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About redcube42

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  1. I'm not a UI designer, nor do I think I'm smart enough to give real constructive feedback. As a user, all i can say is that something about the way things are spaced and presented feels very odd. I don't know what is wrong exactly. I'm not adverse to changes, especially if it makes things easier to change going forward. However, i do sincerely hope things iterate and improve quickly, because the current layout and visual feel of the new UI is something i feel detracts heavily from my usual experience of my years and years of use.
  2. Welcome, I am redcube42. Bad name, I know. Here I am to just show that I have started planning for a big project. Even though my mod making history is almost zip, I want to take time to create something worthy of people's attention. I am also posting this as a placeholder for all future post on this project. It may not look like Something worth looking into and watching progress, going by that I've never released anything of grand scale before, but I am determined to create something wonderful. I also hope that this project doesn't make me look like I'm an over ambitious person who has impossible goals for features. Now that that is out of the way.... Here is where I am currently... What is Project Hysteria?: Project Hysteria is an unnamed new experience for F:NV. The whole premise of this project is to show, and let you play through, your own spiral into insanity. Planned features are; a working, in depth sanity system, which will directly effect many variables in the world, yourself, and others; A prewar setting; Relationship levels for each individual npc; Custom meshes/ textures/ sounds. Story is not yet finished, but it will be a separate universe from fallout. Another planned feature that may or may not happen is the ability to play as many different types of people. What is meant by this is that things will be different depending on your character's gender, age, and your selectable starting situation. This ties into the story as well, giving you many paths to choose, and many endings to experience. Since this project is based on the whole concept of sanity and the effect of it on you and others, i plan to have many sanity effects. These effects include voices, in and out of your head, changing appearances of npcs and the player, and environment visual changes. Hallucinations of varying degrees based on your sanity level are also planned. There are many more things I plan to do to be talked about later. For now, I want to see what people think of this project I am starting. I also want to see how many people think I'm crazy for my skill level attempting this kind of thing. However, I will stick with it, and accept any criticism, feedback, or recommendations, no matter what. Thank you.
  3. Hey there. I am redcube42, I used to be a huge user of mods, until my computer broke what seems like so very long ago. I had also made two companion mods for new Vegas during that time. I found making mods to be extremely fun and rewarding, and want to start making mods once more. Being computerless makes it hard, but good thing there are LAN centers where I live. So why am I posting this? Simply because I want to say hello to everyone who reads this, and to let you know that I have big ideas, and to look forward to what I do in the future. And sorry if this should be elsewhere, but I felt it was off topic. Thanks everyone! :D
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