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Everything posted by dolphin66th

  1. I know this is old but just wanted to say thanks for this :) Worked like a charm. For the above poster wondering about the track still playing when you exit the cell, for me the track finished it's current timer and then the default music for Oblivion resumed. It was just a few seconds for me so I'm okay with that.
  2. Check out DarkFox127, Elianora, and BestinSlot on YouTube as well as the previously mentioned sites. TESAlliance has a fantastic tutorial series to get you started (Creation Kit Basics, found under Forums in The Enclave, Skyrim Modding School). DarkRider will offer feedback for your screenshots if you post pics of your work there. I have been modding for about a year and have only really used NifSkope to create resources so far, with a little work in Paint.Net (Gimp would work also, or Photoshop it you have it) for creating textures. .dds plugins are available for both (the type of textures used by Skyrim). However you will need Blender/3dsMax if you want to create advanced meshes like armors. Also be aware that Creation Kit is incredibly buggy and can crash often, without warning, especially when using multiple new resources. Save often, and have fun!
  3. Hi all, I was just wondering how I would go about adding a custom location to targets for thieves guild misc jobs. I've figured out the markers to use and location reference types, but what I'm not sure how to do would be editing the Thieves Guild Quest itself. Anyone know how I would go about editing the quest script, or if the game would find the location automatically from the markers? Thank you for any help!
  4. All the default properties attached to the script were filled except prerequisite stage OPT as there is no prerequisite quest. MyQuest was set to the correct quest, I tried stage 0 and stage 10, neither had any effect. Disable when done was set to true. I had removed the triggerbox since it still didn't make the dialogue appear.
  5. Yes. I use Alternate Start (Live Another Life) but I have tried loading from a brand new vanilla start with all mods disabled except mine as well. No luck.
  6. Hi everyone, I am trying to build a village mod and would like my custom NPCs to be able to offer dialogue and scenes. I have followed the steps in the Bethesda Quest Design Fundamentals series on this page for Bendu Olo's Only Hope, and as far as I can tell I have done everything correctly, but my dialogue refuses to appear. I have, per other tutorial videos (BestinSlot's quest design, 3 videos basically doing the same thing) recorded silence for all my characters' dialogue lines, I have tried the quest as start-game enabled or disabled, using a SetStageOnEnter triggerbox, tried a SetStageOnLoad script attached to my quest, even tried deleting the GetStage condition in my dialogue even though the tutorials said to put it there. I've double checked my conditions and they are exactly correct. I tried a sqv MyQuestName command in the console and it says the quest is running and the aliases filled properly. I tried a ForceGreet package with my quest topic as the dialogue subject. Still nothing. I have generated a SEQ and moved it to the correct place, so I am completely at a loss as to what I might be missing. Knowing me, it's probably something that will be, in hindsight, blatantly obvious, but at the moment I'm fresh out of ideas, and the dialogue still won't appear. Can anyone suggest what I may have missed? Any help much appreciated.
  7. I figured out the trainer issue, but I'm still having trouble getting the NPC to say the dialogue lines. Anybody?
  8. Hi all. Bit of a noob question here, my apologies. I'm having trouble getting an NPC to speak the dialogue lines I've written for her. It's an Argonian NPC who's an alchemist, but I don't know if that's particularly important to know, just a bit of background. I've followed the steps in the Creation Kit dialogue tutorial from Bethesda and bestinslot's dialogue tutorial video on YouTube. I've set the dialogue lines to only be said by my NPC, recorded silence since I don't want to do voice acting for her (if anyone would be willing to do a female Argonian voice for me, please pm), set the dialogue to force subtitle and done the -generateSEQ:mymodname.esp thing. I moved the SEQ to Data/SEQ. Tried starting a new game, no effect. Can anyone tell me what I might be missing? Also, just an aside, my trainer NPC won't train. The dialogue for that is working but she just says you've already learned all I can teach you, even for a new character with a skill level of 20. I'm not sure what I missed there either since I thought I did everything. Thanks for any help!
  9. I ran into the same problem with creating a new script. Something buggy with the latest version of the CK is what I was told. In your Skyrim data folder under Scripts there should be a file called scripts.rar. Extract that into Skyrim/Data/Scripts/Source and you'll be good to go.
  10. Mostly to learn to do things properly from the start, but I'll definitely keep this in mind for later. I've had relative success copying and pasting from within cells like Breezehome, but it's never quite as neat and pretty as I'd like. Thanks for the link :)
  11. Hello everyone. So far my experience with modding has been that if something isn't working for me, it's usually something very simple I'm missing. I'm hoping that is the case here. I've managed to successfully create armor mannequins, weapon racks, and make the beds give the well rested bonus. However, I'm still experiencing major issues with bookshelves. I have carefully read http://www.creationkit.com/Tutorial_Bookshelves this tutorial and I thought I followed the instructions correctly. I have also watched this tutorial by Darkfox127 and followed the hints. My bookshelf still is giving me problems: I have one of two issues when I have attempted to get it working: either the books fly off the shelf as soon as they are placed in the container (despite a collision barrier) or, for some reason, despite having placed a link to the PlayerBookshelfContainer in the linked references tab, the container won't spawn at all when I try to activate it - nothing happens. Can anyone please point me in the right direction as to what I might be doing wrong? I have tried several times starting from scratch with the same issues, I have tried more space than necessary between the books, all with no improvement, so it isn't even a load/save issues or things being placed on the shelf incorrectly. I don't know what else I might have missed or placed wrong in the render window. Help?!
  12. It's working now, both sound and effect. I guess it just didn't work when I tried to auto-fill the properties - I had to do it manually. Thank you so much for your help.
  13. Yes, it is. I tried filling the properties but I'm not sure if it worked. I will try that, thank you!
  14. Thank you :smile: Edit: Okay, so this is what I have so far. Scriptname AAAKathyTestScript Extends ObjectReference {turns on the waterfall effect and sound} ObjectReference Property FXWaterfallThin2048x128 Auto ObjectReference Property AMBWaterfallSmallLP Auto bool Property Fade = False Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference triggerRef) If (FXWaterfallThin2048x128.isEnabled()) (AMBWaterfallSmallLP.isEnabled()) FXWaterfallThin2048x128.Disable(fade) AMBWaterfallSmallLP.Disable(fade) Else FXWaterfallThin2048x128.Enable(fade) AMBWaterfallSmallLP.Enable(fade) EndIf EndEvent I also tried just using myLinkedRef (using linked ref objects) instead of the actual objects as properties, with the same result: I pull the chain and nothing happens, and yet the script compiles. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm very new to this. FYI, both objects are set to initially disabled. As you can tell, I really don't have any idea what I'm doing, lol ;)
  15. hi all, apologies for the noob questions. I'm getting a little frustrated trying to find what I'm after on creation kit wiki since I'm not sure exactly what to search for. Arrgh. This is probably really basic to some of you but.... I have to start somewhere right? All I'm trying to do is toggle a fx with a button (I want to turn a waterfall and sound on or off with a pullchain to make a player shower). I can't seem to find an appropriate tutorial anywhere. Can someone please help me with the script? Or point me in the right direction to a tutorial to make my own? Thanks for any help :)
  16. Hi everyone, I am fairly new to modding. I am getting a decent but very basic understanding of creation kit, and there's still some things I don't know. I'm trying to add a custom carriage to a player home mod. The dialogue works and I can climb into the back but then I just sit there. How do I get the fast travel to trigger?
  17. Edit: Disregard please. I think I figured it out.... *** Hi everyone, I'm having a few problems with a carriage and driver. The driver script works, but I don't know how to find the activator to make the carriage usable. Also, there is something causing it to go all glitchy in the game. I'm not sure if it's not liking my landscape editing but it's not staying where I've put it. It collapses and then goes all buggy. I'm not sure if there is anything I can do about that? Thanks for any help.
  18. Thanks, I will check this out. So I actually found the creature I want.... but there's a small problem. It's for Oblivion. I assume the .esp will look for Oblivion but the author included a full set of meshes and textures. Can the resource be imported into Skyrim?
  19. Hi everyone, I am very new to modding but am getting a (relatively) decent basic grasp of the Creation Kit (considering I've only been working with it for a week or so). I was wondering if anyone knows of a modder resource pack that includes basic fabric textures, or could tell me how to make my own? (I have installed nifscope, GIMP, and Blender (with NifTools), but I really have no idea what I'm doing yet with any of those programs). Basically what I'm trying to do is retexture something to make it pink (for a joke for a friend) - and I have no idea how to go about it. It seems like it should be simple, but searching on my own isn't getting me anywhere. Help appreciated :)
  20. Problem solved. In case anyone looks for something like this, everything I was doing was correct but I missed a step. Plugins can't run on their own properly if they depend on another plugin to work. You have to duplicate added modder resources (I didn't know that)... anyway, the spell works now and I uploaded it if anyone wants it.
  21. So, I posted yesterday. Got help with the technical question but I'm still having issues with the spell I'm trying to create. Basically I want to create a simple summon spell that summons a sheep (for a friend, it's a private joke), but I'm having issues with it. I'm not sure what I might be missing. I followed the steps in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhzVRy59roM Using the basic sheep in this mod for the actor NPC: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33273/ In the CK I couldn't preview anything, and in the game the summon spell only summoned a goat, without the sheep "armor." I also tried creating a sheep race, using a duplicated goat and adding the sheep armor as skin. In the game the spell became invisible but summoned something with a goat voice (so that much worked). I was able to preview the armor before so I know the mod works, I was wondering if there is anything I can try to make this spell work. Thanks for any help.
  22. So yep, update + changes to the .ini file seem to have done the trick. I can load the resource mod and the DLC just fine. However the spell doesn't seem to be working the way I want it to (I haven't tried playing with color yet). I get an error saying it can't find the "skin" (sheep "armor") and in the game it just summons a goat (obviously the modder used a goat base + armor to create the sheep). I tried creating a race and now it summons something invisible with a goat voice but I know the mod works (I was able to preview it before). I'm not sure if I've missed a step in creating the spell or if it's an issue with multiple mods?
  23. Er *facepalm* apparently I did need an update. Oops. I was using 1.4.something.... I don't know why I didn't think to check that. Noob mistake oops. Thanks. I'll see if the update helps when it loads.
  24. hi all, so I am new to modding and have just begun to learn how the CK works. I'm having some issues loading the DLC in Creation Kit. I always run as administrator and have done the fixes for "bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1" and made the required changes to my archive section in my SkyrimEditor.ini file. I still get the following error: "File Dragonborn.esm is a higher version than this EXE can load" and the same with any other file I try to load. Skyrim.esm loads with no problem, but I still can't load the DLC. ARRRGH. Is there anything I can do to fix this? Apologies if this question has been asked and answered multiple times. Alternatively (without fixing the DLC issue) I want to go about creating a spell or shout that conjures a sheep, preferably pink for a friend (it's a private joke, long story). I have a mod I downloaded that adds sheep to Skyrim but I get the same load error. Can anyone suggest some way I could go about making my own?
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