Alright, so I was happily playing Skyrim, as you do and then 1.8 got released. "Great!" I thought, bugfixes and such. You know, good things. Well, fate (and quite possibly silly updating systems) decided to laugh in my face about the matter. Even with SKSE updated, the game is rather crash-happy at certain places. Near-ish Falkreath, sometimes Breezehome likes to have a crash-party as well. But the most disruptive one so far is When I get onto the boat to get to Castle Volkihar. My mod list (which has been BOSSed, to no significant change) is as follows: Now, I'm 99.9% certain that it's one of the mods to blame but figuring out which one and where is beyond me. Any help would be appreciated, even if it's "Abandon hope, all ye who load this savegame" as even then, I have some closure.