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  1. To add random encounters into your overlay you can drag in the PackIn called RE_PackIn_Overlay and arrange the triggers and markers around your POI. After this you sometimes get random encounters when traveling to it. You can remove some triggers to disable some encounters, for example if you do not want spaceship encounters remove all the landing areas.
  2. You have to click 'Terrain' at the top, then Export Landscape, save it the same name as your WorldSpace under Data/Terrain and then you click Data > Create Archive, and pick your exported landscape. Then when you export your mod as .esm it will load. For testing you might want to add this to StarfieldCustom.ini (Create it if it doesn't exist) in C:/Users/USERNAME/Documents/My Games/Starfield [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal=
  3. That happens to me sometimes too, I just redo the cut then. Not sure what is causing it exactly, funnily enough the two times in a row it happened to me I tried having underscores in the ID of the overlay and then on third time I didn't and it didn't happen But I highly doubt that is connected to it.
  4. I think you might have to assign the structures you want a LOD of in a layer that you check the LOD checbox for, not sure though since I have not tried it yet.
  5. Go to cell view, you have to find the map marker from under WorldObjects in the object view and just drag it in to the map on cell view window. After that you can right click it and edit.
  6. So you want to create your own point of interest that has a chance to randomly spawn? First of all you have to find a place for your new point of interest, open up WorldData > Blocks on Creation Kit, double click a block and click preview button in the inspector to see how it looks like: Find a spot you like and press Control + H to open terrain cutting tools, pick an area, in my case I'm making it 3x3, give it an ID as well. Click create overlay when you are satisfied. ' Find your new overlay area in WorldObjects > WorldSpace, right click it and view in inspector then add the BSGPlanetContentManagerContentProperties_Component component to it. Go under WorldData > Location, right click and create a new location for your POI, add the keywords LocTypeOE_Keyword and LocTypeOverlay: Go back under WorldObjects > WorldSpace, double click your overlay and add the newly created location to it: I recommend adding a MapMarker that is already discovered to your location so you can find it quicker in game: Now go under WorldData > Planet Content Manager Tree, open PCM_BlockCreationRequest and find PCM_BlockCreation_DRsRLs, right click and add worldspacecontent, find yours on the list and add it: Here I have removed every other one to make sure it spawns easily, make sure to save your mod and back it up before you remove anything! That's it, save the plugin, start the game, enable the plugin and go see if it spawns in! You can also manually place it on the planet with the console command AddWorldSpaceToPlanetBiome WorldSpaceName PlanetName biomeIndex But that doesn't guarantee it actually spawns randomly in. Edit: To add random encounters into your overlay you can drag in the PackIn called RE_PackIn_Overlay and arrange the triggers and markers around your POI. After this you sometimes get random encounters when traveling to it. You can remove some triggers to disable some encounters, for example if you do not want spaceship encounters remove all the landing areas.
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