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Everything posted by CHibizoid

  1. Late to the party several years but still want to say that the advice that did help me in this same annoying situation, was turning off Save on Travel, which deactivates auto saving on Fast Travel but also on entering or exiting locations (since I imagine they are considered travelling from one cell to another). :smile: I've had no more problems with transitioning from locations or saving.
  2. So... it is like 6 years after the last answer but since I found another solution to this problem (which I just started having today a few hours ago) I will post it here: First, this was some of the advice I tried that didn't work or worked partially: Save, Kill Myself, Save Again 1. Delete all .temp files generated in my SAVE folder. 2. Loading the last FULL SAVE I had (by that I mean not a quick nor auto save). 3. Kill myself. 4. When the game reload and I'm back alive, I save again. 5. Fast travel and/or save. Result: Worked Partially. Saves were possible and fast travel too without crashing the game, BUT next time I "travelled" (be that global fast travel or just entering and exiting a building), it was back to "You can't travel from this location". Deactivating Mods 1. Tried deactivating the latest mods I had installed in case it was a problem I had too many and they were fighting for RAM. Unlikely, being that my machine is new, and I don't have more than 20 mods installed, none resources-hungry, but I did. Result: Did Not Work. It was not the mods in my specific case. Now for what I did that finally worked for me: Turn Off Save On Travel. 1. From within the game I clicked ESC, selected Preferences, turned off Save On Travel, and went back to the game. Result: Success. I have not had any problems again with Fast Travel or Saving. Not perfect because if now I forget to save before travelling and I just end up in the middle of a nest of Death Claws, well, there is no Save On Rage-Quit unfortunatelly. I hope this helps someone one day. :)
  3. I wonder what was the central conceit behind choosing to make it an outdoors-only item. At first glance I don't see any interesting tactical advantages important enough to elect either way. So it is wonderful that people with the knowledge made this small alteration to the bedroll's use. Thanks a ton !
  4. If there has ever been a mod I covet the most, more than any of the grand mods that change the whole world, it would be JUST THIS. A backwards walking horse, as real life intended. Just a humble alteration to one of the most baffling choices in game's history: You engage your horse's reverse, and it lurches forward at full speed while you stare through the back windshield. As if in a sad-comedy. I have no qualms with begging. Please. Smart people. Please, make one.
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