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About Falloutdude11

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Thanks for the tip regarding going for a Bain. That seems to have somewhat helped. I tried both manual and OBMM and both ended up rather broken. I swear there's no way I did anything wrong with the manual install but it just patently REFUSED to obey me. This is someone else running into the same problem I did. The two above problems have gone away now, but the text seems to be a bit too big and I can't actually read all of the descriptor text for the races on the character creation screen. Okay, seems like all is well finally. Wish I knew exactly what had gone wrong there. That vexed me for like two days straight.
Recently went through a multi-day process to try and work out a modded Oblivion. Despite all my best efforts however, i've been utterly unable to get the Darnified UI font to function properly. It's always a big blurry black smudgy mess that's borderline impossible to read unless you really like graffiti art. Advice needed. I have tried all the obvious things. Reinstall mod, ini tweaking, changing the fonts listed in the ini, compatability settings, even the basic codec pack. Nothing fixes it. The smudgy text doesn't seem to be a mod conflict either, I tried disabling everything and it still did this to me. Mod Load Order is as follows. Oblivion.esmDLCShiveringIsles.espDLCHorseArmor.espDLCOrrery.espDLCVileLair.espDLCMehrunesRazor.espDLCSpellTomes.espDLCThievesDen.espDLCBattlehornCastle.espDLCFrostcrag.espKnights.espBashed Patch, 0.espWeaponDropFix.espUnofficial Oblivion Patch.espOblivion Citadel Door Fix.espUOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.espUnofficial Shivering Isles Patch.espDLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.espDLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.espDLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.espDLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.espDLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.espDLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.espDLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.espDLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.espDLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.espKnights - Unofficial Patch.espMigMaster.esmMigMiscellanea.espDynamic Map.espLootMenu.espExtended UI.espLINK.espMaskar's Oblivion Overhaul.espOblivion_Character_Overhaul.espOblivion Character Overhaul Hair Edition.espOCO Hair Edition - Unofficial Patch.espNPC Hair Matches Beard.espOCO uses merged teeth.espOCO_Eyes_Fix.esplLet there be Flowers.espHarvest [Flora].espHarvest [Flora] - DLCFrostcrag.espHarvest [Flora] - DLCVileLair.espHarvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.espEnhanced Vegetation [125%].espEnhanced Vegetation SI.espEnhanced Water v2.0 HD.espEnhanced Water v2.0 HD - SI Addon.espReal Lava 1.3.espAll Natural - Real Lights.espAll Natural - SI.espAll Natural Base.esmAll Natural.espImmersive Interiors.espImmersive Interiors - Imperial City.espImmersive Interiors - Landscape Addon.espImmersive Interiors - Bravil.espBrumasNorthernLights.espFalling Leaves.espQQuix - Rock, rock, rock your ship - V3.espRoadLights.espUnique Chapels.espUnique Chapels UOP patch.espBook Jackets DLC Misc.espGlowing Fractured Soulgems.espAlluring Wine Bottles - Mead Patch.espAlluring Wine Bottles.espCM_Better Wine_SI.espPotionReplacer.espGreyPrince.espDynamic Oblivion Combat.espAddActorValues_example.espUnique Heretic Robes.espAv Latta Magicka - Rebalance Complete.espAv Latta Magicka.esmAv Latta Magicka.espMinimalMagicEffects.espUltimate Leveling.espBundlement.espFundament.esmRshAlchemy.espRshAlchemyRecipes.espRshAlchemy - AVU.espCobl Glue.espCobl Main.esmCobl Patch - Hunger Tongue.espCobl Patch - Silent Misc Item Equip.espCobl Races.espCobl Races - Balanced.espCobl Races TNR SI.espCobl Races TNR.espCobl Si.espCobl Tweaks - SI.espCobl Tweaks - Vanilla.espMigFEA.espMigPickpocket.espNew skill - Unarmored.espGOSH.espGOSH - All Natural Patch.espAlternative Beginnings.espWindowLightingSystem.espkuerteeCrimeHasWitnesses.espWorldMapsForAllWorldspaces.espWeapons Of Morrowind - Daedric Crescent.espSpears!.espCloud Ruler Armory - Spear Compatible.espBrotherhoodRenewed.espThe Lost Spires.espVoicesForFemaleDremora.espThe Lost Spires - Cleaned Up Scribe.espThe Ayleid Steps.espBounty Quests.espAuto Update Leveled Items And Spells.espNo Anachronistic MQ Comments.espAoG - Is Anybody Home.espAoG - Greed Arena.espEnhanced Economy.espEnhanced Economy - House prices.espColorful Clothing - Gloves.espColorful Clothing - Upperclass.espColorful Clothing - Middleclass.espEnhanced Grabbing.espUncapped Skeleton Key OBSE.espArtifacts Redone.espVariant Vagabonds.espSM Combat Hide.espQuest NPCs Run.espBetter Dungeons.espLightYourWay.esplDisplay Skill Perk Effects.espDisplay Stats.espConsistent Beggar Voices.espGive Me My Shader Effects.espNo More Wild Goose Chases.esp[cq]ColoredQuests.esplVanilla Style Loading Screens Addon.espTavern Goers 2 - Redux SI.espImperial Horse Armor.espTorchMoreBrighter_Bright_Wide_White.espAgronakChampionHouse.v1.01.espArboretum Wayshrines.espShivering Isles - New Dukes.esplVWD for Leyawiin.esp
So I finally got a fairly complex mod setup going and made it all launch real good. All was well until I got to the point where I decided I wanted to have my character sleep. Made a bed in Sanctuary, put to sleep for 0 hours just to save, and DEAD. I just flopped over dead. Endless loop of die-load-dead-load-dead. Had to go back 45 something minutes of gameplay lost. Idk why it's doing this, but I do know I can't play the game like this. Idk how to get my full load order like this off of Vortex but I know that i've got the BEGONE mod that lets you sleep for 0 hours. Badly need assistance, please, because there's no reason for me to keep playing otherwise.
[WIPz] Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)
Falloutdude11 replied to ianpatt's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Actually, I was able to improve the situation with the unofficial Nexus Mod Manager that had SKSE support, weirdly enough. Now it's a mod causing it not to launch. Without any error. Even in SSEEdit. Somehow. Gotta do process of elimination now. -
[WIPz] Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)
Falloutdude11 replied to ianpatt's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Cool. Latest SKSE64 still fails to launch on my end, with or without mods, however. Same problem as the last time I brought it up, and i've been unable to resolve this problem. Have also tried running as administrator. -
There seems to be a number of mods for Subnautica that are an edit of AssemblyC-Sharp.dll. I don't know if the developers have made an official statement on that, or not. But i'm going to ask prospective modders to NOT do that. Make an external DLL and use a mod loader to make it work. Do NOT make a custom version of Assembly C Sharp.dll. DO NOT DON'T. Sorry if i'm wasting most people's time. It's just that i've seen three of these types of mods, and as far as I know, they are not only incompatible with stuff, but is also illegal to do. Idk, maybe me putting this down will inform people. That's the idea, at least.
[WIPz] Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)
Falloutdude11 replied to ianpatt's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Unfortunately, I am not running an on screen display app on my computer. I tried to hamstring IoBit Advanced Systemcare in the offchance that's what was doing it, but nothing changed. That hasn't solved my problem. -
[WIPz] Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)
Falloutdude11 replied to ianpatt's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Oh. Ok. That still doesn't help me, though. -
[WIPz] Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)
Falloutdude11 replied to ianpatt's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
4. Yes, all my games get installed in there. I don't have 2 drives. I've already tried disabling antivirus and UAC. I think he means to just move it out of C:\Program Files (x86)\ I have mine installed in C:\Games\Steam\ Isn't there a steam loader dll built in, that forces it to be in the proper steam folder? EDIT: Nevermind. Didn't work. -
[WIPz] Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)
Falloutdude11 replied to ianpatt's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I can't provide much help, because I don't know anything about how the other user installed it (aside from a Gopher vid ref). What I can do is assert it should be possible to correct, by demonstrating it working with the same build #. I can provide info about my install, in case it helps provide clues as to what the difference could be. My install I have Steam installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\ but I have steam data on E:\Games\Steam\. My first two thoughts are: 1\ Make sure your Skyrim build is 1.5.23 (this is the ver you can see in File Properties through Windows, is the full build # visible inside Skyrim SE itself) 2\ Make sure you've only got the Alpha build of SKSE64 2.0.6 and didn't accidentally leave the 2.0.4 launcher exe in the Skyrim SE folder ^ if the build #'s aren't aligned then it wont work. 3\ Try without any mod manager 'handling' SKSE for you ^ Honestly I almost never run Beth games without using a manager, but the entirety of SKSE (of F4SE, or any other script extender) is always installed, so even if I'm running vanilla Skyrim SE the SKSE is there. When I started using SKSE64 I installed everything manually, then checked it ran with vanilla Skyrim SE, no mods or anything but just to demonstrate it had hooked in and the 'GetSKSEVersion' command would run from console. And, to be fair, the first time I tried - it did not work. The game didn't crash, or anything, it just didn't load SKSE (I'd had version mismatch between Skyrim SE and SKSE64). 4\ If possible move Steam data out of C:\Program Files (x86)\. ^ If you've got Steam still storing all games in that folder then there's a chance that Windows UAC or antimalware might be interfering I suppose. disclaimer: I actually do software support as my day job, but I don't support SKSE64. I can provide some guidance based on things I can see that could go wrong, but honestly I've never had too much trouble personally getting SKSE working so exposure to actual issues beyond theoretical is limited. 1. Yes, that's correct. 1.5.23. 2. And yes, it's the correct build of SKSE64. Alpha 0.6. If I used an earlier version, the box stays up and tells me to update to a newer version. So I know this is the right version. 3. I already tried that. I specifically mentioned direct launch, as in, directly launching the executable. 4. Yes, all my games get installed in there. I don't have 2 drives. I've already tried disabling antivirus and UAC. -
[WIPz] Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)
Falloutdude11 replied to ianpatt's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Gee, that's really helpful, saying "lol no it works meng". I am having the same problem. Tried with both NMM, direct launch, and ModDrop even. No dice. The command box for SKSE pops up, immediately disappears, and then..................................... NOTHING. -
I was using stable MGE XE.
I actually managed to fix it by just removing all the MGE XE stuff. I think I need to get non-steam Morrowind in order to do MGE XE stuff properly. Also, I already did mlox. Like I said, I tried using tools to sort load order.
I'm more or less at the end of my rope trying to get my modded Morrowind to work right now. On new game, the moment game loading is done, I get this, amidst many other minor texture errors: Script YAC_CH_Startup Trying to RunFunction index greater than function count The script will not run anymore. I'm using both MWSE and MWGE XE, with internal MWSE disabled. Using Nexus Mod Manager, in default Steam install locale. [Archives]Archive 0=Tribunal.bsaArchive 1=Bloodmoon.bsaArchive 2=PT_Data.bsaArchive 3=trollf manor v1.1.bsaArchive 4=TR_Data.bsa [Game Files]GameFile0=Morrowind.esmGameFile1=Tribunal.esmGameFile2=Bloodmoon.esmGameFile3=Morrowind Patch v1.6.3.esmGameFile4=Poorly Placed Object Fix 1.2.esmGameFile5=DN_Dwemer_Tileset.esmGameFile6=GDR_MasterFile.esmGameFile7=Dual Wielding.esmGameFile8=Dual Wielding (Tribunal).esmGameFile9=Dual Wielding (Bloodmoon).esmGameFile10=Better Mining.esmGameFile11=Jobs.esmGameFile12=MCA.esmGameFile13=Better Mining (Bloodmoon).esmGameFile14=Jobs (Bloodmoon).esmGameFile15=Blood and Gore.espGameFile16=Encumberance increaser StrX25.espGameFile17=Vampire Realism II.espGameFile18=Vampire Realism II - TB Add-On.espGameFile19=Vampire Realism II - BM Add-On.espGameFile20=Vampire Realism II - VE Patch.espGameFile21=VersusVivec.ESPGameFile22=Clear Your Name.espGameFile23=MCA - Vampire Realism Patch.espGameFile24=Regional_Mana.espGameFile25=Regional_Mana-BM.espGameFile26=Regional_Mana_Regen-MW+BM.espGameFile27=Regional_Mana_Regen-MW+T.espGameFile28=Illuminated Order v1.0.espGameFile29=Illuminated Order v1.0 - Bloodmoon Compatibility Extras.espGameFile30=Rise To Power.espGameFile31=Shattered Stones - An Earthquake Mod.espGameFile32=Key Replacer Trib & BM.espGameFile33=Amulets and Rings 2.1 Upgrade A.espGameFile34=D2Items.espGameFile35=dwemer_soulgems.espGameFile36=Forbidden Spells 1.1.ESPGameFile37=Lucky Coins.ESPGameFile38=0099_RestoreMagicka.espGameFile39=Tome of Spellmaking Improved.espGameFile40=Assassin Ambush2.5.ESPGameFile41=DN-GDRv1.2.espGameFile42=MDP - Maar Gan - 1.0.ESPGameFile43=Ixtaxh Sewers.ESPGameFile44=Daedric Ruin Expansion - Ashurnibibi.ESPGameFile45=Buy A Farm.espGameFile46=RealSignposts.espGameFile47=Fair Magicka Regen 2.0b.espGameFile48=SpeechcraftBalance.ESPGameFile49=More Barter Gold v1.ESPGameFile50=Natural Healing.espGameFile51=Glowing_Mines.ESPGameFile52=Unique Jewelry.ESPGameFile53=Animal Behaviour.espGameFile54=Encumberance increaser StrX20.espGameFile55=TheBareNecessities.espGameFile56=TheBareNecessities_SleepAndShelter.espGameFile57=TheBareNecessities_WaterSources.espGameFile58=TheBareNecessities_SleepAndShelter_ComesAlive.espGameFile59=Morrowind Crafting 2-1.espGameFile60=Morrowind Crafting Equipment.espGameFile61=Emma_orc_f_heads1.espGameFile62=SN_Gold_v.3.0.espGameFile63=Companion Health Bars.espGameFile64=Time Display.espGameFile65=Vampiric Hunger UI (MGE XE).espGameFile66=BearArmorReplacer.ESPGameFile67=Graphic Herbalism.espGameFile68=Advanced Herbalism - TR & BM.espGameFile69=Advanced Herbalism_patch.espGameFile70=Advanced Herbalism - Planter Add-On.espGameFile71=Useful Starting Spells.espGameFile72=Join All Vampire Clans.espGameFile73=Torgulf's NPC Soultrapping 1.2 Bloodmoon.espGameFile74=ApparatusWeight.ESPGameFile75=AIM_MW_TB_BM_1dot0.espGameFile76=Chalk30-Base.espGameFile77=Chalk30-Glow.espGameFile78=TDM_enablesummonspells.espGameFile79=Staff Enchantment Levels.ESPGameFile80=Pursuit Enhanced.espGameFile81=Regional_Mana_Regen-MW+T+BM.espGameFile82=Shields Up!.espGameFile83=Sleeping Restores All Magicka.espGameFile84=TrueScourge.ESPGameFile85=Welcome to the Arena! v6.6.espGameFile86=Thralls.ESPGameFile87=Morag Tong Expanded.espGameFile88=Service_Requirements.espGameFile89=All Great Houses.espGameFile90=Flee AI Tweaks.espGameFile91=Graphic Herbalism Extra.espGameFile92=Better Bodies.espGameFile93=Better Morrowind Armor.espGameFile94=Complete Armor Joints.espGameFile95=XE Sky Variations.espGameFile96=UFR_v3dot2.espGameFile97=RR_Better_Ships_n_Boats_Eng.ESPGameFile98=DN_Adamantium.espGameFile99=Magic Diversity 1.0.ESPGameFile100=Silt Strider Armor - Ashlander Guards.espGameFile101=Neo's Unique Creatures.espGameFile102=Repair Tools.espGameFile103=New Randagulf's Fists.ESPGameFile104=KRS_TL_DarkTelvanni.espGameFile105=floaty_boaties.espGameFile106=SoundSpellSoundEffect.ESPGameFile107=Complete Books.ESPGameFile108=Correspondances_of_Morrowind.espGameFile109=Alchemy Book_1.3.espGameFile110=Alladin's bottle_v3.espGameFile111=PH_CozyHouse.espGameFile112=Davide's Airship.espGameFile113=trollf manor v1.1.espGameFile114=Tower Vos.ESPGameFile115=FLG - Balmora's Underworld V1.1.espGameFile116=MDP 2016.espGameFile117=Sotha Sil Expanded.ESPGameFile118=Better Morrowind Armor DeFemm®.ESPGameFile119=Vampire_Embrace.espGameFile120=Blood and Gore Morrowind-Tribunal add-on.espGameFile121=Blood and Gore BM add-on.espGameFile122=Blood and Gore Fire damage.espGameFile123=BirthsignsAMFun_BM.esp I've tried sorting the load order with tools, and i've used TESTool to try and fix things, but the game still won't quite work. I've tried moving the installation folder and that doesn't work, because Steam forces it to be in program files, otherwise it stops the game from launching. I've also tried running as administrator. Can't disable internal MWSE on MWGE because then the game just doesn't launch at all.