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Everything posted by novastark

  1. Would really love to have this in SSE, but I haven't found any previous conversion. Please see here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75905 Plus bodyslide support as well.
  2. Does anyone know where to find the Portkey mesh file location for the portkey from the beginning of the game? I found the textures easily enough, but the mesh isn't in the same place.
  3. There needs to be a way to remove all notifications in a single click, not just one at a time. Despite having the settings set to *not* notify me for comments on mods I'm tracking, I'm still occasionally getting them. Also, the icon for "Mark As Unread" looks like it is intended to mark it as read (it's a checkmark, that usually means "done" or "read").
  4. The date and time that is overlayed on image thumbs and anywhere else I'm forgetting, is displayed as a 24 hour clock and as day/month/year. It would be nice to have other options. My preference would be a 12hour clock with month/day/year, but I think other people have other preferences.
  5. Would anyone be willing to make a patch for JK's Dragonreach to replace the static meshes of armor lining the main hall and on the upper floor with real, working mannequins?
  6. Will that also prevent those posts from showing up on the website side? That's the only part of the Nexus I care about. I never come to the forums and have only done so now because I can't find another way to give feedback or make suggestions. If using that ignore list does affect what is and isn't seen on the website side, then you should bring that functionality fully to the website side.
  7. I'm not sure. Is that the same as clicking "block" on a user profile? Because that only lets you block mod authors. If someone hasn't published a mod, it won't let you block them
  8. Please give us the ability to block other users and not just authors so that we will no longer see their comments.
  9. I would have asked this on the Veydosebrom mod page, but it seems to have been hidden by the mod author. Anyway, I'm using this mod along with NAT/PRT and the grass doesn't seem to be affected by the ENB subsurface settings under [Vegetation]. I can see the setting affecting all other plants, but not the grass. Anyone have any ideas? I have tried to go onto the ENBDev.com website to ask the question there thinking maybe it's something for Mindflux and their Particle Patch, but every time I log in, I get immediately logged back out and I don't know why.
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