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  1. Alrighty, and for any .esp texture mods (the official one is .esp too), I just set it so the load order of the custom texture.esp is after the official HD pack .esp?
  2. Will the official high resolution texture pack override any custom texture that I would put in data/textures?
  3. Swords have more range and are good for general combat. Daggers are faster but have little range. With the assassin's blade perk dagger sneak attacks can 1hit most things. Swords if you are more for full-on aware combat. Daggers if you're the sneaky type and don't want your enemies to be aware of your attacks.
  4. It's working if you don't CTD every half an hour.
  5. Since this is a fantasy game and not a war simulator I'm fine with the breast cups, gives me something nice to look at despite fully armored.
  6. Beth just edited their 1.3 patch annoucement http://www.bethblog.com/2011/12/07/skyrim-update-1-3-now-on-steam/
  7. Because the EXE itself is 4GB enabled. You don't need the 4GB mod anymore.
  8. Except scriptdragon is now broke, this patch is more than just LAA support Stuff like SKSE and Script Dragon are version-specific. You have to wait for those developers to update them. http://i.imgur.com/zjdY8.png >2gb enabled by default
  9. I simply looked at the new EXE with the CFF Explorer, the "can use >2gb" checkbox is checked by default.
  10. It's the official 4GB LAA patch! http://i.imgur.com/zjdY8.png Patch "notes" http://www.bethblog.com/2011/12/07/skyrim-update-1-3-now-on-steam/
  11. Nobody else has any ideas or comments on this?
  12. It would be awesome if this mod exists, but I don't know much of anything outside simple retexturing. Thanks to anyone who can track down such a mod or make one.
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