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About Raathas

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  1. What are your opinions on having a completly new loading screen and starting zone.. Similar to the actual WoW interface when you create a new character, are we having factions, what about the same type of interface? I would like to see how this turns out!
  2. Nice corthian nice, looks like one of the passage ways off of Bioshock. The colours are really great too! Can't wait to see the new stuff, i can imagine them being absolutely stunning. Are you using HD Textures? don't forget some people do have over-powered gaming systems and it would be nice to please them also!
  3. Nice one guys - good to see that this is now coming to its development stage! Sorry I havn't been functioning properly recently, I've had a lot of issues with university and such.. My new skype is: likeclockw0rk feel free to add me, and discuss the mod!
  4. http://www.freakygaming.com/gallery/concept_art/lineage_2/Zaken_Concept I can imagine outfits like that (but more clock workish), with cogs, more authentic coloring and high amounts of detail!
  5. I havent read the backstory to the mod yet, however i would suggest some sort of civil war, and then people colonized away from anvil - it would make very good questing for instances such as having to sneak into anvil and retract information about anvil's next plans to attack et cetera.. im just going with the flow here guys, i couldnt care less whether my opinions get taken seriously or not! :P
  6. Right, well we could copy some of the dwemer models or ideas or we could create complete new monsters all together.. They are obviously going to have to be mechanical, so why not like hybrid humans? humans who have become too indulged in technology and have now began to become part human part android? Im just trying to draft out some ideas so you modellers can try to create something!
  7. Nice to know - I have arachnophobia :( Guess I wont be watching that then ;) Where is this mod heading towards then? im semi-finished on the website, even if it is a free hosted one, its still somewhere we can post pictures, videos, news and RSS feeds (RSS feeds im not too sure about yet, but im sure i can get it working) Also, if you want, i could set up a blog :)
  8. I was asking my friends if they knew anything about Steampunk, And they told me to watch a film called "Wild Wild West" or something, starring will smith? I havn't seen it yet, but if someone else has, possibly this could give some influence towards the project :)
  9. @UK47 Let's not start a flame war - this thread is purely for fun and creation purposes only... @Corthian I love that typography :D
  10. I like the blue jacket - but would prefer it if it was longer, and was able to be buttoned up :)
  11. I think if your going to add them types of weapons, they should be rewarded from quests inside oldtown... possibly come up with some sort of script that lets you pimp your weapon, like add modifications to it? That's probably hard but not impossible! :P i like the tonfa idea, i've actually used them before and they are fun! I was watching hellboy and looked at the assassin, his character is f*****g amazing, his dress sense and his weapons - watch the film or research him, hes ace! I would like to see a change in the Dark brotherhood though, maybe some sort of overhaul? maybe make an ancient clan of assassins that were originated in oldtown? Thanks
  12. This would be good as a new set of dark brother hood armor for the Steampunk Mod, or some sort of new enemies we could introduce: http://community.livejournal.com/steamfashion/2704511.html Thanks for them links.
  13. Just to point out guys, anyone interested in this mod, get your arses on skype! We will arrange a meeting very soon, however the times will be an issue due to the american to english time gap... From now of if you have skype, bang your account name up so we can add you and make a conference call :) The mod will shortly kick off soon, we are looking for people to make a website (I can design but i cant code) In conjunction with the posts above, Im liking the ideas that are coming so keep them up guys, they are needed and are all being taken into account! Thanks on my behalf for all the posts, Shredator is very pleased too! let's get this thing up and running!
  14. Thanks a ton guys, I managed to eliminate the problem in a short amount of time! CCleaner I already use, it is a very good piece of software! And Internet explorer was not my chosen browser - I alternate between Firefox and Chrome (Security and Speed), so I just got rid of Internet Explorer completely! Once again, Thanks guys! Sam
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