Hello everyone, I am currently trying to make a repeatable quest like the radiant ones found in game, but I am having an issue where the game is not actually showing the quest as a new instance when started the second time. This is how the quest plays out when tested in game: 1. Player accepts quest (Kill enemies spawned via aliases) 2. Aliases are properly filled and objectives progress normally 3. Player turns in the quest and it completes successfully 4. Player accepts quest again and "Quest Started" UI shows up properly. 5. Aliases are properly refilled and a second instance can be found properly in the game world if I manually walk to their location 6. Quest continues to progress and set stages normally Issue: The stages and objectives are being updated on the previously completed instance of the quest, rather than creating a new one for the player to track. As can be seen above I believe that the quest is properly repeating, but using the old quest instance (which is completed and cant be tracked) for some reason, probably due to incorrect setup. Notes: - The quest calls Stop() when completed and Start() when restarted - The quest is reset using Reset() - The quest is not marked as run once, and follows the same general structure as the default radiant quests - Warn on alias fill produces no warnings, leading me to further believe it is not an alias issue Thanks in advance for any help anyone may be able to provide!