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  1. as in the title what i mean is create a spell meshes like a fireball or somthing not pre existing i see alot of mods with custom spell meshes but no tuts on it
  2. So i was thinking of making a power that makes my char draw his weapon he would move like in whirlwing sprint mid attack swing and the enemies that are in my line of sight,behind me and hostiles get 20 slashes first i would like to animate a samurai-ish sword drawing just for the power,so any help or tips on animating would be great second help with the scripting part as i have no knowledge in that area or the other for that matter tutorials or somthing would be very apreciated
  3. i should defrag what? and how to optimize textures?
  4. So now i have come across this issue: my char and other things become transparent even the floor sometimes and i can't see anything underwater here's my load order GameMode=Skyrim Skyrim.esm Update.esm Dawnguard.esm ApachiiHair.esm JSwords.esm HearthFires.esm Burning Sky.esp CrainteVomir.esp DarkKnightPaladin.esp dragonslayer.esp Enchanting Freedom.esp FF7 Bustersword.esp gun.esp HoodlessDragonpriestMasksPlus1_0.esp JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp jutsu.esp Kingdom Hearts.esp Insanity's Dragonbane.esp MageBoundWeapon.esp MasterTheTimeAndSpaceTOGGLE.esp MaximumDrive.esp Musket.esp SoulEater.esp TelekinesisImproved.esp Teleport.esp TemptressVixen.esp Black Overlord Armor Set.esp BlueJeans.esp soulcalibur.esp LiFE.esp FNISspells.esp SMSkyrim.esp 1nivWICCloaks.esp Locational Damage.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Illuminated Spells.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities & Town Interiors.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - 3.5 Dawnguard Weathers.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - 3.5 Weathers.esp
  5. Hum i am looking for an armor that kinda looks like this one http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/79803 the armor has been released for a while it was even in the hotfiles thingy
  6. just a mod that would add new npcs non related to the story for assasination some would be in a peacefull house others might live in a castle other migth even be assasin's too and while you look for them they look for you too
  7. There is already 1 called bleach overhaul in the skyrim nexus site.
  8. So now with the dawnguard expansion available and the 1 handed crossbows mod i think the mod needs an update where the sword can be wielded as a gun.
  9. I support this idea its very fitting and would add to the realism-crazed players :P
  10. The Fusion sword from FF7 AC. i found the ff7 blades mod but its missing the side swords and i just find i kinda annoying so could anyone make the sides sword? there was the complete set in oblivion kinda strange isnt in skyrim :l http://www.freewebs.com/finalfantasylast7/First%20Tsurugi.jpg top far right
  11. a spell/power/shout that would make my character float like the dragon priests and use spells like them not removing any animations just a spell that would make me hover and when i want i can turn it off.
  12. so i disabled dawnguard to save and then load dawnguard again to start the dlc fresh but when i disable it when i try to save in game it crashes i tried removing all mods still crashes i wanted to remove dawnguard because i wanted to restart as a dawnguard and i finished the story as a vampire
  13. So im looking for a mod that would change the vanilla runes effect when a weapon is echanted to somthing cooler
  14. That is the kingdom key i was reffering to in my first post.
  15. there is only the ultima weapon and the kingdom key that i have found. so more would be cool at least oathkeeper and oblivion :)
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