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Everything posted by Ayelius

  1. I hope there's still people active here who know their way around Fallout 3' scripting. I'm trying to force-equip the player with a random clothing item from a leveled list. Using the ID in the EquipItem function as I would do it like using AddItem doesn't work. And since there's no return value, I don't know how I could get the ref to the random item being added. The only way I could think of right now is check whether the player inventory contains one of the possible items from within the list, so a check for every possible item and then EquipItem with that ID, but it seems a bit hacky. Maybe there's a better way these days?
  2. Neat little trick, the latter works for me. Thanks a lot!
  3. Hi all, is there a reliable way to check if an object reference or form is a grenade or mine? I tried using keywords but these are generally different for each grenade/mine. All mines seem to have the keyword 'WeaponTypeThrown'. But not all grenades have the keyword 'WeaponTypeGrenade', in fact only a few seem to have that. Elemental grenades like plasma or EMP have their own keyword (e.g. 'WeaponTypePlasmaGrenade') but I wouldn't want to check each and every one of those specialized keywords. And I would also like to avoid altering vanilla forms by adding new keywords. All grenades and mines seem to have the keyword 'WeaponTypeExplosive' but then again, the rocket launcher for instance has the same... So is there another way?
  4. Thanks a lot! What exactly does this apply to, like, is there a hierarchie? For example does it also apply to a group of objects, say if I want the additional activation to show up for all objects of type 'weapon'. If another perk would target only a subset of weapons (e.g. a specific instance), would the additional option not be shown for ALL objects of type 'weapon' or only for the specific instance that's targeted by another perk?
  5. Hi all, I don't really know how to call this feature that's in vanilla hence it was hard searching for solutions or tutorials. That's why I'm asking here. Basically I want to know where and how these alternative interactions for certain objects are defined. Example: Having holo tapes centered on your crosshair allows you to pick it up by pressing E or to immediately put it in your PipBoy by pressing R. What's the best way to setup these actions for other things? Doing this via script events or something in order to keep compatibility would be neat.
  6. Well, Jauffre has the default Breton voice, so everything fine there. Martin does actually have a few lines in the Generic quest, which are also the topmost. Whether that's important or not I don't know. Skip Fallout Behavior is unticked for my character as I actually want them to be able to say random stuff to other NPCs. Good to know that I'd only need to rename the folder, that'd sure save a lot of time, thanks. My initial question was not if it's possible to have a fully voiced NPC. I also mentioned I already have all needed voiced lines ready to be used. It's just about not having it mixed up with vanilla generic dialog (as I'm, as of now, not using a custom race for my character). But another good tip about the "Random End" flag, I'll check that out, thanks.
  7. Yes, it looks like each race gets it's own folder, as I have a folder named "Breton" for my ESP. Bummer. But... what about Martin or Mankar Camoran? They're still standard Imperial and High Elf, no custom races, yet still they have unique voices that don't overlap with the generic stuff.
  8. To be honest, not really, no. At least no technical reason. I just find it somewhat irritating to make a special race of what is essentially still just a Breton. I keep in mind though, if nothing else comes up to solve this differently. EDIT: If I'd change the race now that much of the dialog is already in place, wouldn't that break all references to audio files, as they are named or otherwise linked to the race?
  9. Correct, as my own dialogs are a "replacement" of some sorts. But I wouldn't want to create a custom race just for that either, if that's what you're about to suggest. :D
  10. Oh I'm actually using GetRandomPercent checks for my random dialogues already. Found out that if you tick the "Random" checkbox in the CS it will randomize between all adjacent dialog lines, so also the ones from generic Bretons. Yet still I have that problem, so I don't quite remember what cases it fixed specifically but I know it was necessary.
  11. Thanks for your input. The Thing is, generic dialog doesn't check factions but mostly disposition and race (to give appropriate greetings and differentiate the voices etc.) and they're mostly at the bottom of the list. So some kind of catch-all with no special conditions so they WILL be triggered if no special dialog precedes it. To get the "full picture", at least just regarding my character, I just use the filtered dialog window in the CS and filter by my character. That way I can see all possible lines for each topic that my character can possibly trigger. Dialogs for my character always check for it's ID already, so only that character can say these lines. But again also other generic breton lines are spoken, which is what I don't get. Adding another condition to vanilla dialog is not compatibility-friendly as stated in my entry post, so that's why I'd like to avoid that in hope for a better way. From my understanding, Oblivion checks conditions in it's dialog list from top to botton and uses the first dialog which conditions are true. In that case my custom dialogs should always come first and the generic stuff shouldn't even be considered in the first place.
  12. Hi there, I'm creating a character who's supposed to be "fully integrated" into the world of Oblivion, e.g. being able to do all the things other NPCs are doing as well, like random dialog and such. My NPC is fully voiced (I got the voice files) but I'm facing issues with implementing all their dialog just for themselves. It's not a custom race (they're Breton) so in general they share generic dialog with all other Bretons. So many lines in random NPC chatter are mixed up, which is what I want to avoid. I've created a quest that only contains this character's generic lines and gave it a priority of 10, which is higher than the standard Generic quest (prio. 5). In the filtered dialog window I can see that my custom lines are sitting on top of the generic ones. Yet still it seems to fall through to generic Breton lines sometimes. Is there any way to block off all vanilla generic lines? I've read this: https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=Removing_default_dialog_tutorial But that's not a good one in terms of compatibility, as any other mod could potentially override changes to the Generic quest conditions which I would need to do. So, is there a better way to implement this?
  13. Hey there, so I was trying to understand how NPCs in Oblivion are being animated. Like those "special" animations e.g. when Velwyn Benirus opens the secret door in the manor's basement or the people in Bruma cheering and clapping when Martin passes by. I don't quite get how this all works together since I never saw any "PlayAnimation" instruction or the like in any script. Only thing I found that got me closer to understand is the idle animations window in the CS. But where's the connection? Like the "SearchWall" idle animation has conditions to the door ref in the Benirus manor basement and a UseItemAt package. And Velwyn is gonna execute that package. So... because the idle animation refers to that door and an AI package, Velwyn is automatically use that animation when his AI package tells him to use the "item" (the door)? Idk, but to me it just looks like a real overkill, going around all those corners just to make an NPC simply play an animation. Could someone possibly generalize that a little bit for me? Like a comprehensive "How To make NPC play certain animations", just so I actually understand the system Oblivion uses to achieve those things? Because maybe it's easier than I picture it, from what I've seen... http://tesalliance.org/forums/uploads/emoticons/default_aa_smile.gif
  14. I'd like to bring this back into the foreground as I am really interested in such a mod, too. And now with the CK release it might be just a thing of a couple minutes to put weapon mods into vendor leveled lists.
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