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About zegh8578

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  1. bla bla bla bla bla bla bla :D bla bla bla bla, bla bla bla-di-bla, bla bla bla # bla bla bla # bla bla # bla di-bla bla! bla bla bla bla bla bla bla :D bla bla, bla bla, bla - bla bla bla! --------> bla bla! <------- Bla bla bla ;)
  2. zegh8578

    Fallout 4?

    i actually want more desert :D i want to, somehow, get the feel of both. in the way fallout 2 tried to present: empty wastes between towns - but once you reach a town (such as new reno) it should be fully populated - well beyond 10-12 npcs, but truly give a feeling of a real city. obviously, in a 3D engine, this would take enormous ammounts of resources, but... thats what i hope for. in real life, even the smallest little hillbilly holes have at least a few thousand inhabitants (which is way more than... 10-12 people), so even in the most desolate of scenarios, it should.. ideally.. be realistic enough to encounter several quite so urban settlements. i want to have my cake and eat it too :]
  3. i really dont like addon packs, because you typically have to pay for them. its too damn sneaky. games should be complete, they should include everything they intended to include from the beginning. they do not forget to include stuff. they save it for the later addon packs, just so they can squeeze even more money out of people, its like charging consumers for patches. Oh sh--, i hope i didnt give them ideas now :0 a real expansion pack is different, cus it adds a whole new gaming experience, such as entire landscapes, entire new storylines, and thus, is worth the effort.
  4. somalia isnt "ruled by anarchy". they simply lack the centralized government that is meant to unify the whole country under one. its not "an experiment"... its the result of absolutely devastating civil war. most of somalian territory is indeed ruled by organized powers, these being warlords, tribes if you will. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d7/Fedmap4.png ^these are all organized territories, none of them are "anarchies". chaotis yes, but still ruled by organizations.
  5. i really enjoy the way you played with the light-source and contrast. you have a controlled but playful line, emitting a sense of chaotic stability, a remarkable mundanity, a sortof mortal vitality i can only say: maestro!
  6. in a sense, people do whatever they want, whenever they want, despite laws and rules people who feel like speeding in a residential area, they do just that. ive been the uncomfortable passenger many a time. people who feel like buying illegal goods, will buy illegal goods whenever they feel like it. people who feel like punching and kicking others, they will do just that. and so on. laws cannot prevent anything. in practice "anarchy" would inevitably be much the same as society as it is just now. in a paradoxal manner of course, since society right now is-and-isnt a practical anarchy, and an anarchy would-and-wouldnt be a real anarchy/become just a normal society by itself. consider this: nobody sat down and agreed that we are going to live in a state society. it just happened.
  7. who's a belgian? the thing with war tho, is that it wont end the world. all it takes is a couple of hundred survivors, from the entire world population, to just carry on the torch. all the worlds nuclear arsenal will _not_ eliminate humans as a species. it will set us back a bit, reduce world populations a bit, but then we adapt. look at ww2, the most epic world we ever had, over 50 million dead, and what did it do to world population? nothing didnt even dent it. soon after, world population was doubled. world population has a troll-face.
  8. why dont we all chip in, and build a mega-huge propulsion engine, strong enough to push the earth out of orbit? that would be the ultimate evil plan of evil and darkness!
  9. zegh8578


    money always exists. inventing facts doesnt make them factual. 2+2=5?
  10. someone better up their game, or im walking away w this one
  11. zegh8578

    New AK

    the top one seems slightly modelled after the irl new AK-200, but then again, its airsoft, they have probably made modernized versions of the AK for years. to be completely honest, the tactical airsoft one looks real messy to me :I i would definitely have taken the wooden one
  12. Well, being right in the lane of fallout wind from Tjernobyll in the -80´s that might be too truth to even joke about :wub: :nuke: saami-ghouls!
  13. ive often imagined a concept of "Fallout Finnmark", as desolate as it is allready, post-nuclear finnmark would be awesome i cant wait :0
  14. i knew it! you guys are just jealous of our close-to-nature-ness! we are fish-whisperers, and its just killing you! thats the most obvious reason of course, but if i react to that it may tip her off, and she will scurry back to the king of sweden: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_KHMfSOu9EwM/S9qQQJH0DKI/AAAAAAAAAEI/UTQMXE24twI/s1600/kungen.jpg he finds out that WE know, and before we know it, sweden has 600 tanks :(
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