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  1. Let me start by saying that I know the instructions to make your own are already stated in detail in the Into Free mod page. Nonetheless I'm having difficulty making my own version without complications and sound issues. It would be awesome if someone with better knowledge than I could possibly make it themselves? I've asked the original creator of the mod but haven't heard anything back. Thanks~
  2. I don't know if it's just the The Witcher 3 nexus portion of the site but searching for files has become harder than before. For example, if you try searching for ReShade Presets it'll only show 9 files only. I've never had this issue before with the search function.
  3. In response to post #24589329. #24589589, #24589619, #24589869, #24589984, #24590034, #24590139, #24590269, #24591409, #24591504, #24591544 are all replies on the same post. 25% is NOT fair at all. I don't understand what sort of mental gymnastics you have to tell yourself to think that Valve deserves 75% of a mod that costs 0.25 and the creator wont see a profit until after its made over $400. How much of a shill do you have to be? Not to mention that modding is a hobby not a career. I would gladly donate (read: DONATE) money to a modder that i felt truly deserved it but anyone who thinks they deserve even a cent for a sword retexture is greedy and doesn't understand what modding is truly about. Which is the community.
  4. I have this strange glitch when gearlt gets near water and other Effects like fire and mist http://i.imgur.com/6pCIvf7.jpg http://i.imgur.com/mL1K8EC.jpg any ideas how to fix it?
  5. Has anyone made a Gearlt Beard mod? He looks so kick ass with it in the Gamer informer Article and it would be awesome to see that in the witcher 2
  6. Seriously why don't we have one? That game has lived on for longer than it should have because of mods. There's even a Nexus for Fallen Enchantress which only has a total of 26 files on it so why not have a Nexus for one of the best games ever? Just my two cents
  7. It is supported for both the CD and Steam version.
  8. I downloaed the Morrowind Overhaul mod and followed the installation, everything went swimmingly through but when I tried to start up the game it tell me I have to insert a CD now this is most likely because i had to disable the steam overlay. If i enable it the game starts up but the screen is all black and you cant play. But if I disable i cant play at all.
  9. I'd argue that Garrys Mod is the Perfect Machinima Creator
  10. I wanted to give Hadvar a beard and change his hair but I dont know how to preview this change in the CK. Any help? UPDATE: alright I figured out how to Update BUT when I check the boxes for Full or Head the preview doesnt show
  11. Yes actually except it was accidentally, he came at me.
  12. Okay so after getting the money form those three people I follow Brynjloff through the closet and into the secret base but he doesnt say anything besides hmm and it tells me i'm trespassing. Any help?
  13. Hey I also got this glitch, Did you ever figure out how to fix it?
  14. Does anybody else hate the Dark Black and Bleak Loading Screens Skyrim has? I really miss the old Oblivion Loading Screens those were pretty and actually had a loading bar so you know when it was done. Is there anyway someone could make new loading screens like those?
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