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About ElfyPers0n

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  1. I edited a Whiterun house mesh to make a cleaner and more generic looking cabin mesh, but every time I try loading it in the CK it crashes. Any ideas what might be causing this to happen? Here's the file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByQECnFP8q9rMUxmRWNJMnRyRUU
  2. I made a few tweaks to a house nif in Blender, but after exporting to a nif and trying to load into the Creation Kit the CK just crashes. I tried checking the EditorWarnings.txt file and there's nothing there. Here's the file in question: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByQECnFP8q9rMUxmRWNJMnRyRUU (I know there's no collision; I'll worry about that later.) Any ideas what might be wrong with it? Also, I'm using Blender 2.78, since 2.49 isn't working for me. However, similar meshes have exported fine for others using 2.78, so I'm not sure if that's the issue.
  3. Since we don't have access to the problematic file, it might be helpful to give us some screencaps of the issue.
  4. I'm not sure about that, actually. Perhaps. Always good to be safe, though. Have you checked the texture sets on the new version?
  5. Strange. I'm assuming you're using texture sets? Have you made sure that they all reference the correct filepaths? You may have accidentally re-named the folder or something. EDIT: Just checked in the GECK, and with the version on your mod page, the filepaths do line up. You don't have normal maps assigned to them, though. That shouldn't cause this, but you should probably assign some at any rate. EDIT #2: Checked some more, and several of your texture sets do have incorrect filepaths, namely the "0000ts" and "0000wastelandmerchant" ones. Are these the ones having issues, or are they just left over from development?
  6. Fixed it! I just made a silly mistake and adjusted everything based on a bezier curve, which the game doesn't support, so it looked like my adjustments were being ignored when they were really wrong to begin with :facepalm:
  7. Not necessarily. The game doesn't always need to use mipmaps. To export correctly from GIMP, select DXT1 from the compression drop-down list and make sure to check "Generate mipmaps." I've made this mistake myself a few times, and it's a pain because it isn't always obvious at first.
  8. What are you using to create/export textures? On the export dialogue, you need to make sure that it is set to export with DXT1 compression (unless there's transparency) and to generate mipmaps. I'm not sure about the compression at a glance, but you don't have any mipmaps, which is probably what is causing the issue.
  9. Yes, and I do know how to export animations with it. My issue is that when I export keyframe animations as a .kf, it seems to just use the first and last frame of the animation, ignoring everything that may have been in-between and resulting in clipping for animations that rely on whatever is in-between.
  10. Would you know if shape keys work in NV? That would make this all so much simpler. And the Blender tutorials aren't much use, since I've already got that covered. I just need to figure out how to get it into a .kf without losing part of the animation. EDIT: Now that I think of it, shape keys would probably get me into the same issue.
  11. I'm trying to make a folding closet door for a resource/house mod I'm working on, but in order to get it to work with keyframes I need to add several keys in between the start and end points to avoid a visual mess. This works out to be pretty smooth in Blender, but when I try to turn it into a nif it seems to ignore all the keys I added to smooth it out. Is this just a limitation I'll have to work around or is there a way I can get more keyframes to work?
  12. Thanks! I've been searching forever for some tutorials! Only ever thought to check the NV and Skyrim resources, not FO3.
  13. I'm practicing some custom assets in a first dive into 3D modelling, so i'm making a small custom-model bungalow in the GECK. However, to avoid clipping and to fit areas like closets (folding/sliding doors), I would need to make custom door animations. I've tried importing some door models into Blender 2.49b to see how they work, but I can't figure it out. Is it done with key frames, or are the doors actually rigged with armatures? And how can I make my own animations to work in the game with similar models?
  14. Try just going to the drive-in. It's South of Nipton if you haven't played OWB before. Just wait till midnight or so and activate the satellite.
  15. You should see them from the game's start. Try this. Start up the game. At the main menu, hit the "~" key, usually just under Esc on the keyboard. Type in "coc Goodsprings" without the quotes. Now look around. If they still aren't where they should be, you probably installed it wrong or the mod was VERY poorly made.
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