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Nexus Mods Profile

About HinaNekoL

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  • Currently Playing
    Fallout 4, The Witcher 3, Skyrim, DA: Inquisition, GTA V
  • Favourite Game
    Baldur's Gate

HinaNekoL's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Well as far as "Lets hang out"(think it is right word) goes there are some, usually guys who went with me in school, childhood "friends" and just random people who will be your friend for "I want to vent my problems to you/ I need you for something." types. But as far as friend friend goes(someone you care about and some who cares for you, pretty much mutual)......guess only my brother is closest thing that can truly count in that category more or less because I do count on him most and tell him most of my stuff...though still there are too many things I can't talk with him about or even trust him with, so goes when friend real best friend goes it is no one. :geek:
  2. Might be just me though I prefer how original look way more then vs how it looks with physics. Only hair I might like with physics in here is 'Thorn Birds'. It is pretty much only hairdo I see in here that doesn't look too off with physics.
  3. I'm interested in seeing what has everyone made in here so far and since every forum tends to have one of these threads I decided to make one for 'Fallout 4' on Nexus as well so people on 'Nexus' can share their babes/ fellas as well. So as bringer of this "party" lol I will start first with my own personal favorite with my attempted recreation...of who? Well you know what they say, picture says more then thousands of words: http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h404/HinaNeko/ScreenShot149_zpsoiwn6qky.jpg So show me your favorite creation, please tag more then one picture under spoilers so you don't cause long page loads :kiss:
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