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  1. it's in the Com... talk quests (ComCaitTalk for example) When the companion speaks the script line: akSpeaker.SwitchToPowerArmor(None) Just don't forget to check wether the actor is wearing powerarmor.
  2. I have a different approach for the conditionals of companions. I think using stages can result in bugs. For example if you "hire" another former companion like Cait your custom companion will be dismissed without updating the stage after all the vanilla script handels this differently. Instead of stages I check for the faction of the companion: hasbeencompanionfaction, currentcompanionfaction. Use GetInFaction to check for them. recruit condition would be hasbeencompanionfaction == 0, currentcompanionfaction == 0 follow/companion: currentcompanionfaction == 1 Here I don't check for hasbeencompanionfaction fired/rerecruit: hasbeencompanionfaction == 1, currentcompanionfaction == 0 you can use scripts also with conversation options so instead of adding scripts to the stages of the quest add FollowersScript.GetScript().SetCompanion(BoxComp.GetActorReference()) and FollowersScript.GetScript().DismissCompanion(BoxComp.GetActorReference()) them to the papyrus/script snippet box of the conversation option.
  3. I am working on a Nora mod. For the voice I go through all the audio files for the female player and copy paste them to create new dialogues. Currently the biggest problem is the Lip Sync since the tool doesn't work on my computer. Nora will appear after the main quest is finished. The player will find her in Diamond City in the detective agency asking the detective or his assistant to find her son.
  4. I think SPERG gives random skillpoints for finished quests. So yes, technically possible.
  5. Forgotten Magic redone has an own line (school) of spells for paladin: Divine Light, Hammer of Justice, Divine Armor and Holy Bolt.
  6. Wow, I am looking forward to the mod, the character has a good voice, and the drunk dialogue is hilarious (from the previous posts). I also like the features you are incuding, good job.
  7. Alternate Start - Live another life Wet and Cold Immersive UI Convinient Horses Vilja (the best companion mod) Cloaks of Skyrim Winter is coming Expanded Towns and cities Interesting NPCs Extensible Follower Framework Pure Water Glorious Grass Realistic Pine Trees Fantasy Soundtrack Project Research Thief Parthunax dilemma Subliminal Traps Sky UI Training Dummies Provide XP Windmills Resized Cerwiden Better Vampires Forgotten Magic Redone get snowy Falskaar For people who like more immersion: Forstfall Realistic needs and Diseases
  8. I don't know about problems with skincolor and vampires I rarely play as vampire but I already had a lot of problems with neckseam and the following two mods are in my opinion the best mods to get rid of it. This mod will help with the neckseam/color missmatch: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29791/? The mature-texture is in my opinion the best texture for unp and has no neckseam (has also alternate textures to make the characters younger again) : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32986/?
  9. Dual Wield Parrying allows you to block with two weapons or one weapon in one hand and spell in the other hand. You just have to press an aditional key (V) for blocking instead of the right mouse button. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9247
  10. The Tribunal robes are quite nice. thanks to SPERG it also makes sense for me to use the unarmored variant. Only downside: The tribunal is a temple, not an organisation of mages. It would be awesome to see some improved versions of Robes from Morrwind. The game had a huge selection of them.
  11. sperg http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24445 levels your skill with the staff I think it also works with dlcs
  12. I don't play female characters in skyrim so I did not use any body mods for some time but then I found some good armor mods for CBBE and installed it. I gave the Armors to my followers. Recently I found the mature skin mod. At the beginning it was only for UNP and therefore I changed the body again. I really love the skin and the variations. Now the mature skin mod already exists for CBBE but I prefer the breasts of the UNP mod.
  13. Fallout 3 had some kind of travelling NPC mod which also added pickpockets to the game who actually stole your money when they bumped into you and then ran away. Combined with a bank mod I really had the fear of losing money so I deposited a lot of money. Banks had a reason to be there. I think this mechanic would be an awesome addition to your idea.
  14. A Wearbear mod already exists. However there are quite a lot of were-creatures/forms in the lore of elder scrolls.
  15. :blink: those armors look brilliant. Some of them look lorefriendly. The Ion Spoiler.jpg could be an awesome vampire armor.
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