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Posts posted by cyone

  1. Reviving this thread, because I want the same and have problems doing it :(

    I am running XCOM:EW on probably the newest patch (everything handled by Steam, so...)


    I haven't yet modified the ini to actually grant +1 more inventory space for small items, as I'm failing trying to implement http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/XCOM_Third_Small_Item_Mod#ToolBoks_Custom_Mod

    The code that's shown there, doesn't work in ToolBoks (1.6.4 Beta) and throws a "Invalid hex characters in [MODDED_HEX]" error.


    I don't really know anything about modding besides changing some values in the ini-file, but i'd love to have a working solution (either for ToolBoks or for PatcherGUI) that just changes the padding as mentioned on the size. I don't need "even more slots", so no scrollbar required.... Just a working +1 solution would be nice.


    Any help? :/

  2. Hey folks...

    For some reason, I can't complete the above mentioned quest. I do have the orcish axe in my inventory, and the questlog does say "go back to Vilkas" (or however he's named). But "Vilkas" isn't interested. No quest-marker, no quest-relevant dialogue-options.

    I tried setting the quest-stage back to 1-10, but that didn't work, as quest-stage 255 remained set to 1, no matter what I did.

    I tried resetting the quest, but then it doesn't let me set the quest-stage to 1-10 (all remain set to 0, no matter what I do)

    I really want to get to the Dragon Seeker quests, so I can "farm" some dragon bones... But I'm currently stuck :/

    Help, please.

  3. Hey guys,


    i'm currently fooling around with the Pink power armor, also my first attempt to experiment with armor related mods.


    i extracted the NIF with the FOM-BSA-Browser and used it to make a new armor (well, i copied the default power armor and used the pink NIF), no crashes so far.


    Now i see this armor ingame, seems to work well, except that the... uhm.. "backpack" (those two tubes and the wheel above them) is flickering between gray (default color) and pink.

    It is ONLY the backpack (ok, didn't try the helmet yet, tbh), everything else seems to work fine.


    Any ideas how i can fix that flickering? :(

    If i can remove the "backpack" (or make it invisible) without a model edit, that'd be okay, too

  4. Works also great with other problems.


    I'm currently using a German installation of the game, but english DLCs.

    Most things work fine, but BS didn't want to start (just as it wasn't there. Companions didn't want to activate the purifier and the game ended, when i did it), level cap was raised to 30, though.


    With that file there, everything worked withough problems :)



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