I don't know how doable this is, since I haven't done any mod making for FO4 myself, but from what I know from making mods for other games, I believe it is possible. Essentially, I just want a mod that when a fusion core is completely emptied, it will give you an item called an Empty Fusion Core that can be sold for significantly less, or recharged through some means, such as placing it back into a generator or putting it in a buildable recharger in a settlement. Since FO4 just deletes the fusion core when it runs out, I assume it would work via running a script when a core is emptied that just gives the player a separate item that is just called an empty fusion core, that a generator would exchange after 'x' amount of time for a full power core. From my knowledge of modding other games, I believe that this should be doable via scripts, but I could be wrong. Any chance anyone could do this for me? I feel like the fusion cores have so much potential to be awesome, but don't get nearly enough attention due to their weirdness and difficulty to work with.