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  1. Hey sir! Regarding performance, do you think this mod would improve it? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/73774
  2. Awesome work sir! I've already tracked the mod to download it for my next playthrough!
  3. Awesome! Just came back from vacation, I've also saw the last chapter of Sim Settlements 2 released as well so I'm definetely going to reinstall soon!
  4. Hey glad to see progress! Antistar I've saw you recently mentioned you started preparing the Nexus page, are we close to a release?
  5. Fair enough! Tbh it's hard to predict how a new tool can improve existing logic, only when you try to actually work on the refactor you'll realize.
  6. Hey Antistar! I recently saw that papyrus extender mod "Lighthouse Papyrus Extender", do you think it can help you improve performance in your scripts? Here's the link: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/71420
  7. Well that's awesome! Does it support multiple ammo types as well? Performance wise how impactful it is? Also, do you offer ammo crafting in the Tinker table just like in F76?
  8. Well, to be fair, AmmoTweaks is not available on nexus either, question, what advantages does this system offer in comparison to AmmoTweaks?
  9. It's great to see this mod getting closer and closer to a release! Great job everyone!
  10. Yeah! It felt familiar yet different, kind of a paradox, but it's an accurate description! There are lots of gun mods I would like to see integrated in WARS, like the G11, the MP5, the G3 family, the SCAR and the SIG MCX Spear are some of those!
  11. That's cool! I've recently played RE4 Remake and all the item managing was pretty fun! One of the reasons, imho, that will make WARS and PEACE explode in popularity, we've been kind of orphan in relation to RPG mechanics in FO4, I'm actually excited to see what improvements people will develop on top of WARS, I believe that, once the mod is out, It's going to be one of "those" mods that completely change the modding landscape and becomes a "must have" in every load order.
  12. Well if thats the case it's really weird and, tbh, retarded. Hope there's a way to actually make the turrets work with actual projectiles. I had a fiddle with the bubble turrets and editing their projectile nodes didn't seem to do anything; it may be that you'd need to edit their actual animations in this case. Not sure how it's handled for Actors. I don't think it's worth the time to do a deep dive into that and start experimenting with it just for these few turrets, so I've changed them back to hitscan for now; that'll be in the next update. I had a really close look at the turrets when firing, using console commands to slow the game down so I could see the bullets in flight, and (at least with ballistic projectiles) they're actually originating from behind the surface the turret is attached to. So they're hitting the wall/ceiling/etc behind the turret, basically. Oh, also; you may want to be careful with the "R" word there; that's considered a slur. Thats...Actually even worse than the original assumption, which at least considered that the projectiles were originating from the actual entity rather than some arbitrary point behind it, oh well... Also apologies, didn't know that I couldn't say that word.
  13. Well if thats the case it's really weird and, tbh, retarded. Hope there's a way to actually make the turrets work with actual projectiles.
  14. Hey just occured to me, is Isathar still working on AmmoTweaks V2? Also I just though I would share this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/69904 Wouldn't it allow for ammo crafting or it's using the same workaround? Also, would it be possible to do patches for mods like Armament or Munitions?
  15. Thanks for the explanation! Also, oof, only one item as an output? That's quite a limitation, why did they do that? I doubt it was because of time constraints, like you explained before at the start of this thread, I believe they were mostly inspired by arcade shooters and not other RPG's.
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