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About pkmsmith87

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  1. Im knew to Dragon age and I just thought this would make a cool mod can someone make this? A mod with the Avengers Hawkeye Armor, Arrows , and Bow from the cartoon
  2. sry the image didn't attach for some reason
  3. Could someone create this armor for me i suck at moding.
  4. here is the correct link http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2399 And here is Fallout script extender u'll need it http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8606
  5. Are you using the default sniper rifle or a custom sniper rifle? So I know what I'm doing. Might be a bit overkill to say but: The poses that are made have NO functional power, they are only useful for poses. Your (N)PC's can demonstrate the pose but not use it for actual combat. custom sniper rifles mods like these (from the slam sniper pack) i need these as animations for the pc i'm not worried about the npc's
  6. thank you man i appreciate this
  7. could u create an animation from a croched position to a prone position? If somone has already done this can u point me in the direction of that mod?
  8. could u do these mods for me i suck at it
  9. holding the weapon so the blade is under your hand. and i dont use forums alot so i messed up a couple times my bad
  10. could u turn these poses into actual actions/animations in the game to replace the ones they are using for ranged, and melee weapons, and jumping? that would be awsome! here is the link to the poses (http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9857)
  11. if you have nothing helpful to say please dont comment on my topic
  12. Could sombody make this armor and this face so i can use it in game? I'd appreciate it. And also is there a mod where u can hold swords and and knives back handed?
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