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Everything posted by Nimno

  1. All armors and weapons should be completely static. It is YOU who should increase it's effectiveness. The higher level you are, the better you should swing the sword, or the better you should understand how to move in armor. I understand the need for the smiths, that actually makes sense. But to have two identical pieces of equipment, of the exact same "quality", have different requirements and have differt degrees of functionality, that's just infantile mmorpg nonsense.
  2. Actually, one of the wikis said that they would fast before battles. Guess they had to save room for the buffet.
  3. One of the most appealing aspects of Bethesda's lore is it's twist on stereotypical fantasy archetypes. One of my favorites among these is the Bosmer. They aren't the tree-hugging flower children that most "wood elves" are in other fantasy works. While it is true that they do retain a deep reverence for nature, that devotion has led to some very interesting twists. Most prevalent of these is their carnivorous diet which consists of, you guessed it, other humanoids. Whether it be fallen enemy or respected family member (that part I may have wrong), they munch down on other bipeds with astounding commitment, supposedly consuming them in their entirety within a couple of weeks. I would like to see this implemented into the game in some way. If I can't get an Elder Scrolls chapter that has a Wild Hunt, I at least want to snack on my enemies without having to track down a random quest in Markarth.
  4. Bethesda has always done a crappy job with vampires. Primarily in the way the disease/curse functions, it's completely backwards. The more they feed, the more powerful they should become, not the other way around. The same goes with the aesthetics. They should be more human looking the more well fed they are, not more ghastly. Their idea of vampires is totally unappealing on all levels.
  5. The item "Fur-Trimmed Cloak" item. # : 0008698c, may be helpful.
  6. I posted a similar request on someones wolf armor mod (Winterfell reference and all). I would love to see the pauldrons removed from that armor, and a heavy fur cloak draped over it. Even in areas where it seems green and sunny, it has to be at temperatures near freezing or below.
  7. I like all the races, but hate the Thalmor. I kill them on sight unless they are in a city's keep or the like. There doesn't seem to be anyone (race or faction) that likes them. Only the Thalmor like the Thalmor, even other Aldmer resent them.
  8. If someone can pull this off quickly it would be like putting fun back into part of the game for me. I might even start a new character just to get the thrill of going through that first dungeon again.
  9. Knowing which are going to "wake up" just by looking at them is not very fun. I like being surprised, and I haven't been surprised since the first time I encountered them.
  10. I foolishly tried to take out a giant with my level 12 2-handed warrior, which resulted in my usual run/shoot technique. In the process I somehow managed to aggro a total of 3 giants, 5 mammoths, and 2 mudcrabs. The entire time I was running for dear life, in a headless-chicken sort of way, there was a dragon circling above the chaos. I probably imagined it, but I swear I heard it laughing. What's the dragon shout "laugh" sound like anyway?
  11. I fast traveled to Riften only to find a dragon attacking. I eventually kill it with the help of the citizens and guards. After it's all over I see poor Madesi lying dead on the ground. I liked him, so I reloaded and traveled back to Riften again. And lo and behold, another dragon is attacking. This time I'm prepared. Just as the dragon is almost dead, I notice that it's health bar is sitting at a sliver and it's not dying. So, I step back and look up, and there's good ol' Madesi on top of it's head doing the cinematic finishing move!
  12. Bumpity bump. I check this site every day hoping to see a mod for this. The Nightingale hood is my favorite piece of head gear in the game, but I hate that it has a mask covering the face I spent an eternity during character creation perfecting. An enchantable version would make it even better, as my nightblade/assassin has little use for the Illusion bonus.
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