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Everything posted by NexusNegern

  1. So, I am new to Steam and considered buying the game.(going honest for once:)), but i need some info to make good decisions. Would be grateful for help. 1. The original game was reported as very buggy. Did they bother to fix that for the Steam game? Or do i need to install mods? 2. Is it possible to install mods for steam games? (not sure they are installed like normal programs. I noticed uninstall is like instant. Weird. Then I regretably know little about computers) 3. If i need mods, where can i get them? and 4. what would you recommend for mods for a smooth gaming experience. thanks in advance!
  2. so, temporalily the upgrade's for free, but what does it do to my unauthenticated Win7? I got the crack, so Win 7 works fine for me but then one need to stay modern:/
  3. Still have the problem. Does anyone else have this?
  4. I prefer to play in first person view, on my PC, but all the time it jump to 3rd person like some bloody consol! It happens usually when I strafe and move forward/backwards, and when I run into any objects while moving. This means it dependably happen in awkward moments like in that fight with a Supermutant overlord:P Is there a config to edit, or a program to fix this? Would be grateful for help.
  5. 147. How can having a supermutant as companion ever be bad? He can't die, and shoots and shoots... Of course, he is such a nice guy you feel like a jerk should you dismiss him. Friendship is not an easy thing.
  6. Having a non-optimized Nightblade character I could still handle all ruins by simply jump up on something high and then use fireballs or shock spells. So, whenever you move about: "JUMP"! That way you train your neccessary skill to get up, out of harm... (I always pressed the jump button because I was bored, which was good for me in then end:))
  7. Hi! I realised late last night that the reason i could not make any of the custom enchantments described in the UESPwiki was that OOO has a cap to enchatnment making. Very annoying. Is there a setting, or mod to use to get rid of that limit?
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