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About Jamisicus6

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  1. This was one of the first things I changed. The script is properly referenced by all the vampire related scripts and should run fine. But it doesn't. I agree that the scripting is fine in the main section, which is why I can't understand what is going wrong. Could we please get some more experienced help on this? Thanks for the advice with that bit Kain, I checked over it briefly after writing it, but I didn't think to set current health as part of it (mainly because I was setting the currenthealth value as the health at the beginning of the script, I can see where that could be confusing now). I am changing that now, but it was originally a separate script that I had left out and not referenced (this was back when I first started testing the main script), so this is not causing the problem. Thanks Kain, good practice for you.
  2. If you are using Windows Vista, make sure that you run the CS as an administrator. I had a huge problem because of not doing this. Made a HUGE mod (over 72 hours of work), thinking it had all saved (didn't restart or test the mod at all, just kept clicking save every so often). Closed CS, tried to run the mod in Morrowind and BOOM. The mod wasn't there. Stupid Vista...
  3. Basically, this script was written to extend Vampirism within Morrowind and make it more of a tool. It included revoming the vampirism effect on a player (so they could communicate with NPC normally), adding an age system (older you are the more powerful you are), a health based hunger system and several new spells. All of the spells/powers/abilities are in place and set up correctly, but when Vampirism is added (and the player goes over the three day incubation period) none of the abilities are added. According to the script, Vampireage1, vampirespeed and vampireagility should be added to the player (the latter two are powers, whilst the former is an ability, making it act like the vampire stat boosts from the stock game). This is not happening. The vampiredream script has been disabled on purpose to try to find out what is going wrong and the message box comes up with the whole buring thing, and the vampirespeed and vampireagility are added to the player's spellbook, but vampireage1 is not added to the player, and after seven days (the timer for the first age up) nothing happens. Help me guys. begin Vampire_PC float vampstartday float currentday float vampireage short DayCount float vampirelevel Float Vampiredaycount float currenthealth float halfhealth float hunger if ( PCVampire != 0 ) ;return if PC is not normal, 1 = Vampire, -1 = Cured StopScript Vampire_PC return endif Player->RemoveSpell, "Vampire Blood Berne" Player->RemoveSpell, "Vampire Blood Quarra" Player->RemoveSpell, "Vampire Blood Aundae" Player->AddSpell, "Vampire Attributes" Player->AddSpell, "Vampire Skills" Player->AddSpell, "Vampire Immunities" Player->AddSpell, "Vampire Sun Damage" Player->AddSpell, "Vampire Touch" Player->AddSpell, "Vampire Specials" Player->AddSpell, "Vampire Specials 2" Player->AddSpell, "vampirespeed" Player->addspell, "Vampireagility" Player->addspell, "vampireage1" set PCVampire to 1 ;StartScript vampdreamScript Messagebox "You dream that your body has been lit on fire. The fire slowly cools until only your throat is being scorched by the flames. You jolt awake to find that the fire has not left you. You realise what you are... A Vampire." set Vampstartday to Day set currentday to 0 set vampiredaycount to Day set vampireage to 0 set vampirelevel to 0 endif if ( Day != vampiredaycount ) set currentday to ( currentday + 1 ) set Vampiredaycount to Day endif if ( currentday >= 7 ) set vampirelevel to 1 elseif ( currentday >= 14 ) set vampirelevel to 2 elseif ( currentday >= 28 ) set vampirelevel to 3 elseif ( currentday >= 56 ) set vampirelevel to 4 elseif ( currentday >= 112 ) set vampirelevel to 5 endif if ( vampirelevel == 1 ) wakeupPC player->addspell "vampirecommand" messagebox "A week as a vampire and you have learnt to persuade your victims to almost donate their blood. You have learnt to control your victim's very actions." player->removespell "vampireage1" player->addspell "vampireage2" elseif ( vampirelevel == 2 ) wakeupPC player->addspell "vampirefeed" Messagebox "Two weeks since becoming a member of the undead and you can now control yourself whilst feeding... But do you want to?" player->removespell "vampireage2" player->addspell "vampireage3" elseif ( vampireage == 3 ) wakeupPC player->addspell "vampiresneak" Messagebox "Four weeks since turning, you are finding out all about the Mortal's... distain for you people. You have learnt how and when to hide from their eyes." player->removespell "vampireage3" player->addspell "vampireage4" elseif ( vampireage == 4 ) wakeupPC player->addspell "vampirefury" Messagebox "Nearly two months since your Vampiric Birth, you have learnt to control the hunger. But you have also learnt how to release it." player->removespell "vampireage4" player->addspell "vampireage5" elseif ( vampireage == 5 ) wakeupPC player->addspell "Vampirefear" Messagebox "Mortals and Immortals alike tremble at whispers of your name. None who meet you live to tell tales of your fearsome strength and speed. You have become a living Legend, capable fo striking fear into any who you encounter." player->removespell "vampireage5" player->addspell "vampireage6" endif ;Feeding/hunger scripts set currenthealth to ( player->GetHealth ) set halfhealth to ( currenthealth * 0.5 ) if ( player->GetHealth <= halfhealth ) player->addspell "vampirism" Messagebox "Your hunger breaks your concentration. People can see you for what you truly are now." set hunger to 1 endif endif if ( player->Gethealth >> halfhealth ) if ( Hunger == 1 ) player->removespell "Vampirism" Messagebox "Your hunger is back under control. You need not worry about being discovered for now." set hunger to 0 endif endif end Vampire_PC
  4. Its is situated south west of Zainab Camp, just over the hill. Its not far at all.
  5. Sorry about the inactivity guys. My computer broke a couple of months back and I need to get it fixed before I can start modding again. The laptop I'm using now can barely run the web page. So unfortunately, I am going to have to say that I can't help with any of the mod creation for the indefinite future. Sorry about the disappointment and I know you were all looking forward to this.
  6. What happened to your mod? :( It sounded like it was going to be epic..

    I quess you never noticed my message in mod topick,becouse you haven't answered it.

    Anyways,i just would like to know : >

  7. For Brisingr I am using This And for Zarroc I am using a texture modified version of the model from Here Hope that helped Norin
  8. Just got contacted by Syrus. He's trying to make a Brisingr model for us to use. I am currently using a model that looks almost identical to Zarroc (a problem I would quite like to change).
  9. Don't worry, I'm still here. Had a bit of RL trouble and couldn't get enough time to do much. I will be doing a bit less than usual for a while whilst I try to get things sorted out. Am still working out a way of charging the weapons/equipment and using that in your spells.
  10. The spectators in the arena are just 2-d pixelated models that cheer etc whenever you are in the same cell as them. This would be a good way to do it provided the player cannot approach them.
  11. Thanks for the Idea, having each battle in a separate worldspace and setting up regions to stop the player from getting into the other cells to fight in them. There is already a preprogrammed height window (very evident if you use the Akatosh mounts and fly through mountanous regions like East of Bruma) so the player can't go too high anyway.
  12. I believe that having the roof caving in would be possible. They did something similar to that in Knights of the Nine, where a passageway was completely blocked off. I have to admit that the idea of having small, low poly count models fighting on the ground had ocoured to me but at the time it seemed a bit of a long term problem.
  13. I am yet to start on the Razac. I was hoping that we could create a race mesh for them and equip them with robes that hide their faces and general body. Possibility for work to be done right now if people want to. Mounted combat will be available with all weapons (bows, swords and magic). This would let the player choose their weapons more freely, whilst not overly increasing our workload (it would be more difficult to segregate swords than to include them) The large battles are the main challenge. Having a full battle raging around you whilst fighting off Murtagh and Thorn could be a huge challenge, both for you and for your computer (we're talking frames per minute, not second). I haven't worked out a compromise yet, so if anyone has any suggestions then please share them. Map making is going fine. Haven't had much time recently (revising for exams) but am making good progress. Currently making the spine with hopes for carvahall by the end of next week (the spine needs a lot of work to get right).
  14. I have found a mod that gives lethrblaka. If the moderators could please get a move on and set the file to open so I can test it out then we will have one less thing to worry about.
  15. The entrance is behind the waterfall? :o Oh yes, now I remember. Probably a thin sheet with an animation attached (the waterfall could be a roll that spins in and infront of the cliff face, with a door behind it.
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