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About Valykry

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  1. I saw a mod a while back on a YouTube review, but I can't find the video or remember the name of the mod, and Google doesn't get me there either. Basically, from what I remember, the mod rebalances the accuracy of the NPC's. Raiders, being the junkies they are, tend to fire more wildly and thus missing a lot, where factions like the gunners/bos being more disciplined in general tend to hit more often, with normal settlers and the like being somewhere in the middle. Anybody have any ideas what it's called?
  2. [solved] Long story short, I'm making a patch for a Race Replacer mod. As you may imagine, any race replacer mod is not going to play nicely with any other mod that checks race, and there are several. The goal is to essentially make an "all-in-one" patch that covers multiple (not going to kid myself by saying "all") mods, making them play nicely with the new race. Now the problem. Only installing what is needed. I COULD install the patch for all mods, even if someone isn't using all of them. As long as there aren't conflicts, there will just be unnecessary data clogging things up. But I'd like to avoid this. I've seen some mods that, once installed, check for the existence of other mods and install parts based on what it finds. Or alternatively (and possibly better) when installing, provide check boxes regarding what mods it covers and allows the user to choose the installed patches, so if the mod isn't installed "yet", it will provide the fix when it is? Is there a simple way to do this? To have it go down a list of mods, check if it is installed, and install parts based on what it finds? If not, I may just have to make multiple esp's, one for each individual mod it should play nice with. [Edit] After a bit of tooling around, I managed to determine the mods that did this all had a specific XML file in a FOmod folder, and reverse engineered one to work as needed.
  3. Thanks. I love it when "It just works". I had installed it, I'll play with it when I get back from work.
  4. As I wasn't able to get the FO4Edit method to work, what does this fix do relevant to my situation? Does it provide a way for me to convert a file to/from ESM, or does it simply allow me to make the edits without needing to change anything?
  5. Thanks. This prompted me to look up the difference between esm and esp files. So esp files can't be modified, esm files can, but because of the role they play it is still best to save most small mods/patches as esp. Am I understanding that right? And to be clear, do you mean ass ESM to the "record flags" under the file header tab? From what I can tell it still saves it as an ESP. I'm ASSUMING not, if it still saves as ESP, but I have to ask. [Edit] A rather helpful video answered this for me. Assuming this works, this issue is solved. Thanks much! Just downloaded FO4Edit, so I'm pretty new.
  6. [sOLVED] I'm in the process of making a patch to make ModA and ModB play nicely. ModA performs actions on an NPC and allows these actions based on if the NPC in question is a member of a Race stored in a FormList. ModB is a race replacer. I assume you see why they don't play nicely. I am able to directly alter ModA by adding the new race to ModA's race list. Everything works perfectly, both mods now play nicely together. But as neither of the two mods are mine, and I'm patching this with the idea of releasing it in mind, I'd rather build a separate patch to do the same thing. I open CK, load both mods as usual, but this time don't select an active file, so save creates a new file. I am able to add new race to the FormList and save, but it doesn't work. Vortex seems to think the patch adds nothing and is redundant. For testing, I also used the patch to change a nearby NPC's equipment (specifically an NPC added by ModA to wear a piece of equipment from ModB), so I can tell at a glance if the patch itself is loaded. In this case, vortex doesn't call it redundant, and NPC from ModA is indeed wearing item from ModB, but despite the edited FormList, the two mods still don't play nice. Is there a different way I need to go about this? All I need to do for this patch to function is add the race from ModB into the FormList in ModA. Easy to do directly editing ModA, but apparently doing so indirectly isn't so simple. Load order isn't the issue, as I've ensured the patch loads last. I've also tried creating a new FormList, renaming it to be easy to find, checking the "use info" of the original list, and changing everything that used the original list to use the new list. No effect.
  7. Is there a command or a mod that can tell me what voice file a given NPC uses? Basically, I'm running a mod that adds NPC's and custom voice files and I'd like to replace some of the audio. Finding the location all the files are in is easy enough, but the naming system they used doesn't make it very easy to figure out which belongs with which NPC. And I'm not even sure where to start if I have to dig through the creation kit. The specific folder an NPC uses would be fine, but even a reading of the specific file name of a currently spoken line would do.
  8. It would have been nice if it SAID it was looking for Fallout4Custom.ini. Most of this could have been avoided. It was essentially a hunch I decided to play that ended up working. I thought that was a step that came later, so it never crossed my mind until now. Thanks for trying. Next time you see this issue you'll have one more idea to pass along.
  9. No, no config tweaks yet. It's essentially a clean install so far. Now steam is telling me there's no INI file once I removed it, and won't run fallout without it, so I'm putting it back. (also note that I tried running fallout4.exe as administrator without the ini. No change.) Now fallout runs again, and going on the assumption that it was a bad NMM install, I removed it, re-downloaded it, and reinstalled it. And again, NMM finds the game just fine, but cannot locate the INI. [EDIT] *sigh*... Despite the fact it SAYS it's looking for "Fallout4.ini", it's apparently REALLY looking for "Fallout4Custom.ini"... I created it and it seems to be good to go now. Now whether the mods themselves work may be another issue, but the INI problem seems to be solved.
  10. Nope, i'm using the steam one. I just wasn't aware this is the only legal version, and that was just something I seem to recall reading somewhere. I had assumed there were other ways of obtaining it, such as the afore mentioned GoG, or possibly (doubtedly) Origin, or even that a hard copy could have just been unaffiliated with steam and just updated directly from the site itself like the days of old. In the location "Documents\My Games\Fallout 4", there is the Fallout4.INI, and in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4" I did locate Fallout4_Default.INI. They seem to be there. Fallout4 itself seems to run fine. NMM just isn't finding the .INI file. It finds the game just fine. No worries. I'm not easy to scare. So the next step is to delete those two files and have it regenerate them? I'll give it a shot after work today.
  11. In that case, the INI is indeed there. NMM just doesn't seem to be finding it.
  12. [update] I decided to see if I could locate the INI file myself, and couldn't locate it. Just in the off chance that i'm an idiot, I looked here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4 Same folder as Fallout4.exe and Fallout4Launcher.exe, but found no INI file, or any other file labeled with "Fallout" in the name. Also, I read somewhere that the steam version works a bit differently than not-steam versions since a certain update. Could that have something to do with it?
  13. Actually, it's both. I've recently re-formatted my computer, so everything had to be re-installed. I left the paths used by both to their default settings.
  14. Every time I run NMM and load Fallout 4 (In NMM, not launching the game itself) it tells me that there is no Fallout 4 INI file and to run fallout 4 to initialize the file before installing any mods or turning on Archive Invalidation. It's re-installation is recent, but I have ran it. Started a new game and went as far as leaving the house and heading to the vault. Any ideas what the issue may be?
  15. Is there a mod out yet that gives your companions better combat AI? Perhaps something that makes them behave more tactically? For instance, if they are undetected, and have a silenced sniper rifle, it makes no sense to join combat with a noisemaker. I'm also looking for a mod that increases damage all around dealt by you, enemies, and allies alike. I used to have one but it got taken down for some unknown reason, but it increased all damage by a multiple of 10 or so I believe, including radiation (Though they should left radstorms alone. 2 "booms" and you're dead.)
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