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About iLily

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  1. Che, no tas en clan dlan? :p
  2. ♫ 。*H*A*P*P*Y* 。 *N*E*W* 。 *Y*E*A*R* 。♫
  3. Thanks for the reply :) I was thinking the Iron Maiden one.
  4. My mods are mostly re-textures themselves, but I guess you could also part from one of mines if you'd like to, just let me know which one you are planning to tweak. :)
  5. Do you by any chance give out permissions for retextures of your mod?
  6. Entrañable escena, Lady in the Green , te sumerge en un mundo de ensueños de la mano del artista que la ha creado,


    un amigo:)

  7. I'm just happy you like it. I count my work succeeded then :)
  8. OH wow! I was amazed! The great balance between your comedy and plot is only outmatched by the dedication you've put on it, and I can tell you since I've tried myself!

    Great job, wish I could lend you more kudos!

  9. Done and done. I have just finished my latest comic and I thought you might be interested :)


  10. How goes the playing of the Skyrim!? :D
  11. Iron Maiden - Jo's Rest Add-on Pack (Beta) is now available! Finally! http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39874
    1. VisseNekku5746


      Wow! That's really nice work. Doodles included. The blade especially caught my attention. Very nice
    2. vvk78


      Looks like a cool mod! Well done!
    3. Lazysheepherd


      I don't play with such mods generally.

      But as long as I seen, this looks awesome!

      Cool mod.

  12. I cannot wait for your shield to come back out again! I was torn when I come back to your mod and it had 3000 downloads not 300. Great work! (Kudos!!)
  13. Lily Would you be Weleasing the Iwon Dynasty Armour ! Pweaseee
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