So... it is like 6 years after the last answer but since I found another solution to this problem (which I just started having today a few hours ago) I will post it here: First, this was some of the advice I tried that didn't work or worked partially: Save, Kill Myself, Save Again 1. Delete all .temp files generated in my SAVE folder. 2. Loading the last FULL SAVE I had (by that I mean not a quick nor auto save). 3. Kill myself. 4. When the game reload and I'm back alive, I save again. 5. Fast travel and/or save. Result: Worked Partially. Saves were possible and fast travel too without crashing the game, BUT next time I "travelled" (be that global fast travel or just entering and exiting a building), it was back to "You can't travel from this location". Deactivating Mods 1. Tried deactivating the latest mods I had installed in case it was a problem I had too many and they were fighting for RAM. Unlikely, being that my machine is new, and I don't have more than 20 mods installed, none resources-hungry, but I did. Result: Did Not Work. It was not the mods in my specific case. Now for what I did that finally worked for me: Turn Off Save On Travel. 1. From within the game I clicked ESC, selected Preferences, turned off Save On Travel, and went back to the game. Result: Success. I have not had any problems again with Fast Travel or Saving. Not perfect because if now I forget to save before travelling and I just end up in the middle of a nest of Death Claws, well, there is no Save On Rage-Quit unfortunatelly. I hope this helps someone one day. :)