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  1. i am getting a huge FPS drop on map screen to 20 and 30 , my gpu is core i7 8700 , 16 gb of ram , and MSI 1060 , even on lowest graphic am getting this issue , can anyone help
  2. all of a sudden all items value 1 gold , they all show in the menu worth one gold and when i sell them they are sold for one gold to which is so bad bug ruining my game any one know how to fix this ?
  3. when i make any changes in racemenu cbbe or TBD morphs i have to restart the whole game so they take effect , it wasnt like that before the changes were effective immediately any idea how to fix this ?
  4. sammaelle made some really good preset here https://www.nexusmod...29418?tab=posts and he gave permission to anyone if he wants to make them a follower , can any one make the red guard preset as follower ?
  5. i watched the merge plugins tool tutorial but it doesnt include how to do it when using vortex , i tried to follow the NMM way but didnt work out for me is there any guide on how to use the merge plugins tool with vortex , is there is send me ling plz all what i am trying to do is to merge some follower mods
  6. any way to resize a mod male armor make it larger ,more muscular
  7. i know all about body slide but there are none for males
  8. any armors in the game from vanilla and mods make my body to small ,however some armors when equipped are same size of my body is there anyway to make these armors that make my body too small same size like my body here are some PICS for armors that makes my body small and also those who doesnt and a naked pic so u understand what i am talking about https://ibb.co/tswK1Bphttps://ibb.co/t2WND2Khttps://ibb.co/RNPmdx1https://ibb.co/JyCc3jShttps://ibb.co/qjWkFNs any help would be appreciated
  9. my feet is sinking to any ground , is there any fix to this i am so tired with my entire feet sinking to the ground all the time i tired to fix it with lazy heels but it make my legs much smaller bug any help on this would be much appretiated
  10. this quest in my time of need is bugged ,it wasnt buged before but now it is bugged , here is the issue when i go to swindler den to confront kematu and i choose to kill him the quest doesn't update when i kill him its stuck , and when i choose to help him and take saadia to the stables we go there he doesnt show up and saadia instantly get paralyze spell and nothing happens after , and before u ask yes my game updated to to latest patch and i amusing unofficial patch by artmoor wierd thing is when i directly kill him the alkir warriors dont do anything they stand still but when i talk to him and choose to kill him they all fight i tried setting stages with console i even tried completly reseting the quest didnt work either i even loaded a much earlier save and still didnt work any idea how to fix this any help would be really appreciated
  11. this quest in my time of need is bugged ,it wasnt buged before but now it is bugged , here is the issue when i go to swindler den to confront kematu and i choose to kill him the quest doesn't update when i kill him its stuck , and when i choose to help him and take saadia to the stables we go there he doesnt show up and saadia instantly get paralyze spell and nothing happens after , and before u ask yes my game updated to to latest patch and i amusing unofficial patch by artmoor wierd thing is when i directly kill him the alkir warriors dont do anything they stand still but when i talk to him and choose to kill him they all fight i tried setting stages with console i even tried completly reseting the quest didnt work either i even loaded a much earlier save and still didnt work any idea how to fix this any help would be really appreciated
  12. many thanks my friend exactly what i was looking for,turns out this manipulator mod is extremely handy one question tho when in the manipulator MCM there is an option to learn all perks i used it once but after switching from ordinator to perks maximus my character i cant use it again , is there any way to reuse the learn all perks option again on the same character ?
  13. all of a sudden without installing any new mods i no longer hear music when playing skyrim , all sounds ad voices working fine just no music , any idea why ? and how to fix this ? i made a new game with the exact same mods and settings and music sounds are workng fine but for my current save they arent
  14. can any one plz help with this issue , i tried everything cant get rid of it even whe i change race and once i reload the game issue happens again , my legs go so small here are some pics for the issue https://ibb.co/qWk5wLv https://ibb.co/S7z45sJ https://ibb.co/wzyX69P
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