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About tjehu

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  1. I would love a mod that adds a passive effect to you for discovering the stones permanently. For example, you could have the Steed Stone give you a passive 5% boost to your carry weight, even if you use a different stone. That way, there's more incentive to find all the stones, instead of the singular one you want. These would be applied in addition to the normal effects, but would stick around even after switching to a different stone's effect, letting you have these particular extra passives all at once. They wouldn't be big boosts of course, but it would add some meaning to the stones you don't plan on using, so people would want to visit each one at least once to get the permanent passive.
  2. Essentially, what I want is just a mod that adds or modifies a container somewhere so that if you activate it, it gives you three options. Option one would delete the contents from the container and generate a text file or some kind of copy/paste able code containing the item's data, and option two would let you either enter the code or load & delete the text file(Depending on which option the dev went with) and then generate the items in the file/code. The third would literally just open the container like normal. The reason I want this is because both it would allow people to trade stuff like their favorite guns across saves easily, as well as trade with each other. Say you have 200 adhesive, but no nuclear material. You could trade that with a friend for nuclear stuffs just by sending a pair of codes back and forth. Since there really is no FO4 multiplayer yet, my friend and I figured trading was the next best thing, so I was hoping to see if someone would help build a mod to help facilitate that. Console commands work, but they're not ideal at all. Thanks in advance for building it, and thanks for reading the long post too.
  3. Bump. It doesn't have to be a machine or anything. Just anything to speed up the process would be great.
  4. Thanks! Now all I need is a mod that will allow me to keep the empty fusion cores.
  5. Is there any mods out there that would let me break down a bunch of weapons or armor into the mod pieces they are comprised of quickly? For example, I could throw a laser rifle in and it would destroy the rifle and output a laser rifle capacitor, laser rifle muzzle, etc...? I enjoy collecting mods and recombining them in different ways, but looting them from enemies gets tiresome fast since I have to go and rip the mods out of each weapon and armor piece one by one. Is there any way I could streamline the process like this? I was hoping there was a mod written by someone that would add something like the Recycler from Manufacturing Extended that would break them down en mass like I talked about above, but I haven't found anything yet.
  6. I don't know how doable this is, since I haven't done any mod making for FO4 myself, but from what I know from making mods for other games, I believe it is possible. Essentially, I just want a mod that when a fusion core is completely emptied, it will give you an item called an Empty Fusion Core that can be sold for significantly less, or recharged through some means, such as placing it back into a generator or putting it in a buildable recharger in a settlement. Since FO4 just deletes the fusion core when it runs out, I assume it would work via running a script when a core is emptied that just gives the player a separate item that is just called an empty fusion core, that a generator would exchange after 'x' amount of time for a full power core. From my knowledge of modding other games, I believe that this should be doable via scripts, but I could be wrong. Any chance anyone could do this for me? I feel like the fusion cores have so much potential to be awesome, but don't get nearly enough attention due to their weirdness and difficulty to work with.
  7. Do you recall which mod it was? I seem to be having the same issue.
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