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  1. So animation is tied to a keyword, but thats all that keyword does. Oddly the power armor station's animation keyword isnt directly linked but set by the extra PowerArmorWorkbench Script attached. The workbench UI and what it does is typically controlled by "WBDT - Workbench Data" then "Bench Type" (Alchemy being the type used by all cooking, chem stations, any custom bench that makes stuff). Thinking about it tho, overhauling the PowerArmorWorkbench Script to switch over keywords and open the alchemy ui instead of playing "WorkbenchPowerArmorNoArmorMSG" when no armor is present might be a rather clean way to go about it.
  2. Think these are the settings you're looking for - If I remember right - The game itself modifies a weapons accuracy by the weapons object mods (OMOD), that have "Property Modifiers" attached to carry out a "MUL+ADD" operation targeting these settings. The CK sadly is the best to add new "Property Modifiers" to OMOD's, but with them you could tweak all the settings you need.
  3. Cant just outright edit the default game values. Have to create a mod that applies an edit once the game is running. Right mouse click over the entry in the left hand pane (or the very top of the right hand pane where it says [00] Fallout4.esm]) and select "Copy as override into...". Choose file type and name it then you can edit the weapon. xEdit is a really awesome + powerful tool, but kinda complicated, could be worth checking out some videos. Kinggrath put out a series that pretty helpful, definitely wish it was around when I started modding lol.
  4. Yeah the mods aren't loading for sure. Outside of making sure the mods are enabled, I'd check to see if your .ini is looking good and has "bInvalidateOlderFiles=1" and "sResourceDataDirsFinal=" under Archive
  5. First step, you would need to convert your flag png into texture files that the game can use (.dds format). Bare minimum you'll need 3 - a diffuse, normal, and smooth/specular, these will end in _d.dds, _n.dds, and _s.dds respectively. It would be wise to extract the texture files for one of the current flags to see how its mapped, then match it and use a material swap like most of the flags.
  6. Mostly yeah, you could fix dialogue text by browsing the thousands of dialogue entries and editing them. There's also the big rabbit hole of re-recording the voice lines that mention Shaun/your son. That's where it gets past just time consuming to really messy/impossible.
  7. The crib version of Shaun, afaik no. Unlike the synth kid and older Shaun's that are NPC's, crib/baby Shaun is just an activator/nif model (a generic "baby.nif").
  8. If you're sure everything points to the right place, and is in the right place, I'd next check to make sure the attached script's had the properties filled out correctly. Could have missed hooking into tracking quest or something by accident.
  9. Does the circuit breaker have a linked ref to connect to the water plane activator like you would for normal switches to doors, lights, etc?
  10. 2F19 is the ACHR "DarcyPembrokeREF" that uses/spawns the NPC 2F18 "Darcy Pembroke". Hit the "referenced by" tab at the bottom when looking at the NPC in FO4Edit, then double click the ACHR to find it easier.
  11. You're looking for the script "DN151_MovableWater", as per its notes its an iteration of Skyrim's Nchardak dungeon movable water script and the base for the script that moves water down in Weston Water Treatment (DN158_MovableWaterScript).
  12. By no swimming, do you mean doesnt/cant enter water or like never learned how to swim so just drowns lol? If going for just drowns maybe find the secret behind power armor not letting you swim. I played with copying the no swim + changing size to something with a negative buoyancy in its material type but it didnt change anything for the player. Can make dead bodies sink tho. Not really sure the SWIM checkbox in RACE does much either bedsides let NPCs enter/exit water. Only swim = keeps things in water, swim + walk = can go in and out, walk only = cant swim threw deepish water (tho they kinda still can sometimes). Combat in water lets you do exactly that - shoot and fight while the game considers you submerged (tho its a bit strange, works best entering the water with a weapon drawn). At the moment im not sure its something you can do without a script, as thats how it was done for power armor in FNV.
  13. A workbench is mainly just a Furniture with a script attached and some keywords for animation + item linking. Hardest part is the custom .nif (3D model). A simple way would be to use CK/NifSkope to add together some of the games assets into a single .nif. After you have that, easiest bet is probably to just copy the chem bench as a new record, change the name and .nif, then swap out the keyword "WorkbenchChemlab [KYWD:00102158]" for your custom keyword that is also in your constructible objects.
  14. Yeah dont doubt the pex browser I was using runs on Champillion lol, thx. Sadly looking at F4SE, it might be awhile before there's an update.
  15. So the animation group a weapon uses is determined by the keyword(s) attached to it. Most of them are easy to spot as they start with either Anims or WeaponType (AnimsUnarmed or WeaponTypeUnarmed), most have a pair (some are just one keyword) to trigger a set collection of animations, with separate ones for both 1st and 3rd person. In short, you can use your OMOD (object modifcation/ the weapon mod) to add and remove the necessary keywords to switch over the animations, as well as the other things need. In the CK edit your OMOD, under "Property Modifiers" you'll need to right click and add a new one for each keyword you want to add/remove. Change "Target" on the left for the new entry to "pkKeywords", then "Op" to either ADD or REMOVE, and finally target the keyword needed with "Form". I think you should also be able to use this method switching "pkKeyword" over to "poAmmo" to remove the ammo usage. Looks like psAttackSound, psAttackFailSound, psEquipSound for sound related stuff. You get the idea. OMOD's have a crazy amount of power. As a whole tho, Ive really only tested this with melee weapons. Switching from unarmed to a swing but hopefully should be about the same?!
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