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  1. Ran BOSS several times and the only warning is on an .esp that I've had deactivated for weeks.
  2. I said in the original post that it didn't.
  3. 6.3.5 of Deadly Deagons, I have Immersive Creatures installed, and I uninstalled SkyRe Helmless Warrior as well. Tried a save cleaner, but it requires that I load my save which I can't do. And just tried making a new character with completely vanilla Skyrim and it works. Ugh, I don't want to start over AGAIN
  4. So this morning I decided to install Deadly Dragons as watching one of Gopher's older videos of him fighting one of them was really neat. Game started up fine until I went to click on Continue. Then the game showed the loading screen for ~2 seconds and crashed to desktop. I figured it was a mod conflict issue and I didn't feel like messing with it so I just uninstalled it so I could continue playing as I was last night. But no, the game still crashed when clicking Continue or loading any save. I even deactivated every mod and tried it yet the CTD at the loading screen continued. I'm absolutely stumped on what this could be and I'd REALLY hate to have to reinstall Skyrim for the billionth time. Here's my load order if it helps: And aside from Deadly Dragons, the only other things I did was add the SkyRe Helmless Warrior mod and do the Reproccer patch as I'd forgotten to do that when I installed it earlier in the week.
  5. Seems as though everyone shares about the same likes and dislikes. Except for the lockpicking and I don't think I saw mention of questlines. Lockpicking The minigame is perfectly fine, but I wish the perks that made it easier to pick instead allowed you to even attempt to pick the lock. It almost makes putting perks into Lockpicking, other than to get that final perk, worthless. Questlines Maybe it's just me, but the questlines are just downright bad. Too short Poor story (Just did not interest me at all) Endings are horrible You don't feel like the leader of the guild once you finish it's questline Then there's the UI that has already been mentioned in probably every post. It should have looked something like this: Nice and organized, takes up the entire screen, has a search bar, has filter options, and it just looks prettier.
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