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Status Replies posted by aterl

  1. 232 Endorsements and no thumbs down! It's not such a high number (Compared to single mods that have all those endorsies alone... :3), but I'm so happy people enjoys my mods! I love you all!!! ^-^
    1. aterl


      Noooes, New Vegas's mods. :3


      Oblivion's Oculus barely got views. X3

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. 232 Endorsements and no thumbs down! It's not such a high number (Compared to single mods that have all those endorsies alone... :3), but I'm so happy people enjoys my mods! I love you all!!! ^-^
    1. aterl


      W-what? N-no don't congrats me! I'm thanking you guys!! X3
    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Lollipop...
    1. aterl


      This philosophical discussion is harder to understand than a Lvl.5 Inception!
    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. I have been on the internet for many years. I may not be multilingual but I have friends in most countries of the world.
    1. aterl


      I know right!

      That may be one of my favorite things of the internet, language isn't really a barrier, it can be easily ignored by the fact many share the same passion...you can learn a bit! I've had a lot of fun mixing into groups that share the same interests, to the point you can learn many things from around the world!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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