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  1. (in SkyrimPrefs.ini) Those are just what I use, so YMMV. Do I have to changed the settings in both my documents and my programs?
  2. Thanks. I'll try this. So... what value should I set the fMouseCursorSpeed to? Just something above 1.000? Edit: These didn't help at all. They just made the mousespeed way fast and didn't lessen the jitters.
  3. Just wtf are you talking about? You're not making any sense. If the game was actually designed to play on lower end rigs, performance wouldn't be an issue in the first place. But I'm not talking about how well optimized Skyrim is. I'm talking about how the mousespeed is tied to the FPS. Meaning the mousespeed changes whenever the FPS (frames per second) changes. This should not happen. The mousespeed should be completely independent of the FPS. Which is why you get the jitters when you have v-sync off since the mousespeed is fluctuating along with the FPS. And Skyrim isn't a console port? I smell a candy ass fanboy. Firstly, the UI sucks ass. Holy s***. One of the worst UI for a PC game I have ever seen. Secondly, there is this fundamental issue of HAVING THE MOUSESPEED BEING TIED TO THE FPS. Those two reasons alone make Skyrim a shitty console port. I mean, why the f*** can't I quickly switch between dual wielding weapons and spellcasting? Why must I re-equip my weapons by opening up the favorite bar/inventory? That's f***ing bull s***. This game did not have the PC in mind at all. It caters heavily to the console crowd. Good thing we have a lively and creative modding community. Skyrim ain't s*** without the mods. If you talk like a 12 yr old and what I'm saying isn't making sense to you, then a response is kind of futile. You either haven't read my post or you're just really slow... Btw, you're the only one in this thread who doesn't think Skyrim isn't a console port. Is this like your first PC game?
  4. It's just that nobody's been talking about this very big problem. Not enough people are up in arms about a flaw that should never be a feature in any game. There are no fixes for this at the moment. There probably won't be a while since it is rather complicated to deal with. Nothing I have said is false nor are they exaggerated. And everyone (including you) except for a few b 1 tch made fanboys agrees that Skyrim is a shitty console port. I really hope some master programmer fixes this issue,
  5. It's definitely a console port. You can tell easily by the UI, mouse responsiveness, DX9 only, hell even the escape and enter buttons didn't work on release. Having the CK just shows they care about the PC crowd, not that the game was actually made for PC, then ported to console. That makes no sense. I know right? The UI is f***ing horrible... Worse than the one in oblivion.
  6. Just wtf are you talking about? You're not making any sense. If the game was actually designed to play on lower end rigs, performance wouldn't be an issue in the first place. But I'm not talking about how well optimized Skyrim is. I'm talking about how the mousespeed is tied to the FPS. Meaning the mousespeed changes whenever the FPS (frames per second) changes. This should not happen. The mousespeed should be completely independent of the FPS. Which is why you get the jitters when you have v-sync off since the mousespeed is fluctuating along with the FPS. And Skyrim isn't a console port? I smell a candy ass fanboy. Firstly, the UI sucks ass. Holy s***. One of the worst UI for a PC game I have ever seen. Secondly, there is this fundamental issue of HAVING THE MOUSESPEED BEING TIED TO THE FPS. Those two reasons alone make Skyrim a shitty console port. I mean, why the f*** can't I quickly switch between dual wielding weapons and spellcasting? Why must I re-equip my weapons by opening up the favorite bar/inventory? That's f***ing bull s***. This game did not have the PC in mind at all. It caters heavily to the console crowd. Good thing we have a lively and creative modding community. Skyrim ain't s*** without the mods.
  7. Your mouse movement in first person may improve with the graphics update but the mousespeed will still be tied to the FPS and you will without a doubt experience jitters. I've seen Skyrim played on the xbox and I was like "why is the movement super smooth"? f***ing console port I tell ya.
  8. Vsync actually mitigates the problem since the mousespeed would be constantly in sync with the frame rate. The fact that this game has the mousespeed tied the the FPS is simply unacceptable.
  9. What settings do you play on Skyrim? And what's your rig? Btw, your Tf2 scenario and Skyrim's fundamental mousespeed problem are different issues. Vsync is known for causing issues and is rarely used by anyone. Skyrim, on the other hand, DOES NOT HAVE A MOUSESPEED THAT IS INDEPENDENT OF THE FPS! So, you experience no jitters at all? And your movements in Skyrim are as smooth as Tf2 or even oblivion (assuming you have oblivion)? Oblivion may have been a very poorly optimized game but at least the mousespeed wasn't f***ed up. It was independent like every other game in history. I play on Skyrim on full Ultra with my laptop and get steady frame rates (Ultra preset + FXAA checked off and the beth texture pack) and yes, I do have Oblivion. I didn't make mods for a game I do not have :laugh: . My mouse movement is pretty smooth (not sure if a 5000dpi mouse has anything to do with that, I suppose it is more precise in relation to pixels though). The movement isn't as nice as TF2 but it is a long way from getting on my nerves and definitely isn't jerky. Are you using AMD 12.1 drivers? (or do you have an Nvidia card?) I am using the latest AMD drivers.
  10. But I bet you still get the jitters. Especially indoors. Right? My graphics drivers are up to date and it still feels so bad... Without question. Mouse response is still jittery but better after driver update. Isn't it aggravating?
  11. What settings do you play on Skyrim? And what's your rig? Btw, your Tf2 scenario and Skyrim's fundamental mousespeed problem are different issues. Vsync is known for causing issues and is rarely used by anyone. Skyrim, on the other hand, DOES NOT HAVE A MOUSESPEED THAT IS INDEPENDENT OF THE FPS! So, you experience no jitters at all? And your movements in Skyrim are as smooth as Tf2 or even oblivion (assuming you have oblivion)? Oblivion may have been a very poorly optimized game but at least the mousespeed wasn't f***ed up. It was independent like every other game in history.
  12. But I bet you still get the jitters. Especially indoors. Right? My graphics drivers are up to date and it still feels so bad...
  13. Am I the only one who can't stand the fact that the mouse speed is still tied to the FPS? No other game does this. Only Skyrim. Because the mousespeed is tied to the FPS, even those with the most powerful computers will experience jittering. Any modders out there that plan on fixing this?
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