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Posts posted by cewsmoke

  1. In response to post #67068946. #67108151, #67132096, #67139406, #67150921, #67157361 are all replies on the same post.

    carpesangrea wrote: Will this have the Karma mechanic that was present in the original game? That was always something I felt was missing in FO4.
    NicotineCaffeine wrote: I, au contraire, never missed it, not even a bit. So i hope the won't put it. Let's see who will be the lucky one eh? ;)
    AzerDraco wrote: Let's satisfy both of you and make it an optional, just like "hardcore mode" was optional.
    NicotineCaffeine wrote: That would be OK for me.
    metalmouth7 wrote: All of the original core game systems from New Vegas, Karma included, will be present in F4NV. We actually show it briefly during one of our earlier gameplay teasers!

    CivisRomanus wrote: Karma and dharma. Ooooh...not. Two little pink invisible unicorns that tells you what is good and whatnot.
    You gotta shoot'em in the head.
    The karma system is the worst system ever invented by man. Period.
    I wholeheartedly hope NOT.
    My point of view.

    Well, since the head of the modding team just said that it is going to be there (he's the one you replied to). You'll have to learn to live with it.
  2. I'd like to thank you for three things. First, for your excellent reply. I know exactly what I need to do now. Secondly, I really appreciate you offering a thorough explanation regarding my issue. Your time is valuable and you took the time in providing a very helpful answer. That is a very nice thing to do. Thirdly, and probably most of all I appreciate that you did not talk down to me. I am fairly new at modding and it was nice to get an informative answer without even a hint of being patronizing or trying to make me feel dumb. You, sir, are a true gentleman. I wish you the best.
  3. I am making a personal mod that I am having difficulty with. I have tried searching these forums and google and do not seem to be able to find any discussions about it. I have a HUGE number of clothing and armor mods by various authors. I am trying to make a store where two or three merchants will sell all of them. I have the store done and the first merchant is operational. The problem is that none of the non-vanilla clothes or armor I selected in TES show up on the merchant. If I add original Oblivion items, they show up just fine. I add all of the armor/clothes I want to the unique merchant container and they do show up while inside of TES. I of course have ALL those mods selected when I am working on my mod. I also ensured that my mod is the last thing that loads in the load order using OMM (to make sure the clothes/armor already exist before my mod comes into play). Still no luck. The strange thing is when I go back into TES and reselect all of the clothing and armor mods and make my mod the active one and then open the merchant container again it is now empty (or contains only the vanilla Oblivion items I put in). Why does my mod keep "forgetting" the non-vanilla items in the merchant container? Obviously I am missing something really dumb, or I am really dumb (both very likely). Is what I want to do simply not possible or do I need to attack this differently? Any help would be sincerely appreciated.
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