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  1. Yeah there are a few new attackmoves but nothing as fancy as dmc sss. However... i did found what i think is exactly what you were looking for... not sure if i can post it here on the forum so i pm it to you instead. Hope thats alright.
  2. Skyrims animations dont work the same way as they did in Oblivion so a conversion is not possible. However it do exist a couple of animation changing mods, look though this category. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/searchresults/?src_cat=51 Sadly it isnt that many mods that change the actual attacks, more stance and movement. This is because all the animations in Skyrim are chained together and if you change one to much you pretty much have to change them all. On some other websites however i have seen some new stuff that would be more what you are looking for, primarily on some japanese sites. Dont have any links right now but google is your friend.
  3. I guess this is what you are looking for? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11/?
  4. Perhaps something like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2TACt4Yjxo
  5. Worldsize seems great, better to have higher quality living landscape then an empty desert. Quality before quantity anydays (except for beer :) ). The Butcher of Ark was quite well written and I want more. Nao! :D Have you guys thought of a system like this for combat talents? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29137/? I am sure there are alot of animations that are set free when you scrap the Skyrim storyline so there should be no real problem making "special moves" like leaping or whirlwind attack or well i guess you could make all kinds of fancy moves. I understand that you want combat to be more tactical than in Skyrims so this would for sure give it some more layers. How about the chaingrab from ESO, or "get over here" from Mortal Kombat. Pretty easy to make and could be insanly useful, grabbing that mage out of his crowd of bodyguards and desposing of him before he could unleash hell upon you. Or the other way around, for i guess that the NPC:s also will use these special talents? Well just an example, but what do you guys think ot the idéa? Perhaps you already have something similar planned? About ENB, wise descision to not bundle it with Enderal, to much performance issues and people would for sure use their own config anyways. And screenshotting something with Enb is kinda like retouching your self-pic at an online dating site, not the best of ideas :D
  6. Yay! :) This looks great! I really like the class system and talents. And when looking at the screens and video i get the feeling that it has the same level of detail as Nehrim, which was pretty amazing. Alot of questions though, perhaps I could start with a few easy ones: How big is the world compared to Skyrim? I understand that the mod is in development and alot could change but perhaps you could give me an estimate number of gameplay hours? 5? 50? 100? 200? Anyways great work as always!
  7. It sounds like a wonderful idea to make an Obis-Requiem patch. Perhaps asking Azirok how he usually does it when making requiem patches? I am sure he has a nice workflow and perhaps some good tips and ideas for helping you out. I also have fallen head over heels in love with Requiem and do think that it needs more compabilitypatches for questmods and amazing stuff like OBIS. Would also love to see a patch for Moonpath and Populated cities.
  8. Nice preview, looks awsome. How many armors will there be in the first release? Think that biggest problem with the mod will be that alot of people gonna have to die cause i want their gear. :D
  9. Havent tried ACE but i played alot with both Skyre and Requiem. Skyre is great, it makes the game just a littlebit harder and adds lots of perks, making it possible to really customize your character exactly how you want it. Also it adds lots of new spells, changes to standing stones etc. Requiem is different, this is more of an overhaul than an add-on like Skyre. It is hard, really f*cking hard, you cant expect to play like you did in vanilla skyrim unless you enjoy dying. Also it forces you to play a character, no multitasking warmachine as in vanilla who is proficient with every weapon, armor and spells, in Requiem you have to choose what kind of character you want to play and stick with it. It changes basically every perk in some way and really make you think before choosing a perk, because every one of them could be difference between life and death. Both of these mods also make the enemies deleveld i.e they dont level up when you do, a bandit will always be level 10, a bandit chief level 20 and so on. This is one of the most important features of both these amazing mods. Makes you think before foolishly rushing in to a dungeon. So if you found that vanilla skyrim was boring because it had to little options to create you dream character, go with Skyre. Did you however found vanilla skyrim was way to easy and got boring because of this, go with Requiem. Personally i cant even imagine playing without Requiem, best thing that happend to the gamingworld since Dark/Demonsouls. :)
  10. Dont really understand what Boris means with just writing EVGA, perhaps he means that you can not run EVGA precision X at the same time, a tool to overclock and tweak the graphics card. However, that documentation is for enb 0.101 and that was a long time age, current version is 0.236 :) My suggestion is that you try with one with one of the ENB configs that uses a newer version of enb. It is not harmful in anyway so just uninstall enb if it dosen´t work. Here is one suggestion : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/46320//?
  11. There actually exists such a mod, cant remember name of it but it did exactly what want. However it was only usable in first person as the animations looked really wierd in third person. The character accelerated is i nice curve but the animations was still moving in a constant speed. Dont think there is anyway to fix this.
  12. This looks really nice! Really like the pics from the Rift. How is it progressing?
  13. Yes it is very possible. Here is one example. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoO4QCuB36g&feature=player_embedded Sure you can find downloadlink to the mod if you just google a bit. The nexus would probably kick me if i posted the link here so i dont dare do it. :D
  14. Hey just wondered if you guys looked at the darksouls ports? I think that these are legal as there are some examples here on the nexus? For one: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22899//? Some of these models could work very well with your armors dont you think? And there is some amazing retextures over at darksoulsnexus. http://darksouls.nexusmods.com/mods/13//? Could work as replacers for some highclass armors like ebony. Or perhaps it´s not in the same spirit as rest of Credo? And this is also very beautiful work. http://darksouls.nexusmods.com/mods/139//? Helmet looks amazing :) Just a thought :D
  15. Just wanted to pop in say that I am truly looking forward to this mod. The work you guys have done are amazing! I really really love the more realistic yet beautiful approch to armor you guys have taken. All the little straps and details really makes a hugh difference. I do however wonder if you still are going to make this armors as replacers? I know that it is pretty easy to make an .esp where this replace vanilla armors but it would really be nice if you guys offered it instead. Perhaps as an option? Dont see a reason to keep vanilla armors when the inhabitans of Skyrim could be dressed with style. Well anyways, keep up the good work guys! :D
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