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Status Updates posted by Lutine

  1. Well, I kinda checked out for the better half of the year, so I'm actually a bit surprised people actually remember me! xD
  2. Hey, Baldur! I'll take a look at both, but I'm unfamiliar with both franchises. That they're based off of.
  3. Any good current roleplays up?
  4. Heyy! I'm back from, uh, vanishing off the face of the earth... What's going on in the roleplay area?
  5. Don't know Royal Hold'em so Texas, I guess. :P
  6. Sounds like fun, so yes xD
  7. Got it. Going to wait a bit so the site can be sorted out, because presently the colors make my eyes hurt. >.<

    Skyrim needs some more love, too, by the way. :P

  8. I've got Morrowind, but I haven't gotten the time to play it yet. I'll take a look at the roleplay, though. :P
  9. Happy Chinese New Year!
  10. There's a horrible draft coming from my A/C tonight. Damn, it's cold!
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