Just wtf are you talking about? You're not making any sense. If the game was actually designed to play on lower end rigs, performance wouldn't be an issue in the first place. But I'm not talking about how well optimized Skyrim is. I'm talking about how the mousespeed is tied to the FPS. Meaning the mousespeed changes whenever the FPS (frames per second) changes. This should not happen. The mousespeed should be completely independent of the FPS. Which is why you get the jitters when you have v-sync off since the mousespeed is fluctuating along with the FPS. And Skyrim isn't a console port? I smell a candy ass fanboy. Firstly, the UI sucks ass. Holy s***. One of the worst UI for a PC game I have ever seen. Secondly, there is this fundamental issue of HAVING THE MOUSESPEED BEING TIED TO THE FPS. Those two reasons alone make Skyrim a shitty console port. I mean, why the f*** can't I quickly switch between dual wielding weapons and spellcasting? Why must I re-equip my weapons by opening up the favorite bar/inventory? That's f***ing bull s***. This game did not have the PC in mind at all. It caters heavily to the console crowd. Good thing we have a lively and creative modding community. Skyrim ain't s*** without the mods. If you talk like a 12 yr old and what I'm saying isn't making sense to you, then a response is kind of futile. You either haven't read my post or you're just really slow... Btw, you're the only one in this thread who doesn't think Skyrim isn't a console port. Is this like your first PC game?