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  1. I intend on installing a mod called Femout4 which makes all the males appear female. However, instead of merely making the women wear skimpy armor, I would prefer entire nudity. I was wondering if Fallout 4 had a mod similar to this one: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64064/? If not, then I wonder if anyone is working on one? Femout 4 for anyone interested: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26098/?
  2. Hello everyone. I am looking for someone to make a jockstrap armor or reskin that is just a jockstrap on an otherwise naked body. I would like for this jockstrap to be a black jockstrap that fully expose the buttocks but also completely hides the vagina on the female character body. If this is made into an armor, then it solely covers what a jockstrap normally covers. If this would be done better as an underwear texture, then do that. Either way, the buttocks and anus must remain entirely uncovered. Thank you in advance.
  3. This is intended for a nudist playthough, so armor replacements are not vital.
  4. Plenty of female body mods exist for New Vegas already, even though most of them are not thick enough for my tastes. However, I am wanting a nude male mod that looks sexier than the rail-thin ones with pancake asses.Is it possible to make a male body replacement that has a meatier, thicker, and larger bubble butt? I know this is not a realistic request, but we can just say radiation gave males Nicki Minaj asses and call it day. I would also like the body texture to be fully nude and include an erect penis and testicles. For a reference, this is around my ideal shape, maybe a bit larger: http://img01.deviantart.net/067c/i/2017/104/c/2/artica__icy_finger_by_killacam1982-db5u8dz.png
  5. Can anyone make a change to Curie's synth form by making her black? When I try to edit her with the slm console command, changing skin tone is impossible. Keep the hair and everything as is about Curie, but I'd like to see her with the next to last dark skin tone. I am using the Leocid2 CBBE body via BodySlide, so I hope that this change will not be incompatible with that mod. A mod I got to edit Piper seems to not conflict with CBBE and the body I use, so this should be fine. Thanks in advance.
  6. Neither of these mods are exactly what I am looking for, plus I want a mask that is specifically a surgery mask.
  7. Hey everyone. After searching through the Skyrim Nexus more than once, I am unable to find a surgery mask or anything similar. In fact, most of the masks cover the entire face, and that is not what I am looking for. What I am looking for is for a plain white or light blue surgery mask for female humans and elves. Nothing extravagant, just a regular surgery mask that covers the lower face. Thanks.
  8. You do have a point, but this is a game where EVERYONE who can be married ALWAYS wants you. Skyrim is oddly bisexual.
  9. Hey everyone. Since I am roleplaying a lesbian character, my female High Elf naturally focuses on women more than men. However, there is no option to have the Speech perk Allure attract the same sex instead of the opposite sex, and likewise the Agent of Dibella only focuses on the oppsite sex as well. Is there a way to change these perks to only have their effects happen on the same sex rather than the opposite? I have already gained both in-game, so I am not sure if that will be an issue. Thanks.
  10. You can change your side, but only by handing the other faction the Jagged Crown. After that, you're in for that save file.
  11. Hey everyone. Is there a mod that turns all of the Marked Men in Lonesome Road into regular Ghouls? I'd like to keep the four named Marked Men as Marked Men still, unless it's easier to turn ALL of the Marked Men into Ghouls. If changing their race does not alter their appearance, then possibly modding the Marked Men race to appear identical to Ghouls is also fine. There is no need to change their factions, as I still want to fight them. Thanks.
  12. Excellent work, friend. I should come to you more often.
  13. No, because I don't have the High Heel system. Anyway, latex style sounds very sexy, so I'd prefer that. This will look lovely.
  14. Do what you need to. I'm just happy that someone is meeting my request. If the stuff with disposition is unable to be met, just give me some bonuses to blunt, armorer, and restoration. (Minor ones. I don't want to make my sissy Redguard TOO OP.) If you can't find a mask, I won't push it. I have Ren's hair anyway. P.S. May I ask what kind of textures you'll use? Also, you have permission to upload this and let others download it.
  15. Hey everyone! I'd like an armor to made. Before I describe it, I should let you know that I use this body mod: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/34442/?tab=3&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fid%3D34442%26user%3D2&pUp=1 Specifically, I have the nude option on with the Hirdas BDM body enabled. As such, I'd prefer if the armor used the same body. (I will still accept a DMRA BBB body, of course.) For the armor itself, I want a light pink surgery mask, long light pink gloves that go to the elbows, light pink stockings, and hot pink heels. Do not cover the rest of the body. Make it Light Armor, and have the same protection as the Imperial Dragon Armor. If possible, add an effect that sends the disposition of all females up to 100 while all males get their disposition dropped to 0. I'd also like it if another effect that boosted damage against females, but again, only do it if it's possible. Lastly, make the armor rather cheap so I can get it repaired without breaking my wallet. Thank you.
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