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  1. Also, there is an issue with JK's Skyrim and the latest USLEEP (3.05). Apparently Arthmoor changed some of the terrain meshes in Windhelm to fix havok collision issues and this messes up JK's Windhelm (in any edition of JK's--I personally use JK's Major Cities). But yeah weirdly enough most of the crashing occurred during snowfall while on clear days it was OK. However, also deleting the new USLEEP meshes for Windhelm also solved the issue and I can enter Windhelm at any time again.
  2. I am having almost this exact issue with a bunch of other mods. I can usually download the main file but not the optionals but several other mods I can't download anything. Also started last night and is still happening.
  3. Are there still plans to release 3.0 this weekend? I must say I'm really excited! Also, I noticed that the list of patches on the official readme does not include the Frostcrag Village patch so I was wondering if that was still going to be released with the mod or not.
  4. Yikes, it appears Arnan actually falls out of the world and disappears... definitely makes the quest impossible...
  5. Ah, then it's likely an issue with Better Cities. The layout of Skingrad Castle exterior has changed significantly. There is a courtyard there but I think Arnand might be inside a wall when using BC.
  6. Sorry, I probably should have posted again rather than editing my last post. So, I go to find Count Hassildor for the first quest to get masons. I can't get to him because he's holed up in the castle. But none of his stewards have topics related to KR and I had to cheat to get up to the Count and neither did he have any KR topics. Am I supposed to wait for something else to happen?
  7. Zaldiir, I was wondering if it was possible to upload KR 1.1 alongside 3.0 for those who want a lighter mod? Since I can't seem to progress beyond the first quest of the beta and I really want to start a new playthrough with my many mods I'd like to see if 1.1 would work better, compatibility-wise.
  8. Another very minor mod issue is Sounds of Cyrodiil adds some rain hitting tents sound effects for the refugee camp outside Kvatch but when the camp moves the noises are still made when nothing is there. Very minor, but something else to consider. Everything else seems to be working so far! EDIT: Oops, spoke too soon. Look like the map marker for the first KR quest--to ask Count Hassildor for masons--points to the vanilla main door to Castle Skingrad but as I have the most recent Better Cities installed, this marker points to basically nowhere. Also, the Count is not showing any conversation topics related to the quest... How are we supposed to even get to him, though? I had to cheat and unlock his manor door to get inside because he never comes out except during that Mages Guild quest. He is supposed to be a recluse and won't see anyone (b/c he's a vampire) so, even despite the situation w/ Kvatch, I feel it makes more sense to have the Steward arrange an audience or speak with the Count for you (as per that vanilla quest where the Argonian lady speaks to the Count for you). Perhaps you should change that to asking his Steward instead of asking the Count directly?
  9. Nope, it's just directly on top of the village; the tower is unaffected as far as I can tell. But yeah, that area is far too populated. Have you thought about closer to the Skyrim border? Looking at the UL map I notice an area north of Stendarr Valley or the area northeast of Cloutop Mountains and north of the Reclaiming Sancre Tor area (and the only major mod I can think of between the RST area and Stendarr Valley is Glenvar Castle).
  10. Thanks, I'll give it a try! I'm also running UL, BC, Fort Akatosh, OOO, Oblivifall - LMR, All Natural Weather and Animated Chimneys and Windows. I know you've mentioned KR 3.0 will be compatible with FA and UL (and I believe OOO too) but I was wondering if there was included compatibility for the ACM. Also, I know Oblivifall had a KR patch from a several years ago (for the cave between Gottshaw and Brina Cross as well as use of the Akatosh chapel in Kvatch) and I'm also wondering if 3.0 will be compatible or if it will even still be compatible with that patch. Also, I found that ANW also has a patch for KR and I'm wondering if that would still be compatible too. Still, I'll try it in my heavily modded game and see though (hopefully nothing will explode!). EDIT: Just noticed in Wrye Bash that all the old KR patches require the KR .esm file to work... so I gues new patches might need to be made... EDIT 2: So far I've noticed that KR 3.0 is incompatible with Frostcrag Village (Wethyl Fortress is now directly on top of that settlement). EDIT 3: And the conflict between the fortress and UL is not big but it definitely needs a patch to fix the land tears and floating rocks/tower. Also, I just wanted to note that I'm just making a list to record my findings and don't necessarily mean that you, Zaldiir, should make all these patches for other mods since I know how much you've been working on this project and quite frankly I'm just excited that it's almost done!
  11. Hmm, I'm getting a 404 Page Not Found error when I click on the download link.
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