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About WarFireGirl

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  • Currently Playing
    Oblivion, Fallout3 and Mass Effect2
  • Favourite Game
    Oblivion, City of Heroes and Villians, Call of Duty, Metroid

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Enthusiast (6/14)

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  1. Hello there, It's been a while that we spoke to each other, but I wanna tell you that I play Skyrim again (a while). I have a question about wearing weapons on your back! I used a mod that made it happen, but somehow it doesn't work. What do I have to install to make this happen?
    1. WarFireGirl


      Ps. How you doing?
    2. wolfsangeleyes


      Long time no speak. I have not played Skyrim in over a year so I have to figure out complicated stuff all over again. As for weapons on your back, I have no clue. I don't use it. I think it has to with skeleton or something.

      How is everyone?

  2. Vraagje is het mogelijk om in Skyrim meer follow compangions te krijgen dan alleen maar 1?
    1. wolfsangeleyes


      Hoi, een beetje laat antwoord want ik ben nu pas weer voor het eerst online maar ja, je kan meer dan 1 follower hebben. Daar heb je de UFO mod voor nodig (Ultimate Follower Overhaul) Hoe het werkt weet ik niet want ik gebruik haast nooit volgers.

      Hoe gaat het? Alles goed?

  3. hello there Wolfangeleyes, how you doing? I did send you last time a message...
    1. wolfsangeleyes


      Doing okay, busy busy busy though. I thought I answered your last PM? I will look for it later this week. Ik ga binnenkort waarschijnlijk verhuizen dus ik heb het knetterdruk.

      Hoe gaat het met de kindertjes?

    2. WarFireGirl


      Met mijn dochter gaat alles ok. Maar met mijn zoon iets minder, sinds oktober vorig jaar heeft hij buisjes gekregen en sinds dien heeft hij nu al 7 maal een loop oor gehad. ook zijn we druk met hem met bezoeken aan het UMCG te groningen. Ik zelf heb weer een baan bij defensie gekregen en ik werk dan ook alweer sinds eind november, maar gelukkig heb ik 3 avonden de tijd om lekker te gamen.

      En bij jou naast de verhuizing dan?

    3. wolfsangeleyes


      Hoi, verhuizing eindelijk achter de rug maar de woningbouw is regelmatig bezig in de huizen dus aardig wat werklui over de vloer van tijd tot tijd.

      Jakkes, loop oor geeft toch oorpijn? Mijn kinderen hebben het gelukkig nooit gehad maar volgens mij is dat geen pretje.

      Zo te horen heb jij het er ook maar druk mee.

  4. I want to wish every one the very best and a lot of game fun for 2014
    1. wolfsangeleyes


      And a Happy New Year to you and your loved ones as well.
  5. With TES IV Oblivion GOTY version perfectly up and running I will get my hands on the TES V Skyrim as well this week. Ok, it sounds a littlebit late for some of you, but I'm also Beta tester for some other online games like FireFall the game www.firefallthegame.com
    1. wolfsangeleyes


      Not really. I was late to Oblivion, began playing it 2 years after it came out. Skyrim I've been playing from day 1 but I've barely scratched the surface. There's so much to explore, so much to see and do. Knowing me, I'll still be playing Skyrim 3 years from now lol.
  6. Finally I recieved in November the GOTY version of TES IV and installed without any problem and also even it run perfectly without crashing.
  7. Gratz Grandmom with your new born granddaughter, I hope she and her mom does do fine and I hope to hear soon of you again. I did sended you a message in december 2012.
  8. Hoi Marc. Ik wou jou en je familie Fijne Feestdagen wensen. Nu ben ik weer laat om jouw pm te beantwoorden hihi. RL, je kent het wel. Te veel dingen en te weinig uren in een dag. In ieder geval wens ik je een goed en veilig uiteinde en een positief 2013.
  9. Hey there I'm busy again since today to be playing Oblivion again. And it works, I can play again. But I have to share this nice game with another one called FireFall. But I think I have a good roster in my mind.
  10. All went bad to worse. I still haven't install Oblivion back on my Game PC. Because it will crash every time again. Last week was the last time I tried. Half year ago I installed a whole brand new innerstection into my PC it's now a 100% Alienware pc with 64-bit Windows 7 and more than 8 GB as DRAM and 5 HDD's of 2T and a graphic card with 2GB, it's a beast atm, but it will become a monster. Next week I will recieve the newest graphic card of GeForce. But still somehow Oblivio...
  11. All went bad to worse. I still haven't install Oblivion back on my Game PC. Because it will crash every time again. Last week was the last time I tried. Half year ago I installed a whole brand new innerstection into my PC it's now a 100% Alienware pc with 64-bit Windows 7 and more than 8 GB as DRAM and 5 HDD's of 2T and a graphic card with 2GB, it's a beast atm, but it will become a monster. Next week I will recieve the newest graphic card of GeForce. But still somehow Oblivio...
  12. Hoi Marc. Ik heb je PM beantwoord..eindelijk. Zie ook dat ik je verjaardag heb gemist. Hopelijk had je een leuke dag en hebben ze je goed verwend. Groetjes en tot horens.
  13. I had so many problems with my Game PC that playing Oblivion necked it. Now I hope I can reinstall Oblivion with-out any problem will pop up. I needed to renew my whole inner secion of my PC, New Motherboard, Grafics-card, harddrives ect. Lucky for me I don't have to download all the file I had those I could save, lucky! Now I realy hope all will work out smoothly and well with-out bugs. wish me luck, I'll need it.
  14. Hey Wolfy, How are you doing?

    I didn't hear a long term of you even at the PM's I sended to you. It could be that you are very busy?

    I hope everything is going well. Plz let me know how things are going.

  15. Hi ;)

    Thank you! I'm very good.

    I'll come to other city soon...

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