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Everything posted by skydragon1978

  1. Coming back to Skyrim after a few months, I simply loaded up most of the mods I'd had before, and I've run into a couple of issues I've never had previously, and have been unable to solve. Firstly, I play as a child character, and downloaded Player Voicesets and a Female Child Voiceset for the previous mod. However, my character is now entirely silent. I don't have any sounds whatsoever. In the Female Child Mod, the files were WAV, and I converted them to FUZ, with no success. It says in the description to drag the folder to the 'Sounds' Folder in Skyrim>Data, but this has no effect. I've dragged the folder into every area I can think of in Sound.....directly inside Sound, inside an FX file in Sound, and inside a Voice file inside Sound. Nothing. Not a peep. I can taunt, using a keypress....but in every 'standard' voice and not the child replacer. Can anyone advise me what I'm doing wrong, please? And the second thing. It's not exactly that I can't die, it's that when I do die, the game just hangs. It doesn't reload, the character simply crumples to the ground in the normal death...and the game doesn't move on. I have to manually restart the game through the Menu. Again, any advice appreciated....I've used all the mods I currently have before without any issue like this, so is it something to do with my game installation? I've noticed a few glitches....when I switch from first to third person view, the characters head doesn't appear instantly, it 'pops' into place after a second or so, and my characters head keeps getting stuck when they look to the side...I have to switch views to get them facing forward. I really don't feel I can be bothered with a large amount of work just to get the game running, so I hope there's a simple explanation.....however any and all suggestions, thoughts or ideas welcomed and appreciated. Thanks!
  2. Just restarting Skyrim after a game-breaking Windhelm glitch. I used the S.T.E.P. guide to return the game to the vanilla state. Verifying files initially indicated 9 missing, despite the game running ok apart from one glitch...skipping voices. NPC's will start to say something to me, and the end of their sentence is cut off completely. Not every time, and both when myself and NPC are stationary, or if one or both of us are moving. After a 2.8 GB download reinstalled the nine, the problem persists. I have Windows 8.1, Realtek High Definition Audio drivers (up to date) running Beats Audio on a HP Envy, Intel I-7 2.40 GHz processor with 12.0 GB RAM and a 64 bit operating system. I'm really not good with tech, probably haven't even given the needed specs......... but I saw something online about reducing to 44100 Hz in your speaker properties, which did nothing for me. Any help appreciated! Thanks
  3. yeah, that works.....just find it a bit 'clunky to have to into the settings every time I enter a tavern, so would like to get rid of the main music altogether
  4. Please ignore my previous post....a google search of images found the mod I was after. It's the 'Ashara Dimonized Dress and jewellery UNP-Male-CBBE' mod. Dunno why I didn't think to search for the images before, sigh.
  5. I'm sure I used to have a mod which gave you 'faction jewellery', specifically the Imperial Dragon or Stormcloak Bear on rings, earrings and pendants. A really nice little addition for immersion, quietly declaring your allegiance even before you've joined either side, or without joining them at all. Really hope someone knows what I'm talking about cos I can see it in my head, just not anywhere online!!!
  6. It's always bugged me that with the Dark Brotherhood, once you've joined, you're in for life. You can't suddenly think 'Hang on, these guys are genuine psycho's, and I don't want to be involved' and then destroy them. Same goes for the Civil War quest, you can't suddenly think 'OK, I initially supported the Emperor, but after walking around Skyrim and meeting it's people, Ulfric has the right of it'. Would it be possible to create a mod to allow you to switch sides? Could open a whole new game experience......allies now hate you, places you were welcome you're now a pariah, and even if you've succeeded in destroying the Dark Brotherhood, surely there will be some members or associates of members who weren't present at your rampage and would really rather like to see your head on a spike now.
  7. Is it possible to do this? I mean the music that plays in the background during the game. I play immersive so have it turned off, but want to have modded music tracks playing when I'm in a tavern, for which I have to switch it back on. It's a bit of a pain and immersion breaking, so if it's possible to get rid of the music altogether, I'd love to know how..thanks!
  8. Just getting going on a fairly heavily modded Skyrim playthrough. Running through the MCM I discovered I had upwards of 20 new hotkeys from mods.RND, Frostfall etc. I'm getting really frustrated by my attempts to 'map' a decent layout for my hotkeys, so many are already used for basic functions like equip and bringing up the map. So my question is, how do you set up your hotkeys? do you use a system to help you remember what does what, or do you just learn as you go? Is there an 'optimal' set up? Looking forward to reading what you do (or, just as importantly, don't do).
  9. I tried the patcher as I thought that was what qwertyzeldar was suggesting...never used it before
  10. Animations aren't the issue, dragonvale. The issue is the actual sword going on the back....it animates from the back but sits on the hip. Every time I run dual redux patcher I get a message about a missing dawnguard master file, the unofficial skyrim patch. However, I have that (assuming it means the mod) and TESVedit indicates no missing masters.
  11. thanks....unfortunately I keep getting errors with that mod. Infuriating to say the least!
  12. As the title says, I'm using XP32....specifically XP32 Maximum Skeleton-XPMS- XPMS 1.94. I select the options for 1 handed swords on the back, and the animation. The animation works, however the sword stubbornly remains on the hip. I've tried this mod and the XP32 Maximum extended, both do the animation but not the placement. I have a couple of body replacers, but I added XP32 last, and select 'yes to mod' when prompted, yet the sword will not move. Any ideas please?
  13. Bodyslide doesn't have hand and foot sliders but it does have textures which have to be loaded as well as the body....that being said, I've still never managed to get it to work, though that's down to me being useless I reckon.
  14. I use UNP, UNPetite, Fair Skin Complexion and Bodyslide. Whenever I try to create a custom body in bodyslide, I get a very similar effect....clothed feet are fine but bare feet are curved, distorted....and do exactly this when my character jumps. Removing bodyslide and reinstalling the other mods fixes it though.
  15. I just encountered an issue, not sure if it's a glitch, a bug, or a user goof, so need a little advice please. My character is set up with Bodyslide, Fair Skin Complexion and UNPetite. I also run Frostfall, RND, Hunterborn and Bathing in Skyrim (I have a lot of other mods but those seem the most pertinent). Basically, I got set upon by a small wolf pack, surviving but badly injured I was drenched in blood. A few (ingame) hours later I found a pool, and washed the blood off, though I didn't have any soap. My body cleaned up fine, but my hands were still covered in blood. I tried washing three more times but the blood just wouldn't come off. I've not encountered this before so I really don't know what I'm dealing with, but I don't want my character running around with bloody hands for the rest of her life! Thanks!
  16. I know this is a long standing issue, I've found several posts about it in various places. However, none of them offer a solution, so I'm giving it one last shot. I use Racemenu to create my character, and it works perfectly, all sliders doing exactly what they should. However, as soon as I finish, name my character and exit Racemenu, my hair style and eye colour are fixed, permanently. The numbers go up impossibly high, far higher than the number of styles/colours I actually have, but without actually changing anything! I have roleplay reasons for changing my appearance, and this is really frustrating. Anyone beaten this glitch, please let me know! Thanks.
  17. Ok, it seems fixed. An auto update had wrecked my graphics drivers. Haven't tested it on a modded game, but on the first ten minutes of a vanilla play, works fine now
  18. I just started getting a strange glitch with bare feet on playable women...they're elongated and distorted. (see my post in the mod troubleshooting forum if you want) Bodyslide was the last body mod I installed, so I decided to uninstall it. this didn't fix the glitch, so I attempted to reinstall. And that's when I received this message: Warning: Could not find both your game installation (registry key) and GameDataPath in the configuration. As the title indicates, I have literally no idea what this means. So far today I've had to run my skyrim launcher to reinstall my skyrim ini file, apparently deleted thanks to a Steam update, install a race compatibility mod for my child replacer (had it before and accidentally deleted it), installed the 'Skyrealism-Crafting Kits' mod, and done what I said before with Bodyslide. Something, somewhere, somehow, has gone very wrong with my game, and I really need dragging out of this mess, please! Thanks.
  19. I've just started getting a glitch with the feet of the playable women. In the initial set up in the footwraps, they look fine. However, when I take them off, the bare feet are elongated and distorted. When the character jumps, the foot mesh and texture (I'm guessing) partially stays on the floor and it looks like I've got chewing gum stretched from my characters ankles to the floor. I have a similar distortion while running, and the feet sometimes disappear entirely through the floor! I know I could (probably) just wear boots at all times, but I'm concerned this glitch is indicating something more serious. I've been messing around with bodyslide, trying to get it to work...and failing utterly. That was the last body mod I installed before this, but deleting it hasn't made any difference. Help!....and thanks.
  20. Is there a mod out there that allows you to craft armour in the wild, without having to find a smelter, workbench, tanning rack or forge? When I first bought Skyrim, for PS3, I devised an interesting challenge where I would go as long as I could without encountering civilisation. I would only use weapons and armour that I found, and try to build up my archer/rogue/thief as far as I could before diving into the quests. Fast forward a few years, and a desire for realism pushed me onto the PC and into the world of mods. However, I find that my old challenge simply doesn't work in a 'real' Skyrim. If I adhere to the realism/roleplay idea of 'don't wear armour you don't craft or improve', then I'm forced to seek a blacksmith in one of the towns (I do know of some in caves/camps etc, but I'd have to fight the inhabitants, which I can't do cos I'm not wearing armour)! What I would like is a mod where I can use, say, a campfire, or even cooler a giants fire, as a forge or smelter, a rock for a workbench, and create a tanning rack from firewood. Or something along those lines. If something like this exists, please let me know...I won't ask for it to be made cos I don't know how difficult it would be but if someone fancies the idea................................
  21. Not sure if this is the right place to post this, if not could someone move it or tell me please. Thanks. So, anyway. I just re-downloaded Skyrim from Steam onto a brand new HP laptop. Unfortunately, I discovered a really annoying glitch in the very first fights. I use the arrow keys to move, Z and X to equip right and left hands, and the mouse-pad to aim. And with all melee weapons, and with some mod introduced throwing weapons, it worked fine. Equip, aim, fire. No problem. Archery was a different matter. As soon as I drew back the bow (and I tested this with 2 different bows and also with and without archery mods) the mouse-pad froze. I couldn't look around, or aim. I had to move, i.e. run or strafe, before I could fire every single shot. Of course, this made archery almost impossible, throwing me off, adding precious seconds to firing time and occasionally exposing me when I was attempting to snipe. The first shot was fine, if the target was still. Any moving target was practically impossible to hit, certainly more than once. After much searching and experimenting, I discovered the solution. There's an options menu called the HP Control Zone. Within that is an option called Smart-sense, which, I quote ' guards against operating the touchpad with accidental contact'. I have no idea why, but turning this OFF, fixes the glitch....you can draw, move the bow instantly without having to move. It does make the touchpad very, very touchy, the lightest brush will move the cursor, which is not good for general use. My suggestion if you have an issue like this, is to create a shortcut to the Control Zone...or where-ever Smart-sense is in your system. Put it right beside your Steam or Skyrim icon on your desktop, and switch it off before you play, switching it back on after. I've never had a glitch like this before, but I hope this might help someone.
  22. I like to play Skyrim as a range character, and was looking forward to getting a game going on my new laptop. However, I've got a problem/glitch/bug, not sure which, that will effectively make playing from range impossible. Every time I draw my bow back, my character freezes. Total lockup...almost. I can move, just not actually fire UNTIL I move. And it's on every individual shot. So I basically have to get in position, line the shot up......aiming to deliberately miss......then move the character such that my shot actually hits. If I overcompensate, I miss, and then I'm usually in a sword fight, which I don't want, or just dead. I can't simply draw my bow, aim and fire. I have to draw, move, aim and fire, so if I need to hit a target with multiple shots it's actually very, very hard to do, re-aiming after every shot.... and whilst you're moving and re-aiming, your opponent is rapidly closing the distance. I had one situation where I spotted an enemy in the far distance, and they were in my face before I'd fired 2 shots...both of which missed because I can't quickly compensate for a moving target. I thought this was an issue with mods, but having removed every trace of Skyrim from my computer and reinstalled just the vanilla game, the problem persists. It doesn't affect melee weapons, which is annoying. I don't have the co-ordination or speed to make melee fighting anything more than a button mashing, unfulfilling bore-fest. I need proper archery, or my Skyrim days are numbered. Help! Thanks in advance!
  23. You go up against dragons, giants, bandits, ghosts, warlocks, and frostbite spiders. You win battle after battle, fight after fight. And come out with barely a scratch. Sure, there are the vanilla scars, for the face. But virtually nothing for the body. I would really like to see a mod, a bit like a tattoo mod I guess, where you can add scars all over the body....a small cut on the ankle where a mub crab got you. A dragon breathed fire and you ducked behind your shield, but your lower leg got burnt. You were captured by the Thalmor and have been left with lash marks across your back. That sort of thing. I find it very off putting that I can go up against the greatest evil the world has yet seen, and come out without so much as a bruise. The only body mods I've seen give you a specific set of injuries and scars specific to your character build. What I'd like to see is the sort of scars a hero would naturally get during the events of Skyrim.
  24. There's a mod around which restores the underwater blur removed by using one of the water improvement mods. Green Water Fix, I think. I don't know the first thing about modding, but that's the sort of effect I think you're going for. It naturally wouldn't be fully blind, but would be enough to make life very difficult.. It might be possible, I have no idea, to make it so that there's blur only on one side or the other depending if your character is blind in one eye or both.
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