Hey everyone! I'd like an armor to made. Before I describe it, I should let you know that I use this body mod: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/34442/?tab=3&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fid%3D34442%26user%3D2&pUp=1 Specifically, I have the nude option on with the Hirdas BDM body enabled. As such, I'd prefer if the armor used the same body. (I will still accept a DMRA BBB body, of course.) For the armor itself, I want a light pink surgery mask, long light pink gloves that go to the elbows, light pink stockings, and hot pink heels. Do not cover the rest of the body. Make it Light Armor, and have the same protection as the Imperial Dragon Armor. If possible, add an effect that sends the disposition of all females up to 100 while all males get their disposition dropped to 0. I'd also like it if another effect that boosted damage against females, but again, only do it if it's possible. Lastly, make the armor rather cheap so I can get it repaired without breaking my wallet. Thank you.