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Everything posted by Chiramu

  1. I would want to play my Dalish in DA2 :), no Hawke for me.
  2. Ah I only heard "She killed our boys, she dies" line really. And the "see elves travel in packs" and when he was cussing our Nelaros. Maybe it is the dialogue you chose.
  3. I don't remember hearing that line when playing City Elf (I did nothing to alter my dialogue in the game). And you have to remember that this is a sort of medieval time (even in today's society there is a lot of this crap); you've got to remember Sten's question to a female Warden. It is the time that this is set in, "War is the province of men, Eowyn" quote Boromir from the Lord of the Rings.
  4. Ohhh but it's so nice when enemy mages freeze or kill their own party :<.
  5. Ok thanks for the responses guys :). I would like to try it, what class did you play solo through Rusty?
  6. I was just wondering how many of you went around the world without a full party. Is it much harder to only have one or two people in the party? I just wonder because I am thinking of playing a game like this. What are you thoughts? :)
  7. Shoulderpads need to be BIGGER for Dragon Age lol.
  8. If you're a mage dicked around by the Chantry, why would you want to give money to them? And the dalish don't believe in human religion, why would a dalish want to give money to a HUMAN?! Same goes for dwarves too probably, never played dwarf though lol. That is my point.
  9. Ok, I play elves (I like them best) and when you play City Elf I believe there should be an option to seriously kick his ass right then and there. I know you kill him at the end of the origin, but seriously it would be so much better to punch his lights out when he is insulting everyone at the wedding lol. But if you play as a, elven mage or a Dalish, Vaughan is in the dungeon of his estate and he talks to you like you are not an elf. For this scenario, I was wondering if our elves could give him a beating while he is in the prison cell. Or at least fix the dialogue so that it relates to an elf lol. It would be seriously cool to punch his lights out or whatever you could manage with a mod :). And there is another thing when you play through as a non-human. The Revered Mother in Lothering asks you to give her a tithe to the Chantry regardless of what you are. Even if you are a mage (why the hell would a mage want to give money to the chantry?!), a dalish elf or a dwarf (unless you are brother Burkel lol), you still get asked to give money to her. And the options which you don't give money to the chantry are ones that call you heartless and selfish. What if you don't believe in the goddamn Maker?! What then? If there is a way to give non believers of the Maker an option which doesn't give you a bad dialogue telling you are a selfish angel. That would be cool :). I just bloody hate that conversation all the time because the Lothering Revered Mother sees all races as human >.<.
  10. Eww, Orzammar first >.<, I HATE the Deep Roads! So you can guess I do that one last lol XD. Anywho, the first one usually is Redcliffe, although now that I have the skip the fade mod I now go to the Tower first :). After I do the Tower I usually complete Redcliffe, then I go to the elves :). Then I do the Urn, then I go to Orzammar >.<. The Deep Roads is the most annoying one ever.
  11. Just wondering in a modder who has made hairstyle mods would be able to make some hairstyles for our characters referenced from The Lord of the Rings movies :). I think the hair that would be nice to include in a mod like this, might be the curly hair because there is only one curly hair (for men only :<) with the default hairstyles. And for the females, there would be Eowyn's hair, Galadriel's hair or Arwen's. I would love to have really long hair, especially for a Noble human ^^.
  12. I wouldn't mind a Happily Ever After in my Dragon Age game personally, too bad Bioware doesn't want to write a happily ever after in :<. I just wish the PC will have more of a personally vendetta that pushes them in the direction they are going, aside from doing the task out of duty. Our PC needs their own personal reason to fight.
  13. Personally I think the female models are quite realistic. It has been modders that have been making them highly unrealistic (slender bodies - making anorexic women >.>). If anything I think the shoulder pads on men and women are a bit unrealistic though; the costumes for The Lord of The Rings being a good reference. Though I believe the breastplates of massive armour look very right, and when I put massive armour on my elf girl, I did not think it looked wrong in one bit.
  14. In heavy armour you wouldn't see any boob at all, it's a massive amount of steel in front of your chest. How can you see boobies? o_O
  15. I think we also need some type of mod that would stop the fps slowing to a crawl when fighting the Lady of the Forest. Without fail, that fight is always CRAWLING. Perhaps some nice modder could work out what it is about the Sylvan's(the tree monsters, I think that is their name) that makes the fps go slow :<.
  16. I think this would be a good mod too. I am disappointed how the only good bows you get are longbows :/.
  17. Bump Stop bumping. It annoys people and will get you reprimanded. It also does NOT help your request. AS
  18. Well, it would make Alistair look like a pedophile if you had a little girl character *shudders*...
  19. Um, there is romancing options...I think if anyone made a playable child they would be done in for having child porn on their computer >.> or something. It'll also make the romance characters look like pedophiles.
  20. What were the dialogue choices you made? The only one I caught was "That's not true" or something. And did you romance Alistair. God damn that is heartless T_T.
  21. The only character in Awakening whom I really like is Justice...sex with a spirit of justice in a rotting body...>.>, <.<, -.-.
  22. Good job at bumping a thread that was cleared up in the first reply...
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