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About Szergely

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  1. Dear Nexus Community, I'm writing this topic to let you know (and to let off some steam) that thanks to Nvidia my Fallout 4 broke 3 days ago. IN SHORT: ROLLBACK NVIDIA DRIVERS!!! Problem solved... :wink: Long, frustrating version: :tongue: I did not change anything the day prior starting up the game, didn't install any 3rd party software, my antivirus behaved like the good boy he is and didn't delete any of my files! When I loaded a save file made yesterday (I mean it was 3 days ago), my game crashed. CTD with not error message. Savefile wasn't corrupt, just CTD. I changed everything, deleted mods, reinstalled, and so on, but nothing worked... I tried to load a reallly old savefile (2017... Yes I have saves that old, because corrupt saves {Thanks Bethesda!}), that sometimes worked, and after that when I tried to load my last save: the game just played fine (I have no idea why). I exited the game and it broke again/CTD. Repeated the steps above, with mixed results... I suspected it was Bethesda's fault (of course, bugs/crashes=game's fault), so I've read through around 73 forum topics (the whole thing), but nothing worked. Than on the 3rd day (yes this should've been my 1st step) I checked my log files what happened beforehand. Antivirus, mods altered in the last week, updates... update? UPDATE?!!! <Geforce Experience driver update on the 25.03.2020> When? How? WHY?! Rolled back to a driver dated the 17th of march and everything works like a charm! What's the moral of the story? - It's not always Betheasda's fault (just 90% of the time)! - Always check the "ask me if there is an update" button! $zergely
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