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Everything posted by modal1

  1. I am having the same issue. My download history (took a long time to populate) is populated with downloads from yesterday but all pages show the mods not downloaded. Cannot endorse, even from the download history page https://i.imgur.com/rP3G04W.png *edit: struggled for 10min. with not being able to upload a jpg image here (unsupported format) and by the time I gave up and used imgur, the issue seems to be fixed.
  2. 6 years later but thanks, mystery of F4 freeze is solved!
  3. So millepon took down Poser Hotkeys Plus because (tumblr translated by google, so I may be off a bit in my understanding of the claim) the mod author who created ShowPoseMenu claims that displaying a menu of poses in a similar style is stealing their idea. Unless I am mistaken, there are tons of mods that use this very same function of the UI. It's pretty much the only option, apart from the NPC dialog options, to display an item selection menu visually without digging through MCM, inventory or spells. I am not even sure why millepon took it down tbh unless Nexus moderators advised they do so or they were intimidated somehow. I've had a look through the file structure of both mods and don't really see any abnormal similarities between them, but I am not familiar enough with CK to thoroughly understand that part. Neither mod provides any source scripts but the pex files don't appear to be similar at all, nor do the translation files as far as I can tell. I am interested to hear what other mod authors, Nexus site moderators or anyone else here that has tried both mods thinks about this claim. True or false? Thanks *edit: added 3 words
  4. old thread but wanted to thank you.. this works for shield plaques as well :thumbsup:
  5. Redirect mobile users to http://m.nexusmods.com Just checked on mobile.. the site's usability no better there, worse IMO.
  6. Many modern day web devs miss the mark by placing form over function and the nexus site redesign is no exception. I like the overall concept and color scheme but there is far too much wasted space creating a cumbersome navigation experience. It would really help to provide some scaling options for fonts and images as the current layouts are far too large and provide unnecessary information while browsing and searching for mods - the previous pop up hover function handled this much better by keeping the browsing display uncluttered. Hopefully, some streamlining and/or tweaking via user preferences is forthcoming.
  7. In case some one is looking for the answer, disable the AFT plugin NoFriendlySpellDamage.
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