I don't understand the question - do you want to retexture armor ? Then it's not the creation kit you need , but NifScope . I'm no pro at modelling so I cant help you here. If you just want thalmor soldiers to wear the armor from the top mod you don't need the second one. Open up your creation kit. You will see 3 windows - I will refer to the big window to the left as the object browser. Before we will continue we must first select an active mod. The changes you make in the CK will be saved into the active mod. Go to file -> Data (Or the folder picture on your toolbar). Click twice Skyrim.esm. find the thalmor armor thing .esp file in the list , click it and press "Set as Active" . Press ok. What I just did ? (it's a bit complicated so read it only if you really want to know how to mod) What it does is showing your skyrim game (you loaded skyrim.esm) and the armor mod. Note that any other mod you installed is not visible because their .esp is not activated. Note that in order to combine mods it's not enough to just select them and set one of them active as each one of the mods can't see the other. It means you cannot use things from one mod in another without transferring them. For this very reason we set your armor mod as active, so we won't have to import the armor. Now in your object browser go to Items -> Levelled item. Randomly click on an item in the list and start typing "SublistT" . It should bring you down to the thalmor sublists. Select the ones with the glass (with and without helmet). Now in your object browser go to Items -> armor. Find the armor you want in the list, if the creator of the mod is indeed giving meaningful names it will be easy to find this armor. If not you'll have a good example as to why you should use meaningful IDs. When you found this armor drag it from the object browser to your levelled item window. Drag all armor pieces you want and press ok. What I just did ? Levelled items are Bethesda's way to randomize loot and make it fit the player's level. This same mechanism is used in the character’s outfitting system. Those sublists you edited are parts of a bigger levelled list that controls Thalmor armor. It is later selected on each thalmor soldier as an outfit. Now in order to save your progress just go to File -> save or press the save button on the toolbar. Accepting Kudos :D , nah rate whatever you like :)