on their rarity? For example: Staff of Spiders Rare 16d / 1d8 Immune to being Enwebbed Summon Spider (once per Long Rest) <= "Find Familiar: Spider" effect Lolth's Servant Very Rare 1d6+1 / 1d8+1 Immune to being Enwebbed Arcane Enchantment (+1 bonus to Spell Save DC and spell attack rolls) Web spell (once per Long Rest) Weapon Enchantment +1 I think that these shouldn't make the staffs too unbalanced as I definitely wouldn't want some kind of overpowered super item. I think it would be cool to have a Drow caster or priestess with a staff that is adorned by a spider. Not sure if this is even possible to create though as I'm completely unfamiliar with how these mods are created for Baldur's Gate 3. I had more experience with modding for Bethesda games. :sweat: As to where to find them I would love to either buy them at specific vendors or perhaps enemy Drow spellcasters in the Underdark could carry them (or found on the petrified Drow remains near the Spectator perhaps); or (if possible) they could be located in suitable areas like the room of that Drow who was obsessed with becoming a spider in the tunnels underneath the Blighted Village (Phase Spider area), the altar near the Bibberbang field with those Lolth's Candle items or the stone table near the Spectator (that small overlook area with the chest covered by those giant webs that used to have the Frayed Drow Hood in EA if I remeber correctly). Maybe a good place for that Very Rare staff could be Moonrise Towers in the room where Araj Oblodra works (or have her sell the item perhaps) or the room of the Drow Twins in Act3 where the player may need to steal it from them. Ofcourse I would already be very happy with just the Item ID code of the regular Uncommon staff (provided the staff actually exists in the datafiles and I don't even know if there really was such a staff model ingame). I'm not sure how to spawn items through ID codes though. So if someone could give me some tips I'd appreciate it very much!! :thumbsup: Now I know this may be a long shot; but I figured I'd ask as I would love to have a mod that could create several versions of this particular staff (provided it's actually in the files). :laugh: THANKS!! Greetz, Milt
  2. Sadly I can't get that Drizzt mod to work. Manual Install resulted in crashing, Vortex resulted in no items (and needing a full reinstall of the game), while BG3 Mod Editor seemed to make all interactable buttons, cutscenes, and other things inoperable with that mod installed while a New Game resulted in me getting stuffed into a dummy chamber with several naked characters. :sad: Seems the mod author also deleted my bug report where I had posted my issues regarding BG3 Mod Manager with a request for help so I guess I'm back to looking for a Ranger Companion mod where the Panther is added as an option in hopes that such a mod could be created by someone. So if there is anybody out there who might be able to add the Panther as an option to the Ranger Animal Companion; I would really appreciate it!!
  3. Cool! Never thought to actually search for "Drizzt" when checking out the mods on Nexus. I managed to find that particular mod and will check it out. Thanks!! :thumbsup: Greetz, Milt
  4. EDIT: Thank you NovaScotianNorse for suggesting the "Drizzt Do'Urden Gear Set 5e" mod! That one is perfect!! EDIT2: Sadly I can't get that Drizzt mod to work so I'm still looking for a Panther Ranger Companion :sad: Hey everyone :smile: Now I'm not sure if this is even possible to create in BG3 but I was hoping someone could help me out. You see I was wondering if it's possible to create an extra (or alternate) animal companion for Ranger Beast Masters through the "Ranger's Companion" ability; most notably a black panther. I wanted to play a Drow Ranger at some point and he would need a black panther by his side ... for reasons. :laugh: Now I saw that Rangers can summon a decent number of animal companions already but sadly a panther was not among them. I did notice that Druids can turn into a black panther but I'm not sure if that model could also be used to create a mod where it can be set up as a "Ranger's companion" option. So I figured I'd ask here as this is probably the best place to ask. :sweat: Please let me know if this is possible or if maybe someone already created such a mod. Thanks! :thumbsup: Greetz, Milt
  5. Hey there everybody :smile: I was wondering if anyone has been trying to create a romance mod for Blue Moon. As I recall there was a nude model found within the game files of this particular character as well as unused voicefiles indicating a romance option. So it seems that at one point CDPR may have considered adding her as either a full romance option or a one-night-fling type character. As such I feel that Blue Moon may have the potential of a romance option but sadly I am not familiar enough with the modding tools of Cyberpunk2077 to take this on myself; and sadly I also find myself lacking the time I once had during Morrowind and Skyrim in terms of making mods. So if anyone out there is making mods for Cyberpunk 2077 and an US Cracks fan; I would love to see a Blue Moon Romance mod someday; and not just a mod where Judy gets swapped out by Blue Moon but an actual romance mod with texts and sleepover. :tongue:
  6. Awesome! Thanks Showler and Pickysaurus; I appreciate it very much! Now I was able to set my 12 most favorite games. :thumbsup: Greetz, Milt
  7. Hey guys :smile: I seem to be having some issues with Nexus Mods and I hope one of you fine folks could help me out. When checking "My Games" in order to look for mods more easily it only showed Cyberpunk2077 and Oblivion. I found this rather peculiar as I have uploaded mods on Nexus for Morrowind as well back in the day. Now I heard of some "RESCAN" option where you can set Nexus to scan for supported games that have mods hosted but I can't seem to find that function. The only other entry I found regarding adding games was in the F.A.Q. but there I had to go through a lengthy upload process that had to be manually approved but I don't want to upload anything as my stuff is already on Nexus and I just wanted to more easily navigate through the site to directly go to the mods for the selected game. What's more, I don't even have Oblivion installed atm but I do have other games that Nexus has mods for (like Skyrim, Fallout 4, Witcher 3, etc) so I find it rather weird why it didn't detect those automatically and why I can't simply add more games to my list so that I can easily navigate to the correct subsection in order to check for mods. Am I overlooking something? There must be an easier way to add preferred games to my account right? :happy: Thanks a lot in advance! Greetz, Milt
  8. Another suggestion which was also done in Oblivion is to get a mod that will level the weapons with you. In Oblivion you had so many levelled items (including Daedric Artifacts) it wasn't funny anymore. However, someone made a mod that checked the levelled items in your inventory and provided you with a stronger version once you gained the level where you were normally allowed to get it. :) I believe the name of the mod in Oblivion was Quest Award Leveller. Maybe once the CK is released someone could make a similar mod. At least the number of levelled items is much smaller this time around, so it would be faster to create ;) Greetz, Milt
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