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Everything posted by Zero89

  1. Yeah hadn't used FOMM since I stopped playing FO3 in 2012 and picked up NV last year. There is several versions I can download, can you guys point me at the one that is the most up to date. Also a friend told me about the tale of two wasteland mod, going to add that while I still have an fresh install.
  2. So my computer got bsod'ed so hard that it needed to be factory restore. Just reinstalled New Vegas through Steam and the great Steam Cloud God preserved my save files. I am pretty sure I redownloaded every mod I ever used off the Nexus due to my account download history. I used BOSS to sort the order previously but I have no way to be sure I have everything setup the way it was. Not to mention I have to get the mod index numbers right. So I was wondering if I can somehow get a list of what mod is running from just the save file with something like FNEdit or something. I am not adverse to starting over just to make my life easier but with 3 characters with over 800 hour between them, I would really like to keep going with my old ones.
  3. NCR standing is Liked and Karma is Neutral. Did alot of stealing to sell. Well I managed to force the game to give me the peaceful ending. Figued out how to use the console to find the quest variables and then forced it to act as if i have both evidence and set the stage to the level turn it in. The problem with me missing the dialogue options is the fact that the evidence don't spawn unless I physically click on that dialogue option. During my research the evidence might not spawn if on also alreadly looted the locked containers already beforehand, which I didn't do. Codes in the order I used them because goddamn pretty much nowhere explains in what order to use them to bypass the bugged scripts. sqv <quest id>; Show Quest Variables set <"base id".variable> to <value>; change a variable on or off (0 or 1) in my case the variables were bEvidence1 and bEvidence 2 both had to be 1 GetObjectiveDisplayed <stage id> <value>, GetObjectiveCompleted <stage id> <value>, SetObjectiveDisplayed <stage id> <value>, SetObjectiveCompleted <stage id> <value>; these command was on a different page of the FO wiki where they put every console command and they had no description on how to use them. This set of commands appears to be what one uses to turn on or off an objective individually , <value> 0 or 1. The commands listed on the FO:NV and FO3 console command wiki page just brute force the completion of all stages of a quest. SetStage <quest id> <stage id>; this is used to make the game go to the stage of the quest where the objective would trigger something. During my messing around I actually had all objectives active but only the active stage events triggered.
  4. So I am trying to do the Heartache by the Number quest but after finding the last destroyed caravan and talking to Cass, she won't give me the option to finish the quest peacefully. After asking to find evidence to give the NCR the only dialog option avaliable is "Fine, lets deal with this the old fashioned way." As seen here on youtube, I only have that bottom option. Pretty much running mostly vanilla at the moment. I did a fresh install a while back after file coruption ruined my 150+ hour run. Interest came back with the Fallout 4 teaser. Steam ultimate version with the Unlimited Companions mod, Casino Unbanner, and some extra weapons mod installed currently. Just want to see if there is some way to use console to force the dialogue or quest to that stage. Tried firing everyone and running only with Cass and reloading a save from hours before. Maybe it is the unlimited companions mod, I don't know.
  5. Oh I know about tgm but I want to use tdm. From the fallout 3 wiki, there should be tgm and another tdm for FO3 and FO:NV. tdm is only suppose to have half the stuff tgm has. I want to do some cheating but not a lot. :)
  6. I picked the GOTY edition back up again after about a year's break. Started playing around with new mods and stuff and was enjoying it greatly but after awhile I just wanted to explore. I read about the tdm command online and I know people have been using it but when I try it out it does not work. I have look at several sites and did some experimenting but it won't turn on. Is there a particular copy of the game that this command is not included. I am using the Games for Windows Live version not the Steam version from way back that I brought from the used game store. I have both the latest offical and unofficial patches and I have removed all mods and alterations and did a frest install at one point to test to see if there was a problem. I have both the GECK and FOSE. At this point I just think the tdm command is just absent from my copy for some reason. If that is the case, is there a way to add it back in?
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