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Nexus Mods Profile

About NyteKitsune

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    SWToR, MWO and Skyrim
  • Favourite Game
    Though I'd love to say Skyrim, FFVII.

NyteKitsune's Achievements


Enthusiast (6/14)



  1. I am also having this issue, cant add new mods via Vortex, just tha "You need a new app to run this program" NXM, which is silly as... c'mon, APP? Really, I'm on a PC.. not a phone... not a tablet... a PC.. Someone F'd up!
  2. Nice to see my banner up. People already asking to edit it, lol. Sorry, but if anyone edits it it'll be me. I may eventually and a border to it. Some celtic-style scrollwork would look nice, may browse the web for some already drawn as I'm sure there's someone out there that's already done some which would save me alot of time (would credit the artist of the scrollwork).
  3. Hey! No picking on my backwards "R"! It's called artistic expression! But, please, use it guys if you like it. As for the mod, installed it yesterday before leaving for work, haven't messed around with it yet though.
  4. Hey guys.. I did notice the UBR page is a little bland for people checking out the mod, so I doodled up this at work last night to pretty the page up a little. If you like it, please use it.. and list me as the contributing artist. :smile:
  5. Thanks Guys good to see this finally released! Thanks for hanging in there all this time. Now lets hope I can gonvice some of my favorite armor modders to make some compatibility changes to include UBR.
  6. You guys still alive out there? Dro, Derok? Been almost a week since anyone said anything, any updates?
  7. ^This! I know the feeling Dro, though I don't make mod's, I am an artist, and I find working on things people have asked me to draw for them takes a considerable amount of time, considering work, sleeping and of course.. Me time, I mean I love to draw, but really now, if that's all I did, I'd go crazy.
  8. Hope you get it done... the anticipation is really killin' me! :)
  9. Sidetracked? No, I just work eighteen hours over the weekend. Been there.. know how that goes.. Let me guess.. needed to cover for someone... unless you work 12+ Hour shifts like I used to (BTW if you don't, don't do it), Pay was good, but after 3mo of that I was a wreck... not that my current job working graveyards is much better... I'm lucky to see daylight. lol, But at least it isn't 12hr shifts.
  10. I think Dro got sidetracked yesterday.. How about today Dro... That way I can try out UBR tomorrow? My day off. :) GIT 'ER DONE!
  11. But.... I don't want underwear, looks silly on argonians.
  12. Psst.. He Dro.. its Wednesday... DON"T FORGET!!!!!!!
  13. They are. That's why I'm making sure to fricking finish UBR, despite tearing my scales off over it. Speaking of which, any updates, I mean last month you said close or almost or something or other.. like every other month really... so uh.. really, when?
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