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About Burgerkrieg

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  1. While cool, the character pool as been so poorly implemented it begs for used tissues in the NYC Port Authority. With the latest patch they finally added some customization options regarding the way soldiers spawn, but the most fundamental problem still prevails: Not only do soldiers still pass by the "Random Props" bin when they walk from the character pool into the game, they also still get a personality change and switch carreers. According to the patch notes, the earlier two of these things have been fixed, but that is just not true, and the random classes thing appears to be there on purpose if you recruit them as rookies. I can't be the only one who finds it irritating their ex-Colombian cartel sniper girl suddenly becomes a heavy-ass grenadier because the game decided to send her on Operation Gatecrasher and she dared to do well, but it would appear so considering no mods aiming to fix this exist. What I want is a mod that: - Makes sure characters are imported properly from the character pool regarding appearance and attitude - Makes sure characters get promoted to their proper class set in the character pool (because why the f*** else would that option be available during customization?) - Maybe makes sure characters are properly saved to the character pool in the first place (I've found my game is prone to forgetting soldier patterns and generally loves to randomize armour) So yeah, I cannot believe this doesn't exist yet when we have awesome s*** like proper cool helmets and a worthwhile loot system. Unless I am completely disconnected from reality, I presume this will be a very popular mod, because it fixes things that should never have been broken in the first place.
  2. So lately I've been thinking a lot about a mod that basically gives you the possibility to acquire the best armor stats available while still wearing the armor you like to wear. MY idea is the following: Let's assume you really like the steel armor, it's your favorite armor of the whole game and you would marry it if you could (Maybe thats a little too far, but I think you get my point). Now let's also say that you are level 50 and need to wear daedric armor because otherwise your enemies would b***f*** the s*** outta you. But you don't like daedric armor. In fact, you hate it! So heres the choice: You either live with style and die horribly as Breakfast for an Elder Dragon or you kick its ass with your daedric armory. But here comes the solution: Stylized Armor! Here is how it works: You go to a workbench and take choose the new option "stylize". You choose your deadric helmet as the "Armor Base" and then select the steel helmet as "Armor Style" and craft it. Now you have a new helmet which is called "Steel Helmet (daedric)". It looks like an ordinary steel helmet but has the stats of a daedric helmet (Which means armor weight, item weight, value and armor level). If you do this with all the other parts, too, you can beat up the Dragon with your steel armor, which is technically daedric. This should work trans-weightclass, too. So if you are a sneaky assassin, but really like the badass demonic style of your daedric armor, you should be able to craft glass armor that looks like daedric armor! The whole thing should work for weapons, too. I am personally a total noob in terms of modding (i tried a few houses, but coding and all that stuff, ya know...) TES games, I just understand the system behind it (in parts, at least). I would really love it f one of the people who are actually more competent in this business than I am (which is basically everyone besides my grandma) would actually mod this into the game because it would add so much more individuality to the players experience. Thanks for letting me waste your valuable time! EDIT: oh f***. I am a total idiot. I just noticed that this forum is not for mod requests. I'm sorry, I'm an idiot. Would one of you mods please be so nice to move it to the mod suggestions forum? Thanks!
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